The Satan CEO's Woman: He Unexpectedly Fell in Love with Her

Chapter 222 - 221: The Result Of Underestimating Mrs. Bai

Pisces and Libra decided to not provoke Eunji and chose to keep their lives this time.

They moved away and watched Eunji passing by them.

Then, Eunji climbed all the way to the third floor.

Iris and the rest also caught up with her.

"Mistress!" Iris called. She was holding her shoulder because it was injured.

"Are you okay?" Eunji asked.

"Yes. This is nothing Mistress. Happened to encounter the tough guys. We have successfully tied up all those men in the first floor." She reported.

"Good. Let our men act as a part of the Zoddy Gang just so when Aimee arrived, she won't suspect that something was off." Eunji instructed.

"Alright Mistress!" Iris saluted.

"Where are they?" She asked her.

"They're behind that door Mistress. It's sound proof. According to Eagle, they're having a mini celebration before Aimee arrived. Seems like Mrs. Park paid them big just to get you killed Mistress." Tiger added.

"Let them play as much as they wanted. However we're hungry and still have to put all of these madness to an end!" Eunji said impatiently.

Eunji then approached the door and pushed the button which acted like a doorbell for the others to hear on the inside.

Another bulky man peeked at the small hole and when he saw that no one was standing behind the door, he closed it back.

But when he did, the alarm rung again and this got the boss to be irritated.

The boss and his companion were staying in a resting area which had a huge bed on it.

He was now making out with Leo while Sagittarius was giving him a b***job. The trio were all naked and was only covered with red blanket.

Not a desirable scene to watch but that was how it was going on there.

"Go and check who the hell of a bastard is trying to mess behind the f*cking door!" He instructed through the intercom.

"Sweetheart, relax! Let's continue playing, okay?" Leo suggested which earned a smirk from the guy.

He was close to his release and he could feel his own build up coming.

However, a loud bang coming from the main door outside made them to stop whatever they were doing.

Leo and Sagittarius immediately got off of him and was ready to pull their weapons and shoot whoever was trying to mess with them.

Leo dashed outside and stayed behind the door which was slightly open as she aimed for a sneak attack. She didn't mind getting dressed either. The only thing she had was the gun she was holding.

On the other hand, Sagittarius was staying inside the room with the boss.

Leo turned off the lights and signaled to her other companion to be on standby. They were wearing night vision goggles to see in the dark.

She thought that since she was very familiar with the place, the intruder would be no match to her.

On the other hand, Eunji who was waiting outside with Iris saw that the lights were turned off inside the room.

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This should be a danger sign for her but she didn't mind. Darkness was her friend.

As long as it's dark, she could unleash the darkest version of herself. The most cruel one.

The side of her whom no one of her enemies wanted to meet.

Call her a psycho or a person with multiple alters but that's just who she really was.

She had been in denial about this for years. But now she realized that by doing so, she was hurting them, hurting herself. And she didn't want that to happen again.

Should she really do it now?

She decided not yet. She could handle them.

"Mistress, someone's waiting for you behind the door." Eagle told her from her earpiece.

"I know. Check on how many are there inside the room." She instructed.

If her calculations were right, she had already knocked down five of the twelve Zoddy members. There were seven more and their boss.

But only eight of the zodiac members abducted her. And two of them, Iris had a show down earlier on the first floor that's why she was wounded on her shoulder.

"A total of five. They were hiding and armed." Eagle confirmed on the other line.

"Good. Be on standby. Tell us if you spot Aimee's car."

"Okay Mistress! According to her car's current location, Mrs. Park was stuck in the traffic. It would take her approximately twenty minutes to reach here."

"Okay. Any updates on my husband's side?" Eunji had to asked.

"Well, Mistress, Master Boss is flipping the entire Beijing to look for you. Sadly, you were currently not in there. We've been giving his team false signals to redirect them." Eagle said.

"Good. Keep him away until I say so." Eunji told Eagle.

Was this really okay?

Should Nathan found out where she was, there's no way she could enjoy this little game she's having.

Now, she was thinking of a million ways to appease him just in case he would go mad at her for doing this.

It was also her little punishment for him because he let Aimee to still want him. And she even had the audacity to hire a group of people to kill her.

He should know how to handle those potential mistresses or else, she herself would do the job for him.

Eunji then sighed and disconnected the call.

She then looked at Tiger who was standing beside her.

"Protect yourself. Alice and Victoria still need you." She told her.

"Yes Mistress. Don't worry. Be careful too. Master Boss might get crazy if he would see a single scratch on your body."

"I know. However, it's already too late. I earned two slaps on the face." Eunji told her making Iris to gasp.

"Who dared to do that?" She asked her.

"Someone who is no longer happy with her life." She commented nonchalantly.

She was preparing the smoke bomb and was now wearing a gas mask. Tiger was also helping her in wearing bullet proof vest to protect her tummy. Since she's growing big, she needed two vests underneath her clothing.

"This is so not you. Why did you let her?" Iris asked Eunji.

"Well, I have to act that the drug worked on me or else, all hell would come into that ladies room. And I don't want to risk it. Alice was there and unconscious. You were pretty knocked out, too." She reasoned.

This made Iris to be silent as she helped Eunji with her jacket.

