The Satan CEO's Woman: He Unexpectedly Fell in Love with Her

Chapter 229 - 228: Confession

Morning came and Eunji had waken up with a good mood.

She had her breakfast in bed as she felt lazy going down to the dinning table down stairs just to have it.

She was also informed that most of the guests had left early this morning to attend to their regular week day schedules as usual.

The university girls were sent by the chauffeurs back to Imperial University. The Mos and the Huas were driven back by their own respective family chauffeurs to their respective manors.

Mei and Grandma Sana remained and were now currently staying in the living room. But they would be leaving this afternoon for Grandma Sana's routine check-ups at Mo Hospital.

Eunji's photography team had also left as soon as the sky lit up to welcome another cold morning. Only Iris, Alice and Angelina were the remaining guests staying in the mansion now.

Nathan --though he wanted to stay with his wife for the entire day-- had to go to the company because of a big project going on and he had to be there to supervise it until the launching.

He's going to be super busy for the next couple of weeks before the project launch.

Eunji understood him as he had two empires which needed most of his time and attention.

He should not be absent in the office most of the time and neglect his CEO and Chairmanship duties and responsibilities just because she's pregnant.

Yes, she's his number one priority but he must not forget that he's also responsible for more than ten thousand employees whose life were very dependent in every decision he made concerning the companies.

He did have his capable assistants like Marco and Tang Hao but they could not make the difficult decisions for the corporations in crucial time.

The CEO's presence in the company building also had a different impact in the employees' mood and enthusiasm at work. It was like you're confident to work when the big boss was around.

Also, those people who were thinking to go behind his back in the company would always hesitate if the boss was present, right?

And Eunji always made sure that he must not forget about that. But Nathan had always been strict about taking care of her first before any thing else because she had a very delicate first trimester.

But now, she had long past the dangerous stage of pregnancy. And besides, An Qi had been living in the mansion in case something happened to her and the babies.

She also had a lot of help if she needed one so she wanted Nathan to focus his attention in his empires now.

How could he support their three little children if he went bankrupt?

She could support them all by herself actually.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

She sighed as she thought of her supposed life now should Nathan didn't come and turn her world upside down. Of course in the best and more meaningful way.

As she recalled she actually had few businesses of her own, she could not help but sigh. Funny thing was that she had only been in their main offices once or twice since they were established a couple of years ago.

And they didn't even know that she was the owner when she came by.

Now, she wondered if the people she had entrusted to handle the management in her behalf knew that she's still alive.

She was always doing everything behind the scenes.

All she did was appoint someone whom she thought was very capable to handle everything in the front line. But these people had not seen her face. So they didn't know what she actually looked like.

When it came to making big decisions, they would send her an email about it and she would give feedbacks immediately. But now, the emails she received from them were rare. Which made her to wonder if the businesses were doing fine.

But she didn't hear them announcing bankruptcy or had gotten involved to any issues and scandals which could make their stocks to plummet. In fact, they were performing really well in the market.

She was thinking of giving them a surprise video conference perhaps.

Well, she knew that Nathan would never allow her to travel when she was very pregnant. Especially that danger were lurking in every dark corners.

Nathan would surely go nuts if she would hop on the plane and travel overseas just to visit the main office of her companies. So video conference or a mere call would do for now.

Her companies had no branches in China yet, aside from QPRC, Inc. in which the head office was already in Beijing.

Now, she was thinking of maybe putting a branch here and slowly transfer the main office in this country.

This was the responsibility she was trying to think of before this wonderful encounter with Nathan happened.

She had already laid a plan for her to do this year and the next few years.

Quitting her photography career and focusing on being hands on with her businesses.

That's why she decided to apply in University to get a business degree diploma so those other executives won't come and question her capabilities in running her own business even if she didn't need to present any certification in business management and administration.

Well, she's kind of strict when it comes to her own money. She had to make sure that whenever she ventured into something, it should be profitable.

She didn't ask or pick it up from the streets. She also didn't commit a crime just to get it. Hmm...maybe a little because she got most of it by means of hacking and invested the money she gained in stocks which had helped her generate millions of dollars of profit and used them as the capital in putting them up.

Now she realized that she just happened to travel a much lengthier road and kind of shift into another lane when Nathan came. She also had a lot of priorities to take care of along the way but the destination she was heading would always be the same.

Well, she wanted stability to begin with. She wanted to be rich so she could protect her parents when she took them out from their organization. But since they were already dead, she'll use all of these money and resources she had to protect her new found family from harm and danger.

All she needed now is time to make everything in her mind to be realized. She still had to avenge her family's death. Maybe she would get involve in the business world after that.

As it would only bring them worse if she revealed now that those companies were related to her.

