The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 151 - About Time!

That afternoon.

Graven went back to the forest where his friend, Terros the healer resides, he brought some food ration for the old man. He placed the stuff on the floor of the balcony of the healer's bamboo house.


He went to the table and found the old man mixing herbal medicines in the table.

"What' are you doing, old man?" Graven inquired.

"Mixing some roots..." replied Terros. "Why are you standing there? Have a seat," he said.

Graven lowered himself on the chair. "So... what is the update of your study about the black liquid?" he asked.

"I have a problem with it, because every time I put some liquid in a bowl to study it, it will start to fade away, leaving no dust particles at all," Terros said with a sigh.

"Are you giving up on analyzing it?" he asked.

"No! Just give me enough time to find a way how to get a sample of it in its original form even a tiny bit," Terros replied. "I must admit it's difficult to study it due to its mysterious components - but I also find the black liquid interesting, and the more challenging it is, the more I will persist in solving its mystery," Terros said.

"Thanks, old man! You're my only hope in solving this complex problem," Graven said.

Terros shook his head. "Don't thank me yet, I haven't started working on it. But once I have a breakthrough, I'll be able to concoct an effective elixir to counter the black liquid's harmful effects on your body. I've never encountered something as complex as this black liquid through the years of my experience in making potions and elixirs for different types of disease," he said.

"Okay, take your time." Graven looked around the area. "You have a visitor?" he asked.

"Why did you ask?"

"Because I can sense a powerful aura lingering in the air," Graven commented.

Terros smiled. "Ah, nothing can't be hidden from you...I guess..."

"Is he or a she?" Graven asked.

"She is a woman," Terros replied.

Graven raised a brow. "Your lover?"

Terros chuckled. "Nah, just a dear friend of mine in the yesteryear's and we finally catch up with each other," he explained. "Sorry, I can't introduce her to you because she is shy..."

"It's okay... no need to introduce her to me," Graven said. "Is she staying here with you?"

"Yeah, for the time being," Terros replied.

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"Nice! At least you are not alone anymore, you now have someone to keep you company every day," Graven commented.

"Yeah, it's nice to have someone to talk to now that she's finally here in my home. I'm not alone anymore, my lonely days are over," Terros grinned.

Graven smiled. "Why you never get married when your still young is beyond me. Did you regret it?"


"Not marrying when you're still a young man?"

Terros erupted into a burst of vibrant laughter. "Well, I haven't met my future wife yet," he said scratching his beard. "Actually, I love someone before... but the woman marries another guy, so yeah, my bad luck. I'm just not the marrying type. If I die and reincarnated again, I will try to marry while I'm still young," he said.

Graven smiled.

" does it feel being married?" Terros asked curiously.

"It feels heaven especially if you married the person you love," Graven replied.

"Nice! By the way, did you start finding your missing wife and your brother?"

"Yeah... last night... I went to Beerdale Town hoping I can track Laura's scent there... but nothing happens. I can't find my wife's essence there," Graven answered sadly.

Terros looked at the young man. "Son... don't be sad...maybe your brother is using a concealing technique to hide your wife's scent so that you won't be able to find her," he said.

"Yeah, I guess he already resorted to that one," Graven replied.

"I'll try to see what can I do, maybe I can make something that would allow you to counter that concealing technique used by your brother, but I'm not promising anything," Terros said.

"It's okay, don't bother with it. The important thing for me is for you to focus on solving the mystery of the black liquid," Graven said.

"Alright, leave everything to me. I will surely figure out the mystery of the black liquid..." Terros spoke.

Inside the bamboo house.

A woman was peeking at the small hole trying to get a better view of Terros's visitor. A faint smile appeared on her lips.

Back on the balcony.

Graven rose to his feet. "I'm leaving now, old man. I will return some other day," he said.

"Okay, thanks for the food ration, very much appreciated by this old man!" Terros replied with a grin.

"Don't mention it," Graven said.

A few minutes later, Graven disappeared from the balcony.

Terros stood up and walked towards the door. He pushed the door open and disappeared inside.

