The Vampire Cat System

Chapter 90 The Symbiote Bloodline Thief

Previously on The Vampire Cat System

[After that rank 3 student ran away, Dave more or less became devastated by the action of his teammates who was stronger than himself, the rank 3 had even ditched them, even attacking Paul and ran away from being scared.

Even though he was angry, his body couldn't help but began to shake and all he could think about was the torture he was about to receive, he had also thought of running but knew it was already too late.

Dave then cast three fireballs, before swinging his arms around sending them flying towards Bernard. Each fireball he threw was much stronger than the last, however, he could only manage to hit the ground or the already crumbling buildings making the walls more charred, with multiple fireballs across the wall, he had even managed to collapse the wall.]

However, he soon realized no matter how many fireballs he threw they couldn't touch Bernard it was almost like he could predict where they would hit and their every movement, making him avoid them at the nick of time.

Dave was filled with even more fear when he saw this, as terror struck him. At first he still had a little bit of doubt, if the student attacking him was really 4 but now, as he saw his own missing his opponent like he was doing it on purpose, Dave became frightened.

Immediately he got close enough, Bernard didn't waste any more time before sending Dave flying with his bloody fist, the moment Dave stabilized himself he went forward and punched him some more landing two successful hits until eventually he fell to the ground nearly unconscious.

As he walked towards Dave, he didn't wait for him to start begging before knocking him unconscious. After making sure the two friends were really out cold on the ground, he immediately activated dash and gave chase to the other party who ran away a moment ago.

The moment dash was activated, the place became silent as a graveyard except for the sudden gust of wind that blew across the surrounding quickly leaving a trail of leaves behind.

Several minutes later, Bernard was finally back this time he was reuniting the three old loving buddies together, though the rank 3 was strong nevertheless he had been successful because he had let down his guard otherwise Bernard reckoned he would have escaped.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

'Now for the main meal.' Bernard thought with a look of glee, as a smile appeared on his lips.

After looking at the three of them for a while, he still couldn't decide which of their blood would be more tasty, as he mull over his thoughts before he decided to start with Dave, looking at him he could see he was already bleeding from both his arms due to the rough terrain.

Bernard then searched around the area, before seeing his portable bag thankfully nothing was destroyed, so he went back immediately and made a deeper cut on Dave's hand before letting the blood gradually flow into the test tube, after it filled up Bernard went to the other two laying on the ground.

A second later, he appeared next to the other students. The one in front of him had been sneak attacked by the rank 3 student making him the first one to lose his consciousness among the trio, and the other had been taken down by him.

Even though the rank 3 had reduced his workload, it changed nothing since he would still collect his blood.

​ Bernard then did the same thing for the both of them, collecting their blood while making open wounds on them to fasten the flow of blood.

After he had finished collecting their blood, just as he was about to leave Bernard stopped in his tracks, as he thought about his other unique ability, bloodline Thief.

Bernard stood in front of their bodies, as he kept contemplating he didn't know if whatever he was about doing was morally right or not, again he didn't want to experience the consequences of the academy finding out about this.

At this moment there were thoughts and questions in his mind, questions he was unsure about and thoughts that kept colliding with his binding, his last shred of humanity were holding him back from completely turning into a monster.

He stood there looking down at the trio who had passed out, it was the perfect opportunity for him to gain three symbiote abilities yet he was hesitating.

He gulped hard for a moment, before thinking since it had already come down to this fuck it I might as well take their symbiote bloodline abilities as well.

Bernard bent before squatting close to the bodies, after dragging their bodies to somewhere more obscure he poked each and every one of them to initiate a temporary combat mode to show their symbiote beast bloodline.

In front of him displayed three system panels, with their names and what type of symbiote beast they had, among them he already knew Dave had a fire monkey as a symbiote while the other two students had a transformation type symbiote bloodline and enhancement type symbiote bloodline.

Bernard placed his hands on Dave as he lifted him up, a moment later several notifications began to appear in front of him.

[Drink the blood of your victim to absorb their symbiote bloodline]

[Requirement for Bloodline Thief has been met]

[Initiating Bloodline Thief and Host compatibility with 'Fire Monkey']

[0%/100%] - [80%/100%]

[Compatibility has been successfully analyzed - 80%/100%]

[Do you want to steal this symbiote bloodline:Yes!-NO?]

Bernard smiled as he received the familiar notification messages, in front of him again.

'If I say yes, then how do I steal the bloodline?' Bernard thought to himself, just as he was wondering he received yet another notification message again.

[Proceed by biting the neck of your victim to Activate Bloodline Thief]

'It truly is as I thought.' Bernard had a few thoughts going through his mind, after confirming that it was the same procedure as before when he was losing Hp and was asked to suck the blood of his victim by biting their necks.

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