The thought of actually having a lot of things to do had lighten up her mood even more.

"How the hell did I just remember it now?" She mumbled in her breath.

Well, maybe because she was so caught up with everything that had happened with Nathan that she had subconsciously pushed everything behind her.

Maybe her temporary memory loss had contributed to why she was now in this set-up.

Happily married with an amazing and outstanding husband and an expecting mother for these three angels inside her. And most importantly, she would never trade it for anything else.

It took her time to finish her breakfast after everything that was running in her mind earlier.

After she was done with her breakfast, she called Angelina to talk about something very important and very heavy one.

She found a suitable place to talk to her which was on the music room which was mainly occupied by the grand piano.

Later on, she heard a faint knock on the door and a smiling Angelina entered the room.

"How are you?" Eunji asked as she beckoned her to sit on the stool chair beside her.

"I'm feeling great! And it all thanks to you." Angelina honestly told her.

This was the first time they got the chance to talk after what had happened to her.

"Nah. I'm more than glad to help you. I have helped Kelly to get out from a toxic relationship in the past before he met Master Mo. So, it's not new for me to help someone who was in the same situation as her." Eunji replied while playing on some keys in the piano.

"You didn't call me here to play a song for you, did you?" Angelina smiled.

"Yeah." Eunji said as she got up from her seat and then pushed the cushioned stool away and knelt on the carpeted floor.

Angelina gasped as she was shocked of what Eunji was doing.

"Oh my gosh! What are you doing?" She anxiously asked while trying to pull her up but Eunji stubbornly stayed on the floor.

"Hey...Eunji. You got to be kidding me right? Get up before Master Bai would come rushing through that door and kicked me out of here." She nervously told her.

"Don't worry. He would not do anything to you. Especially when he finds out that I had committed something unforgivable to you in the past. And I am willing to take full responsibility of that."

As Angelina heard Eunji's serious tone, she felt goosebumps all over her body.

"Wh-at are you talking about?" She nervously asked.

"I was there when you had a concert in Macau. You played exceptionally well that night. I saw your father, too-- Mr. Gurib. I could tell that he was such a loving father to you at first glance."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Angelina asked her as she was surprised when Eunji started talking about her late father.

"Do you know what his last wish was? He wanted to see you complete your concert before he died." Eunji continued.

"Wait, how did you--" Angelina's eyes widened when she thought that Eunji must have been there when her father was killed that night. She gasped in shock as her reaction.

"Tell me, were you there when my father died? Did you see the person who killed him?" Angelina asked in a shaky voice.

Eunji weakly nodded as she felt the weight of the heavy load in her shoulder.

"Who? Tell me who that person was?!" Angelina was overwhelmed by her anger now shaking Eunji back and forth as she impatiently waited for her answer.

Eunji bit her lip as she felt broken hearted seeing Angelina's eyes.

'You can do this. Don't be a coward. Whatever the results, you deserved it.' Eunji tried to motivate and at the same time comfort herself.

She could keep this secret down to her grave but her conscience would not allow her to. How could she move forward in life if she could not even admit the mistakes she had done to the people she had wronged in the past. It's time for her to apologize, right?

A mere sorry was not enough to ease the pain she had caused to the bereaved family.

She heaved a deep sigh as she was about to drop a big bomb into Angelina.

'Look at you, you can't even look at her in the eyes.' Eunji criticized her own self.

Yes, she was ashamed of what she had done that she could not bear to look at Angelina in the face.

"Tell me! Please!" Angelina asked in desperation seeing that Eunji was silent.

"Me." There! She finally said it!

One word... one word that was enough for Angelina's mind to go blank.

Eunji finally had summoned the courage to look at Angelina in the eyes and saw that the latter was frowning as she could not digest what Eunji had revealed.

"Y-ou?...Ho-w?..." Angelina's voice trailed off as she tried to stop the tears that were threatening to fall down from her eyes.

"Oh come on! If you're playing a prank please, you better stop!" Angelina begged.

It was such a bad prank to be honest. But how Eunji wished it was a prank either.

However, it was the truth.

"I'm afraid what I just said is the truth." Eunji said while looking at her this time.

"He drink the poison that I had given him while the audience were showering you their praises for such a good performance. Your father was so proud of you." She said weakly.

Eunji bit her inner lip to stop herself from crying.

"I know that I am in no position to ask for forgiveness but here I am. I'm not proud of what I had done that night. I'm not proud of killing your father. Never will and never will be."

Eunji could see Angelina clenching both of her palms into a tight fists with anger in her eyes.

Seconds later, the latter raised her hand in the air.

Eunji knew what Angelina was about to do so she closed her eyes as she waited to receive Angelina's wrath.

calm and write something...

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