The Satan CEO's Woman: He Unexpectedly Fell in Love with Her

Chapter 221 - 220: Trying To Harm My Babies?! I Dare You!

The van halted as they reached their destination.

The two girls brought Eunji out of the van. One of them was Capricorn who made sure that she would not be hurt on the process.

Oblivious to her, Eunji had remembered this small gesture from her and she would be rewarded later.

The car stopped at the back entrance of an old slaughter house located at the remote area outside Beijing. It was not their main hideout though.

This was where they would bring their subjects for the clients to see before they kill them.

Eunji groaned as she could feel her butt going numb because of the longer hours of sitting on the same position.

They then entered the building and a pungent smell of blood evaded Eunji's nostrils. It was not animal blood but human blood.

Seems like someone was killed before she was brought here.

She wondered who was the unlucky person though.

She could hear men talking among themselves while the animals being slaughtered were calling her for help.

The place was very noisy.

She smirked as she thought this was indeed a perfect place to kill someone.

No one could distinguish the difference between a human blood from animal blood at first glance.

This made Eunji to be a little excited. She wanted to see what they were capable of doing to her.

Eunji was then brought inside a vacant room and was forced to sit down on the steel chair. Her hands and feet were both tied now.

Then, the two girls left when they made sure that she won't be able to escape.

Eunji could hear the steel door being locked from the outside.

From the holes of the sack, she could see that the room was pitch black.

Being left alone, Eunji wasted no time and checked herself.

Though both of her arms and feet were tied, they didn't remove her boots.

Maybe because she looked like a weak pregnant woman who was out to but maternity clothes, they never dare to check her if she was concealing any weapons underneath her clothes.

A deadly mistake on her abductor's part which they would soon realize later on.

They underestimated her big time!

Eunji reached out and took a dagger which she had concealed on her boots and used it to cut the heavy duty zip tie on her wrist.

When she successfully cut it, she then did the zip tie on her feet. She massaged her wrist a little and pouted as she was sure they were now bruised and with cuts because of the zip ties.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

When she was done, she removed the black sack which was covering her head and there she was right.

The room was indeed pitch black.

She didn't know if there was any CCTV cameras being installed in the room. It won't matter anyways.

She then formulated tons of scenarios in her head as she waited for her abductor to come and enter the room to get her.

She could easily get out of the room though but she chose to wait.

From the smell of it, she was not the first person who was held hostage and locked up in this room.

She could smell the strong smell of urine in there. Aside from that, there's the faint smell of blood, too.

Who knows when the lights were on, she could see human bones or human feces inside.

Sounds creepy but that was what she thought.

Describing the room as filthy was an understatement.

Now, she was planning on how she would bathe herself after this.

Should she bath in water with antiseptic then?

The smell was starting to irritate her.

"I'm sorry babies, mommy will make sure that we'll get out of here, alive, okay?" Eunji comforted the babies in her belly.

They were hungry as she felt hungry too.

"Don't worry, we will ask dad to prepare a buffet for us, okay?" She added.

As she recalled the dishes which she didn't like to eat when she was still in the first trimester, her mouth started to salivate.

"Damn! They better be hurry or else I'll get out of here and snap their heads off their necks." She said impatiently.

She then heard a faint noise from the outside and it was getting closer.

Eunji smiled and she could not help but flash an evil smirk on her face.

The door was then unlocked and the lights were turned on.

Capricorn was about to approach Eunji but was surprised when she saw Eunji calmly sitting on the steel chair with a cold gaze aimed at her.

Sensing that she was taking time, her companion who was waiting outside also came in. And when she did, she was greeted by Eunji who was flashing a beautiful smile and Capricorn lying on the ground unconscious.

Virgo tensed up and immediately turned on defense mode when she saw the situation she was in.

She only realized that Eunji was dangerous even though she was not holding any weapon on her hand. This made her to be on guard.

She decided to go and subdue Eunji alone but she realized she made a big mistake.

Eunji had beaten her first as she grabbed Virgo's arm and maybe because of the latter's own momentum, she was single-handedly flipped on the air and was tossed on the ground.

She groaned because of the impact.

Everything happened so fast that it took her time to recover. And when she did, she felt a stinging pain on her neck and she passed out instantly.

Eunji then took Capricorn and Virgo's weapons and check if she would like to use any of them.

Most of the weapons they had aside from the guns were already present in her collection which she had kept on her suitcase at home.

She tossed those unnecessary things and kept the guns with her.

She then took one of her earrings and reassembled it to become a small earpiece. It was an earpiece to begin with.

A static noise then sounded on her ear and a familiar voice echoed after.

"Mistress!" It was Tiger speaking to her.

"What's the status?" She asked.

"The group that dared to abduct you Mistress are the Zoddy Gang." Tiger started.


