The Vampire Cat System

Chapter 91 Stealing Bloodline

Previously on The Vampire Cat System

[Bernard placed his hands on Dave as he lifted him up, a moment later several notifications began to appear in front of him.

[Drink the blood of your victim to absorb their symbiote bloodline]

[Requirement for Bloodline Thief has been met]

[Initiating Bloodline Thief and Host compatibility with 'Fire Monkey']

[0%/100%] - [80%/100%]

[Compatibility has been successfully analyzed - 80%/100%]

[Do you want to steal this symbiote bloodline:Yes!-NO?]

Bernard smiled as he received the familiar notification messages, in front of him again.

'If I say yes, then how do I steal the bloodline?' Bernard thought to himself, just as he was wondering he received yet another notification message again.

[Proceed by biting the neck of your victim to Activate Bloodline Thief]

'It truly is as I thought.' Bernard had a few thoughts going through his mind, after confirming that it was the same procedure as before when he was losing Hp and was asked to suck the blood of his victim by biting their necks.]

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

After thinking for a moment, Bernard said yes inwardly to activate the bloodline Thief.

Although he found it a bit embarrassing, nevertheless he had done it before so he didn't think much about it, besides that this was the best moment for him, it was the first time he would be getting a symbiote bloodline that belonged to someone else entirely, besides his original symbiote bloodline.

[You have decided to steal this symbiote bloodline]

[Initiating Symbiote Bloodline Thief]

Bernard gulped down the saliva that was already starting to fill his mouth, at this moment just like before something had clicked inside of him and was drawing him closer to Dave's body.

Being so close to his body, he could perfectly smell his blood, besides that he could hear the beating of his heart as well, which seemed to become louder the more he drew himself closer.

Despite having the urge for blood this time, it wasn't like before when the feeling was extremely uncontrollable and was not in control of himself and his body, this time he felt there was some kind of perfect harmony with what he was currently doing working in sync with his mind and thought.

Without needing to think too much, he bent towards Dave and could see his vein dancing enticingly through his neck, the blood was gradually flowing through the veins. The sight of this seemed to have stimulated his body, exciting his cells as he soon felt something was growing at the ends of his teeth.

His teeth quickly sunk into Dave's skin and then finally his neck, immediately after a gush of warm liquid, blood, entered his mouth.

Even as he was busy sucking his blood, he saw the notification messages that had once appeared when he had bitten Emelia on her neck.

'Emelia..' Bernard drank as he thought about the requirement, which was the same thing he did before.

'This means, every time I want to steal my victim's symbiote bloodline the only way is through biting them on the neck.' This was the conclusion and thoughts that were going through his mind at the moment.

[Bloodline Thieving proceeding: 3%/100%]

Bernard looked at the notification message, unlike before this time the percentage was instead increasing steadily with no pauses in between.

Inside the dark collapsed building, Bernard could be seen supporting Dave's body, with his mouth on his neck. Around him, there were currently two students who seemed like they were currently in deep sleep, however, if one looked closely they would see a dimly lit crimson glow on both Bernard's eyes, face, and the veins pulsing in his neck.

The Crimson glow on him kept spreading to every part of his body repeatedly, and his eyes would brighten from time to time like he was experiencing some sort of change in his body, however, the feeling was rather comfortable.

Even though the feeling was amazing, Bernard could feel his heart was also racing a little, his senses were both cheerful and were screaming at him in the hope for the symbiote bloodline extraction to be faster since he didn't want to be caught by the academy security guards.

Also, he didn't want to leave without snatching at least one more symbiote bloodline, so he wanted the process to be as fast as possible.

After a few minutes, which felt like an eternity he finally received notification messages showing he had successfully stolen Dave's symbiote bloodline, immediately after the urge for blood also stopped.

[Congratulations! You have acquired 'Elemental symbiote bloodline']

Bernard smiled for a moment, however, he couldn't waste time since time was already running out, whatever signal his senses were receiving made him worried, it was constantly reminding him of the consequences of what would happen if the security guards were to see him.

After he was done, his mind quickly ran back and forth as he thought between choosing a transformation type symbiote bloodline and enhancement type, after a while, he looked at the rank 3 student and thought he was going to be perfect for him.

Looking at what type of transformation symbiote bloodline he had, Bernard nodded inwardly to himself.

'If only I could also steal your symbiote bloodline, it would have been even more perfect.' Bernard thought regretfully, thinking it was a waste to not take it, before turning to look at the rank 3.

Bernard looked at him and opened his mouth showing his elongated teeth before stamping them on his neck.


Several minutes later, Bernard had finished taking two out of the trio symbiote bloodlines and was pretty satisfied with his gains, and it was time for him to get out and leave that place. Most importantly, it was already late and it wouldn't be too long before curfew eventually arrives.

It was already stated if students were out past curfew time, the security guards would issue an alarm to look for the missing students, and this was even more possible thanks to the glass bracelet which acts as a tracker which would send signals to the academy radars.

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