The Satan CEO's Woman: He Unexpectedly Fell in Love with Her

Chapter 189 - 189 Reminiscing The Memories We Have Shared

Nathan heaved a huge sigh of relief after he finished telling her everything.

The pain of knowing that he had lost his child without his knowledge was still haunting him.

He hoped that his or her spirit had forgiven him for failing as a father. He should have fought for them and not stayed weak.

Unfortunately, he could not undo everything that had happened in the past.

But fortunately, he was given the chance to be a father the second time around. And this time, he was blessed with more than one baby.

Now, he'll make sure that everything would be okay. That in the eyes of their children, he'll be the best father in the world. And the best husband for his wife, too.

After Nathan told everything to Eunji, his beloved other half, he suddenly felt nervous especially now that she had this unreadable expression written on her face while looking at him.

"Look, I didn't have any idea that she'll show up one day and follow me here. I don't know what her intentions are. And I have no intention of hiding this truth from you."

Nathan sighed as he looked at her who still had that unchanged expression.

"Most importantly, I am completely over her. You are the love of my life now. I was such a fool for ruining my life just because of what she had done to me. And I know I haven't thanked you enough for what you have done to me...thank you...thank you for coming to my rescue. Thank you for saving me from the abyss that I have gotten myself into." He added.

Seeing that Nathan was genuinely expressing his emotions, Eunji's expression finally softened.

And without warning, she grabbed Nathan's nape and took the innitiative to kiss him on the lips.

The kiss they shared, though passionate, it was warm and comforting making Nathan smile in between their kisses.

Though she started it, Nathan asked for control from her which she gave with no hesitation.

Nathan missed her so much and he knew she missed him, too.

But he knew he should stop and be contented of what they could do at the moment. It's for her and their babies' safety anyways.

Nathan stopped when he felt her gasping for air.

"Thank you for your honesty, hubby." Though she was still gasping, she finally managed to break her silence.

When she finally managed to calm down, she continued.

"What you have gone through was so much. What she had done to you was beyond unforgivable. I'm sorry for coming into your life later than sooner." Sadness was very evident in her voice.

But then it turned into anger when she recalled what Nathan had told her earlier.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"I'm sorry for your loss. Whatever her reason was, except if the situation was beyond her control, she should have not aborted the baby. She had made you missed the opportunity of being a father to the poor soul! I'm sorry to say this but because of what she had done, she didn't deserve to be called as a woman and she should not become a mother ever!"

Nathan could feel the anger in Eunji's words. Maybe her motherly instincts had kicked-in that's why Eunji was acting like this.

Nathan could only hug Eunji to comfort her.

"It's okay. Let's not talk about her, okay? She's part of my past, yes. The past that I had managed to let go and had moved forward with your help. The important thing now is us and our future together with our babies." Nathan told Eunji.

"If we'll keep dwelling in the past, nothing productive would come in our life today and in the future. Moving on and letting go of painful memories are far better than living with it."

Move on. Let go but don't forget the lessons these painful memories had given us.

Nathan and Eunji decided to sleep afterwards. They were both exhausted because of everything that had happened on the entire day.

Nathan helped Eunji in cleaning up for the night.

He helped her changed into her pink pajamas and tucked her to bed.

Nathan watched Eunji as she was peacefully sleeping.

After making sure that she was already asleep, Nathan decided to take a shower and changed into a clean set of blue pyjamas.

He then lay beside her and hugged her to sleep.

The following day, Nathan woke up without Eunji sleeping beside her.

Nathan roamed around to look for her. She even checked on the toilet to see if she was there but unfortunately, she was not there.

Nathan immediately felt panic since he could not find her inside their room.

He tried to call her but she left her phone.

"Damn it!" He could not stop himself not to curse.

He also called his men to know if they had seen her went out of the building or the campus but they reported negative. He called Iris to know if she had seen her but the latter told him that she's no longer living at the school dorms because she's staying with Alice.

Alice and Iris had decided to rent a decent apartment near the school and the hospital just in case of emergency.

Alice and Iris had been living together a day after Eunji and Nathan's wedding.

Now that Alice's fifteen weeks pregnant, and was having a healthy pregnancy, Iris had decided to be supportive to her as her partner.

Going back, Nathan's only last hope now was Kelly.

However, when he made the call, it was Mo Jing-sheng who answered Kelly's phone.

He was told that Eunji was not with Kelly because the latter was still peacefully sleeping on their bed. And from the sound of his voice, it was clear that he had just woken up.