"The big guys were all on the third floor having fun Mistress. We already hacked the building's security system. We had also bugged their cameras and showed a false recording. Don't worry, they were not aware of what was going on in the second floor. Also, we had deactivated any active traps and sensors on the entire building." Tiger finished her reporting

"I made a mess here, can you clean it for me? Don't touch the one wearing a Capricorn mask."

"No problem Mistress."

"Be careful. These people were trained to kill and were dangerous." She told her.

"I got it Mistress. Our team were already surrounding the first floor. In no time, they'll be going on the second floor to join you."

"Any update on who was the client who was paying them?" She asked Tiger/Iris.

"A person named Aimee Park was after your head Mistress." Tiger told her.

"Is she inside the building?"

"No. She'll be arriving at exactly fifteen minutes from now Mistress."

"Oh! Then why don't we greet her on the third floor then?" Eunji smirked.

When she was done, she also placed the bodies on the corner and contemplated whether she should go outside or wait for her team to arrive.

She decided to get out and breathe some fresh air instead of staying inside the suffocating room.

She walked out of the room with a confident pace.

With her KSA Team around, she felt a little relief.

She walked on the hallway and saw the motion sensors in every corner. She used a coin on her pocket and threw it towards the sensor just to make sure. It's not that she didn't trust Iris and the rest, she just wanted to make double check. There's no harm in doing so anyways.

She heard men talking and coming towards her direction. She cursed when she saw that there's no place that she could hide.

She had no other choice but to confront them if worse comes to worst.

Two tall and bulky men saw her and was about to grab her but she quickly threw a quick kick right to the area that hurts so much on the other man while throwing an uppercut at the other.

Her movements were quick and precise and no movements were wasted.

The first man recovered and was about to grab her but she used the gun with a silencer attached to the nozzle to shot him dead at the head while bending her body to throw a kick right to the second man's right jaw.

Eagle who was watching Eunji kicking the man's groin also groaned as he could feel the man's pain from the screen.

"You better be good to your girlfriend or Mistress would kick your buddy too for being an a**" Tiger seriously warned him.

"Of course I am good." He said while subconsciously covering his groin area with his free hand.

Seeing that the first team had successfully penetrated the first floor and knocked down most of the bulky men there, Tiger gave her command.

"Bravo! Alpha! Be ready to go! Continue monitoring Mistress, you are our second eyes and ears inside." She told Eagle.

The battle continued and the man staggered and did not realize that she had already fired a second shot right at his head.

When she was done, Eunji then gently rubbed her belly while whispering, "Hold on tight babies, I'm going to kick someone's ass today. So please be calm inside okay?" Her voice was so clam and soothing like a lullaby for them.

It was like she had not beaten two people earlier.

She then moved and continued walking before others on the third floor would go and check on what had happened.

She carefully walked until she reached at the end of the hallway.

She saw the stairs and climbed up to the third floor.

Unfortunately, while she was on the stairs, she met two ladies wearing the Libra mask and Pisces mask.

"You! What are you doing here?!" Pisces asked her.

Stupid question to ask when the answer was obvious.

Seeing that she was carrying two guns, they pulled out their guns and was about to shoot but they were so slow in doing so. Eunji had already fired at their hand which was holding their guns.

Their guns fell down to the first floor with their blood dripping on the floor.

Eunji was impressed as none of the two were screaming in pain.

Pisces was about to get her concealed weapon from her back pocket but Eunji fired at her too. Now she lost two hands.

Libra was about to do the same but Eunji spoke.

"Do you want to be like her, too?" Then Eunji felt other people's presence and she could feel her forehead ticklish.

A flashing red dot was shining on her forehead.

"If I were you, I'll have second thoughts before I'll pull the trigger. Why? Because you won't know who will die between us if you'll fire that gun."

They really thought she was bluffing but in reality she was not.

The person wearing a Gemini mask had then changed the target and was now aiming on her belly instead. A move which angered Eunji.

'Trying to harm my babies?! I dare you!' Eunji thought.

Then Gemini dared to pull the trigger but before her right index finger touched the trigger, a sharp object hit the fatal spot on her neck and she died instantly.

It was so fast that Libra and Pisces could not catch up. Their eyes widened in shock behind their respective masks.

They then looked automatically looked towards Eunji's direction and they shuddered when they felt the strong oppression coming from the pregnant woman.

Her gaze was also so cold that they could feel a shiver running down their spine.

They could taste a strong killing intent from her.

"Impossible!" They gasped in shock.

"If you still want to keep your lives, move away!" Eunji calmly warned. She spoke as if she was telling them some trivial matters like how thick the snow was outside.

They should feel relief right since she was calm at least by why do they felt the opposite instead?

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