The Satan CEO's Woman: He Unexpectedly Fell in Love with Her

Chapter 230 - 229: The Only Person Who Cared About Her

Eunji waited for Angelina's slap to hit her face however, it didn't come.

She opened her eyes and saw Angelina retracting her arms back to her side with eyes full of tears.

"Why?! How could you do that to my father?!" She screamed while furiously shaking Eunji's upper body.

She wanted to know the reason why. She was desperate to have answers.

"I was paid to do it. No...someone put his name in the bounty board and I took the mission. For the money." Her voice was soft but it was loud enough for Angelina to hear.

Angelina lost it. She had become hysterical and slumped on the floor crying.

Eunji crawled towards her and hugged her. She wanted to comfort Angelina.

But she harshly pushed Eunji away that she almost lost balance and was almost forced to lay down on the floor should she not have fast reflexes.

"Stay away from me! Criminal! How could you do that to my father?! What did he do to you to deserve his death?! You don't know how painful it was for me to see him lifeless on the night that was supposed to be the best night of my life! You ruined it!"

"I know. And I know asking sorry won't be enough to ease the pain and hate that you felt towards me. I don't need you to forgive me for what I did. I am not innocent of the crimes I had committed for having such an awful job which made my hand to be stained with other people's blood in the past. But I sincerely ask for your forgiveness." Eunji said as she looked at Angelina who was bawling in tears.

She hated seeing an innocent person hurting because of her. If this was in the past, she would listen her bawling and cursing from her left ear and let it out on the other.

However, it was different now. She had learnt to be more sympathetic to people. Thanks to Nathan and the rest. They had greatly influenced her to be warmer towards people.

"Who?! Who paid you to kill my father?!" Angelina asked her.

"Samuel." She answered.

"What?" Angelina asked in disbelief.

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"When I checked the order to kill the information that I got was that your father was a head of a syndicate and was funding a terrorist group." Eunji explained as she stood up.

"Samuel and his father was aiming for your family's wealth so they could continue with their plan of widening the scope of their operations. I didn't care about that before. All I cared was that it's a responsibility to execute the mission aside from money." she continued.

She looked at Angelina who was still sobbing on the floor.

Eunji knew that Angelina must have already known what kind of person Samuel and his father was.

Taking advantaged of her silence, Eunji added.

"When I found out that I was being used to kill a man who wanted to change for the better, who wanted to change for your sake, someone whose remaining days were numbered, I felt furious and stormed in your house to kill the man and his father and those people involved in their sinister plots. You were even there when I killed the man."

Angelina gasped when she thought of the night.

"It's you?" Though she could not completely recall the face of the killer, she could still feel the warmness on the person because she didn't kill her. In fact, she treated her as an angel sent from above to save her from her misery.

"Yes. You might have forgotten the memory since I used a gas that when inhaled, you'd be hypnotized to forget about everything that have had happened that night." Eunji confessed.

Angelina's expression became complex. She resented the person who killed her father. But she was also the same person who saved her from Samuel.

And now, she had saved her from her abusive husband.

Now, she owed her life to her.

Angelina felt conflicted now.

"I'm sorry if I didn't let your father to stay longer with you. Had I known that he's terminally ill that time, I would have not done what I did." She sincerely said.

That was what she regretted the most. The father and daughter could have spent more meaningful days together but she cut it short. She didn't even know if her father had cancer when he died.

"It's no use! Your sorry won't bring back my father's life!" Angelina angrily spat.

"Yeah." Eunji sadly agreed.

Then Angelina got up and she started attacking Eunji. But her moves were easily blocked by her.

Frustration was evident in Angelina's eyes.

"Tell me honestly, did you do all of these just so the guilt in your heart for killing my father would lighten?!" Angelina asked her which made Eunji to be silent for a while.

"I killed Samuel because I hated him for using me. I saved you from death because I owe you. Your father told me that he wanted you to have a meaningful and good life even if he was already dead. He wanted me to tell you that personally but I sent it to you through a letter. I hope you received it."

Angelina did. This was the reason why she found out that her father was poisoned to death.

"Honestly, I never thought that we would meet again after all these years. But the Earth is just so small that we crossed paths again." She added.

"I'll never forgive you for killing my father. I want you to bring that guilt until you die! That way, you won't forget about it! You wanted to ease the guilt to have peace in your heart? I won't allow it! That's your punishment!" Angelina yelled in anger.

Eunji smiled bitterly as she felt like Angelina's punishment was a bit cruel. But she'll accept it. She deserved it.

"Alright. I understand. I haven't forgiven myself for what I did either." Eunji sadly smiled.

"Listen to me. Hate me all you want for the rest of your life. I don't care about that. Make this new found anger you have towards me as your motivation to make your self better. Improve yourself! If you wanted to, I'll give you the chance to kill me when the time is right." Eunji told her.

"I'll send you to the island to train with my team. Come back when you're strong enough. Strong enough to kill me and those people who had wronged you to suffer!"

"Don't worry, I'll continue to be the bad guy and watch over your ex-husband. I'll make sure that he'll still believe that you're dead. Don't worry about your properties either. I already had someone to managed it. Your ex-husband would never get a hold of it."

Eunji then wasted no time as she turned around and left the room.

Now that she had sent the message, it's time for her to wait on how she would react from this news.

She didn't want Angelina to make foolish decisions for herself over and over again. So she wanted to give her more reasons to live.

When Eunji found out that Angelina was married to second master Luo, she immediately looked up about the guy.

That's when she found out that the Luos were involved with a global syndicate specialized in human trafficking, smuggling, drugs and prostitution.

She could not help but wonder how Angelina had gotten involved with him. It must be fated.

Angelina had a daughter. The child was abducted by the members of the syndicate and was sent somewhere else to be a drug mule or a child mistress for a rich young master who was a pedophile.

Angelina had tried to seek help from the authorities but the case was pending because there were not enough evidence that would lead them to find the culprit.

As a mother, she would do everything to find her daughter at all cost.

Angelina... had no other choice but to seek help from others. She asked help from her father's dangerous friends whom she had discovered were involved in the underworld.

Through them, she found out about Second Master Luo. She was told that the man could help her in finding her daughter.

Those people didn't inform her who the man really was.

So, Angelina made a bold plan. She approached him and asked for his help. But Second Master Luo was smitten by Angelina's beauty therefore he told her that he would help in exchange of marriage.

Having no choice, she agreed with the hopes that the man would help her.

But the man had no intention in doing so.

He wanted to have a child with her but she refused.

The man was angered by her refusal and accused her of having an affair with someone else.

They had a big argument and he wanted to hurt Angelina. He spilled about her daughter.

He told her that he was one of the leaders of the syndicate who abducted her daughter.

In fact, the child was so beautiful that he could not get enough of himself and touched the girl who was helplessly crying for mercy before he asked his men to throw her into another country and sold her as a prostitute.

Angelina was furious and he wanted to kill him on the spot. But she failed. And that's when Second Master Luo decided to kill her.

She knew Angelina was planning to get back at the Luos for what the bastard had done to her daughter.

And she'll make sure that she's ready for the battle when she came back this time...only if she still wanted to.

She'll be her support behind her back when she faced off with the Luo in the future should there be no changes along the way.

As for telling Angelina to kill her?

Nah, Angelina was named Angelina for a reason.

She's soft hearted. It was her nature after all and was her greatest weakness.

So she wanted Angelina to push herself to be strong so she could protect her daughter who was waiting for her.

That's when she realized that the person who cared her the most was non other than Eunji herself.

Her ultimate goal was to save Angelina from making reckless and dangerous decisions for now.

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