The Satan CEO's Woman: He Unexpectedly Fell in Love with Her

Chapter 190 - 190: Breakfast Date With Him

Eunji smiled when she saw his wife's ears turned red.

He knew she had caught him off guard.

Seeing that his wife had set up this fancy breakfast on the table placed at the center of the gazebo with two chairs on the opposite sides.

"What are you up to?" Nathan asked her.

"Can't I take my husband for a breakfast date? I just miss spending moments like this with you." Eunji said sheepishly.

"Oho! Is there something that you wanted to ask from me? Come, whatever it is, I'll do it for you." Nathan said as he tucked her inside his strong embrace.

"Nothing. I just didn't want you to feel that you're less of a man because of the awful things you had experienced in the past." Eunji answered truthfully.

Nathan broke off the hug and looked down to look at her.

"Does her presence bothers you? I'll ask the Park to replace her as their representative." Nathan promised to her.

Nathan thought that she was jealous of her.

(A/N: Well, is there any reason for her to be jealous of Nathan boy?)

However to his surprise, Eunji flashed a warm smile that was warmer than the rays of the sun during summer days.

"Silly. I am not! I am more worried than you. I think it's you who are more bothered than I am. She had done so much to you. And I think your reaction towards her is pretty normal."

"Don't worry. I am tougher than you think. The past years had turned me into a man with a strong heart. And besides, I have you now. You are the apple of my both eyes now, aren't you?"

Nathan hugged her one more time.

"Cool. Let's eat before the food turns cold. I just cooked them. I borrowed the cafeteria's kitchen earlier. Of course I did it when they were done using the kitchen. So, I hope you'll like it."

"Of course I will. Your dishes are the best wifey! But I just hope you didn't have any burns this time. The last time you had cooked something, you scalded your hand and cut your finger." Nathan said as he helped her sit on the chair first before he did.

Nathan opened the covers and he was treated with an authentic Japanese breakfast. Rice, miso soup, and grilled fish, tsukemono (Japanese prickles) nori (dried seasoned seaweed), natto (soybeans), kobachi and green salad were placed in front of him.

Eunji had her share of congee as Master Liu had strictly told her to follow his diet plan so her body's recovery would go well.

She was having a serve of slow cooker oatmeal with yogurt and fruit with a twist. She added chili paste in it and of course the medicine that Master Liu had concocted especially for her.

"Wow!" Nathan was speechless.

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Eunji smiled as she was very satisfied by his reaction.

"Wait. You grilled the fish? Wifey, you're allergic to this, aren't you?"

Eunji pursed as she knew she'd be in trouble.

"Ahm. The chef helped me in cooking that. Well, they seasoned the fish for me. And I grilled it. I used a tong. I didn't touch it with my bare hands. So don't worry. I'm fine."

"What time did you wake up just to prepare all of this?" He asked her.

There's no way she would finish this all in an hour.

And here comes the trouble that Eunji was worried about.

"Well...I woke up at two thirty in the morning because I felt like my bladder was about to explode. Hmmm. I could not sleep afterwards so... and an idea popped up in my mind. You know, my mind was more productive at night." She paused as she gulped down as she felt her throat dry up.

"But I didn't wake up during that time. How did you leave without me knowing? Hmmm?"

"About that. Well, I induced you to deep sleep with my needles. I didn't want anything to spoil my surprise to you. Heaven knows how many surprise plans had been cancelled, ruined, etc. this past weeks because it was either someone told you or I have to tell you personally or you have figured everything out yourself before I could even start my plan." She added.

"You know that I am never expecting any returns from you every time I did something good to you."

"As I said, you felt terrible because of her to the point that you had become the worst version of your self at some point. I hope that by doing this, I could show you that you're more than worthy and deserved to be pampered and treated well by the people you cared for and love. That yes. Loosing her was for the best because you have found me at the very end."

"Wifey. You know I no longer care about her. She's a mere part of my past. To me, she's just a representative of my business partner. Nothing more nothing less. Sigh...I'm sorry if I have a messy past. Sorry for the trouble."

"No, you're past is at least less messier than mine." Nathan could see a hint of sadness in Eunji's eyes.

'Stupid!' He inwardly castrated himself.

"But as what you've said, it's all in the past. Past that are meant to remain in the past. And we are happy now. But as I listened to you last night-" she paused as she sighed and continued, "What happened to you had been such an eye opener for me."

"What do you mean? What are you implying?" Nathan's brows furrowed.

"I have been saying that I love you but actually, I have not fully showed it you through my actions. I was so used of your endless pampering that I had forgotten that it's a two-way relationship and not a one-sided one. So I hope that my message had fully reached your heart. Hubby, let me spoil you sometimes, okay?"

"En!" Nathan agreed when he learned the meaning behind everything.

When they finished their breakfast, Eunji and Nathan went back to their place not minding that the people were throwing a questioning look towards them because they were still on their pajamas.

"Because I know you won't be able to change one when you found the space beside you empty." She confidently said when he asked her earlier why she was still on her pajamas.

"Then, let's have an early morning nap. Sleep is very important especially for you.' Nathan reminded her.

As if it was expected, Eunji yawned as she felt sleepy.

"See what I'm talking about?" Nathan immediately pointed out.


As agreed, Nathan and Eunji had came back to their mansion later that day to meet everyone there because she had a very important proposition.

The couple had arrived an hour earlier than the expected time of gathering.

They should be a good host even though the people coming over were families and close friends.