Iris then kicked the door open and signaled for the rest to enter.

As expected, the person who entered first was shot on by Leo.

The smell of blood swept through them.

Eunji was about to go in but Iris stopped her.

"Stay back Mistress. We could not afford to put your life at risk even more. Your lives are more important than this little fun, don't you think so? I'll call you when it's already safe to enter." Iris told Eunji.

"Be careful!" Eunji told her.

"I will Mistress! I still have a wife and baby to raise. So I'll be more careful."

"You better be or I'll bring you back from the dead and beat you myself if you'll die." Eunji seriously said which earned a chuckle from Iris.

Iris went in and shots echoed on the inside.

Bullets were flying everywhere and the room was now turned into a mess.

Bullets punctured the walls and broke the glass windows. Knives were flying. Blood were dripping from the wounded bodies of both parties.

Outside, Eunji called Eagle.

"Whose winning?" She asked.

"Mistress, we're on the winning side but I can't say Tiger and the rest didn't suffer any injuries. We have one comrade down and I'm afraid he's in a critical condition. He needs medical attention as soon as possible." Eagle reported.

"Can you turn on the lights for me?" She told him.

"Okay Mistress." Eagle said and a moment after, the lights in the room was on.

Eunji then got inside the room and a dagger was thrown at her.

She caught the dagger using her bare hand cutting the flesh of her palm open. Blood dripped on her right palm now.

Wasting no time, she flipped the dagger and threw it towards Leo. The bitch who was currently battling Iris.

Because she was naked, there were a lot of cuts on her flesh which cause by Iris' dagger.

Leo had managed to dodge the dagger but she didn't realize there was a follow-up. Both Tiger and Eunji's needles hit her at the same time making her to be paralyzed and knocked unconscious.

"Cover her body! I don't want to taint the innocent eyes of my unborn babies." She said.

Iris then find a piece of cloth and covered the unconscious naked woman.

"Bring their boss out! Now!" Eunji said as she dragged the only undamaged stool chair for her to sit down.

While doing so, she watched ten of her team members wincing in pain because of the wound injuries they had suffered.

She then called Eagle.

"Call my husband and tell him to bring medical reinforcements."

"Copy that Mistress!"

Go and look for some first-aid kits. It might take time for the medic to arrive." She told one of them.

Then, Eunji heard someone cursing and shouting behind the door from the other room.

Then it was pushed open revealing Iris and another KSA agent dragging a wounded man.

The man only had his pants on.

Behind her was a wounded woman wearing a Sagittarius mask.

The woman was unconscious and had countless of bullet shots on the body. Still the wounds were a few inches away the fatal spots.

The shots were aimed to make her lose a lot of blood and not die on the spot.

When the man saw Eunji sitting on the stool chair with her hand caressing her belly, he immediately got angry and started to curse.

Iris hit him with her gun on the mouth making his mouth to bleed.

She also kicked the man behind his knees to make him fell down on a kneeling position opposite Eunji.

When he saw Eunji's pretty face, the man's lust resurface again.

"You b*tch! Should I known you're capable of doing so, I should have f*cked you before I let my subordinates to lock you up in that prison!" He spat.

However Eunji didn't spare him a glance.

Then Eunji heard from the other side that Aimee was close on the area.

"That's good! Bring her in when she arrived." She spoke.

Then she looked at the man and smirked evilly.

"Do you really thought I'd give you the chance to do so?" Eunji then flipped her hair to the other side. She made sure that her actions were seductive enough.

Iris rolled her eyes because of how silly Eunji's actions were.

Eunji then stood up and without warning, shoot him on his groin area.

"Argh!" The man screamed.

"Shut up! You're screaming like a mad woman when your balls are still intact!" Iris scolded him.

Then the man subconsciously looked down and he saw that she intentionally missed the shot. She was clearly playing with him.

"You know, I'm not really a fan of using guns as my main weapon but I guess this would do in practice shooting. What do you think?" Eunji looked at Iris.

"Well, why don't we try it out later Mistress?" Iris told her.

"Yeah. Later. Tie him up and let him sit on the couch! I'll make sure he'll be having fun later. He'll be one of the main characters of my game."

Eunji then walked towards the broken glass window and continued, "As for our second main character...oh! Here she is!"

Eunji then looked at Iris, "Ask our men guarding the first floor to bring her upstairs." She then looked back at the stool chair and decided to sit there again.

Moments later, the door opened and a smiling Aimee got inside. However her smile immediately faded when she saw what was awaiting her inside the room.

"Hello, Missus Park! Have a sit!" Eunji calmly said.

Before Aimee could even comprehend what was going on, she was brought and was then pushed onto the couch beside the man to sit down.

"You!" Aimee bellowed.

"Yes! Me! Surprised to see me still alive?" Eunji smirked.

"What's going on! I thought your people could easily handle her! I paid you to kill her not to be beaten by her!" She angrily told the man.

The man remained silent as everything had just sunk in to him at the moment.

Had he known that accepting the job would mean the end of their group, he should have refused the offer immediately!

Looking at the person owning the heaven defying visual sitting opposite them, none of them would thought that she's capable of doing all these things in not less than a day.

They clearly underestimated Missus Bai!

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