As he realized that Eunji was missing, Nathan immediately grabbed a jacket from his closet and wore it. He then grab the car keys, phone and his wallet on the coffee table and hurriedly went out of the room not minding that he was still in pajamas with a messy hair.

Imagine everyone's surprise when they saw the mighty CEO and the owner of the school roaming around the campus still wearing a pajama.

"Have you seen my wife?" Nathan asked the group of people who were about to go to the cafeteria for breakfast.

Before they could even answer him, Nathan left them in a daze.

"So handsome!"

"He smells so good!"


They screamed on top of their lungs the moment they realized what had happened.

Nathan looked around to look for Eunji's silhouette but he could not find her.

Then, a little girl approached Nathan and gave him a card to read.

Nathan tried to ask her on who gave the card to her but the little girl didn't sold that person out.

But looking at penmanship on the paper, he immediately recognized the owner.

'Looking for me? I'm sorry if I wasn't beside you when I woke up. From where you are, go to the fountain and look for a similar card hidden underneath one of the flower pots there.'

A beautiful smile bloomed on his face when he was trying to decipher of what his wife was up to.

Nathan did as what the letter told him to do and ran towards where the school fountain was.

He found the card placed inside a plastic envelope placed under the pink pot.

Nathan didn't wait any longer and opened it.

Whatever the contents inside the envelopes are, Nathan's smile widened.

Then, he saw a series of arrows pointing towards a certain direction.

Nathan followed them and stopped when there was a stop-over sign.

Then a little boy approached him and handed an envelope with a photo.

Actually, the first envelope was the photo she took Nathan that night at QPRC. That was the first night that Nathan accused her of being a paparazzi because she was carrying a camera with her.

Nathan flipped over the photo and chuckled when he read the caption written at the back.

'The ever dashing man who had stolen the beautiful night scene. The beautiful view was stolen by you.'

The second envelope contained the first photo they had taken together. It was the night where they had shared their first kiss underneath the moonlight.

Nathan flipped the photo and read the caption.

'Sparks flew when I felt your soft and thin lips against mine for the first time. Now I wonder how many women had gotten the taste of this.'

On the next stop over, Nathan received another envelope with a photo inside.

This time, it was a photo of their marriage certificates.

'Finally your Missus Bai! Wow! I'm sure a lot of women would be after my head when they found out that the man of their dreams is already mine.'

The next envelope which Nathan received was that of the one they had on their wedding reception.

Their official wedding photo which an enlarged version was hung inside their Mansion.

Nathan smiled when he saw how happy and contented they were in the photo.

'Me and You from today until the last dawn of my days.'

The last photo Nathan received was the first photograph of their babies.

'Me...You...Them...Ours...Inspiration...Happiness...Feeling blessed.'

'Everything has changed the moment you came and together, we made these precious creatures which are dwelling temporarily inside me for the next coming months.'

Nathan didn't realize that these arrows had brought him towards the direction of the gazeebo which was located in the East side of the campus.

There, he finally saw her silhouette.

He heaved a sigh of relief when he saw her sitting on the chair looking towards him.

Nathan smiled and Eunji reciprocated that smile with a warm one. There were sparkles in her eyes and Nathan have been very satisfied seeing them their rightful place.

Nathan raised his brows when he saw her still wearing her silk pajamas underneath the black with red inner lining trench coat of hers. She was still wearing her slippers and socks.

She was also wearing a beanie to protect her head from the morning cold.

It was still seven in the morning and the weather was cold.

This made Nathan to frown and wanted to scold her for going out with such thin clothing underneath the trench coat.

However, his desire to kiss her at the moment was so strong that he grabbed her by the waist and tucked her in front of him and without warning, he kissed her.

Nathan could hear soft moans coming from her as their kiss heated. But just like last night. Nathan decided to stop or else be would need an early cold shower because be could feel him getting harder down there.

Good thing the jacket he was wearing was longer that it helped him in covering his growing erection or else it would be so awkward sporting one while walking on the hallway with her.

He had to divert his attention to something else or else he might lose his self-control. He didn't want to be called an animal on heat.

"We've been sharing kisses for heaven knows how many but still, your reaction was always the same." Nathan started teasing her which made the tip of the latter's ear turned red.

'Shut up!" Eunji growled softly.

"You're so greedy for my kiss that you'd not stop until I'm breathless." She added which made him softly chuckled.

"Of course I have to live up with the reputation of giving you that sparks flying kiss. I don't want to ruin the first impression that you had with our first kiss." Nathan then winked which made Eunji to burry her face in between the crook of his neck right after.

"And don't worry. This pair of soft and thin lips would be yours until the last dusk of my life sadly comes."

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