Eunji had changed into a comfortable pair of grey female trousers and deep green turtle neck.

Eunji could hear the footsteps downstairs and she knew they had arrived.

And she should go down and welcome them one by one.

Eunji rode the elevator which Nathan had installed this beforehand the moment he found out she was pregnant with their children.

Actually, he had contracted a builder to do a lot of renovations in the mansion. He made sure that all the floors were covered with carpets and all of the walls have some railings were she could hold onto if ever she felt dizzy.

There were also benches or chairs in random places just so she could sit whenever she felt exhausted.

"Eunji!" Madame Mo beamed in joy when she saw Eunji coming out of the elevator.

Eunji welcomed her with a warm hug and she greeted her back.

"Mom! I miss you!"

"Silly child! I miss you more!" Madame Mo then broke off the hug and then studied her figure.

"Are you okay? How's pregnancy? Does that Nathan brat treated you well? Tell me if he's giving you a hard time and I'll knock some sense at him. Mei won't mind me if I'll discipline her son from time to time."

Eunji's heart well up when she saw and heard her concern at her. She felt her motherly love and it touched her heart making her to be emotional and a tear run down on her cheeks.

"Mom, calm down! I'm fine. I'm recovering pretty well and Nathan had played a big part of that. He is true to his word of staying with me through thick and thin. Pregnancy's pretty hard but Nathan's by my side so I'm less worried." Eunji said but it was her who was crying.

"Good." Madame Mo approved as she was satisfied by her answer and helped her wipe away her tears.

Of course Madame Mo knew what was going on with her.

"Sorry. Hormones."

"Shhhh. I know. It's okay. So don't worry."

Like on cue, Nathan who was talking to Master Mo, Mo Jing-sheng, Master Hua and his friends immediately came forward to meet her.

"Hi beautiful. Can I be your boy friend?" Nathan said as he snaked his hands around her waist hugging her on the process.

Eunji inwardly scoffed as he heard his antics. But still he decided to play along.

"Oh! I'm sorry Ajusshi but I have a very handsome man at home. He's responsible, caring, loving, understanding and have a very long patience when I threw my tantrums. And also, he's super rich! I won't leave him for anyone. He's my husband and I love him." She teased but leaned in to give him a peck on the lips.

"Well, that bastard is damn lucky to be married with a loving, beautiful, caring, compassionate, responsible, understanding and most importantly, a very loyal wife. And it's so good to be that bastard." Nathan grinned as he gave her a kiss on the lips.

"Oh gosh young people. Go and find a room!" Hua Zhang Wei said.

Nathan glared at him but a smirk formed on his lips when he knew what was about to come.

"You damn brat!" Master Hua hit him with the folded news paper and continued. "Look at your friends. They're getting married and was expecting for their babies but what about you? You're giving me a head ache. Go, find a girl and get married! I want to see my grandchild!"

Poor Hua Zhang Wei.

"But Dad! Jeong Ho isn't married as well. And besides I am not ready to be in hell." Hua Zhang Wei whined like a child throwing tantrums.

"At least Jeong Ho have found himself a woman to date. What about you? You haven't even brought a girl home and introduce to your mom and I. You have also avoided the blind dates that your mom and I had arranged for you."

"Dad! Please give me a break. You have been bugging me about this. I want to focus my time in learning about the ins and outs of the company first. And when the time is right, I want to take time in finding the one. I want to fall in love, too."

"Fine. I'll give you a year. If you had not found my daughter-in-law, I'll look for her myself. And no objections this time!" Master Hua said in finality making Hua Zhang Wei speechless.

'What does he even mean? It's so hard to master everything in a year.' He thought.

And besides, he didn't think he could find his soon wife in a year given that he was super busy with company matters.

Now Hua Zhang Wei regretted his decision to speak up. All he wanted was to tease the couple.

"It's okay son. Your father won't be so hard on you if you'll find our daughter-in-law." Madam Hua decided to tease her son making the latter to be dumbfounded.

Hua Zhang Wei happened to look at Nathan's eyes and he suddenly trembled.

Nathan was looking at him as if saying that he deserved it.

Who told him to disrupt their couple sweet moments?

"Enough of that. Seb, stop being harsh to your son. Pressuring him would do no good to him." Mother Mei interrupted as she pushed Grandma Sana's wheelchair as they entered the living room.

"Aunty Mei!" Hua Zhang Wei immediately run towards Mei's side as if everyone in the room had bullied him.

He's glad to have an ally against them.

Mei kind of spoiled Hua Zhang Wei ever since he became friends with Nathan to the point that Nathan came to him and asked if he was one of his brothers.

He could still recall the jealousy in Nathan's eyes when he confronted him.

Of course the answer was a big fat NO.

But Zhang Wei had always been a cheerful and happy kid and he also knew how to make his way into the hearts of the elders by using his charm.

"Right let's not tease nor pressure him. Let the kid breathe." Grandma Sana chimed in as she looked at the pair young couple who were in each other's arms.

"Grandma!" Eunji beamed in happiness as she walked towards grandma Sana.

The latter had been given the clearance to go home earlier today and she was resting in her room when they arrived so she didn't bother her as she wanted to let her rest.

"Dear! You looked amazing! Pregnancy suits you well." Grandma Sana showered her with compliments making Eunji to be shy and emotional at the same time.

"You looked fantastic grandma. How's your recovery?"

"I feel fantastic! Thank you!"

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