He looked at his companion, the woman. "Are you listening to our conversation again?"

The woman nodded her head. "Yeah... I like your friend, he is interesting and perfect! Can I use him? Can we use him?"

Terros shook his head. "No! Graven is like a son to me. Don't touch him!" he warned her.

The woman smiled. "Okay, I won't touch him," she said.

"Do you have something that can counter a concealing technique?" he asked her.

"What for?"

"Graven's wife was abducted by his brother. The two brothers fell in love with the same woman and his twin brother kidnap his wife. I think the brother was already using some kind of concealing technique to hide the wife's scent," Terros explained.

"Ah, I see... let me see what can I do," the woman said. She left Terros side and entered the room.

Terros exited the door and went back to the balcony to continue concocting potion.


At the garden of Luke's mansion.

Laura looked heavenward. The sun was about to set on the horizon, evening is fast approaching. She looked at the servant nearby.

Adela comes to her side. "My Lady, it's now time for you to go back to your room," she said.

"Okay, I'll go upstairs now," Laura responded and rose to her feet.

Adela escorted her lady back to her room.

Once she was already inside the bedroom

Laura lay down on the bed and took a rest.

Two hours later.

Adela returned to the room and brought an evening meal for the lady of the house. She placed the tray on the table and arranged the dishes. She looked at Laura. "Lady, enjoy your meal," she said.

"Thank you, Adela," Laura said and rose to her feet.

She went to the table and began eating her meal with gusto while the maid exited the room.

One hour later, she finished eating the dishes.

Adela returned to the room and took the dirty dishes away.

Laura took a quick bath in the bathroom and exited fifteen minutes later.

She was toweling her hair dry while looking at the window. There is a full moon tonight and the stars are shining brightly in the sky above.

She was in that position when Luke suddenly appears in the middle of the room. She spun around and looked at him in panic. "What are you doing here in my room in the middle of the night? Get out!" she commanded.

"It's my house, I can do anything I want without asking anyone's permission!" he reminded her.

Laura sighed and returned her attention to the view outside the window. "What do you want?" she asked in a bland voice without looking at him.

"I want to spend my evening with you, just like the old times," he answered casually.

Laura gritted her teeth in anger. "Leave the room! You're not welcome here!" she said in alarm. She's feeling nervous all of a sudden. It seemed his coming to her room is for one thing only!

Luke was already discarding his clothes and placed them on the chair. He was naked and the only garment left that covers his body was his underwear.

Laura looked over her shoulder and her eyes widened in shock after seeing the naked Luke, OMG!

"W-why are you naked? What are you doing?" she asked in a panicky voice, her eyes darted around the room trying to find a way to escape, but found none.

Luke comes to her location in big stride. "What are you looking around? Trying to escape? No, you can't escape my house!" he said.

He cornered Laura in the window.

Laura was nowhere to go.

Luke pressed his body to her.

She flattened her hands on his muscled chest and pushed him away with all her might. To her dismay, she failed to put a safe distance between them. "Stay away from me, you pervert!"

Luke chuckled and lifted Laura easily with his hands. "You can't escape me!" he said, grinning.

Laura glared at him. "Put me down!" she yelled.

"Alright, here you go!" he said and placed Laura in the bed. He lowered himself beside her. "You and me in the bed... just like old times..." he spoke gently and looked at her face adoringly.

Laura was sending daggers into his eyes. "Get off the bed!" she commanded.

Luke chuckled. "Later, when I'm done teasing you..." he said, his right-hand move and reached for her face to caress her cheeks.

Before his hand can reach her cheeks Laura evaded his hand. She edged closer to the other side of the bed.

Luke looked at her with amusement dancing in his eyes. "Don't try to push my button, Laura!" he warned her. "What is wrong with some romancing between you and me? We have done it several times in the past, and we both enjoyed it..." he said.

Laura shut her eyes for a few seconds trying to think of an escape plan. Her eyes darted at the door. She was about to bolt from the bed and run for the door but Luke was fast enough and pulled her back into the bed, pressing her down with his body.

"About time!" he said and begin unbuttoning her pajama top.

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