The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 152 - Going Away

Laura's eyes began to water. "Get off me!" she yelled trying to push him away from her.

Luke was on the last button of her top, salivating because he already had a glimpse of her ample chest when his hands faltered, he looked at her face already swarmed with tears. "Why are you crying?"


"Because you are forcing yourself on me! I swear I'm gonna hate you forever if you succeed in forcing yourself on me!" she said looking at him with hatred blazing in her eyes.

Luke sighed and shut his eyes for a few seconds, debating whether he should continue or not with his intention of claiming her body tonight. He might get what he wants with her body and his lust sated but he could never win her heart this way.

He left the bed, looked at her frightened face one last time before he banished himself from the room.

Laura shut her eyes as huge relief washed over her. She buttoned her top and dried her tears with the back of her hand. She was so close to getting sexually molested by Luke, good thing he changed his mind at the last minute.

She looked at the mirror hoping that Graven is just around the area and can hear her calling.

"Husband, where are you! Please take me out of here, hurry up! I'm afraid your brother will succeed with his bad intention towards me if I can't leave this place!" she said aloud, her voice rang with unspeakable pain.

Fresh tears emerged in her eyes.

She sobbed in the next fifteen minutes, recalling in horror how determined Luke was in assaulting her tonight.

She wrapped the blanket around her body, fearing that Luke will return.

Two hours later.

Laura falls into a deep slumber, snoring softly.


Luke was lying in the bed staring at the ceiling of his room recalling what happened inside Laura's room two hours ago.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

He thought that once they will get intimate again, Laura will remember how good it feels to be in his arms once he entered her body giving her endless pleasure, he didn't expect the tears and the hatred flashing in her eyes while he's busy unbuttoning her blouse.

When she told him that she will hate him forever, he suddenly realized it's not worth forcing her to submit to him. He wants a loving relationship with her, built with trust, love, and respect.

He needs to cultivate more patience in dealing with Laura considering that he abducted her against her will. He hoped that he can prolong his patience or else he will resort to forcing himself on her again.

Sighing, he closed his eyes to sleep.


The following day.

Laura woke up early, she went to the bathroom and exited a few minutes later.

She went to the window and looked down, admiring the blooming flowers. She's longing to go to the garden today but she doubts if Luke will give her permission since she disappointed him last night.

She released a deep sigh.

Another day of being a prisoner.

Being held against her will is like a nightmare for her. Confined to the room 24/7 felts like she committed the worst sin. How long she will stay this way? Unless her husband will finally able to rescue her, then her nightmare will soon have an end.

But if Luke is telling the truth that he used a method to conceal her scent... therefore... Graven would have a hard time finding her location. She needs to find a way how to make the concealing method ineffective, but how? She has no idea how it's made. Only Luke knows how it's done.

Damn, it's so frustrating!

The door was suddenly opened and Adela entered the room carrying a food tray, she placed them on the table. "My lady, I brought you a delicious breakfast. Enjoy your meal!"

"Thank you, Adela!" she said. "By the way, are you single or married?" she asked wanting to have a short conversation with the servant.

"I'm a single mother. My husband died last two years ago due to illness leaving me three young children to take care of..."

"Oh, sorry to hear that. Then who is taking care of your children while you are working here?"

"My old mother and father. I sent them money every month for their food consumption," Adela said sadly.

"Oh... " Laura said pitying the maid. "So, you are feeding five people with your small salary?" she asked curiously.

"Yes, my lady. But my parent has a vegetable garden, so my salary is enough to buy their major needs and the rest of their needs are provided by the garden," Adela explained.

"I are such a good mother to your children and a good daughter to your parents," Laura said, liking the maid's character. "So... how many times you visit your family?" she asked.

"I visit them once every three months," Adela responded.

"Ah, okay. So how long have you been working here?" Laura continues to interrogate the maid.

"Ten years total, my lady. I'm already working here for five years when my old employee and his family migrated to a faraway city. I didn't go with them because it's too far away from the village where my family is living, so I opted to stay here and continue serving the new owner which is Lord Luke..." Adela explained.

"How's is Luke as an employer? Was he good or bad?" Laura asked.

"He's good, my lady. He treated all servants the way we should be treated. He seldom gets angry as long we do our job well, everything is good so far," Adela answered.

"What does the Lord do for a living?" Laura asked curiously.

"Lord owned a banana plantation, sugar cane, wheat, and corn plantation in the neighboring area. He has other businesses in other towns. I don't know about his other businesses because he traveled a lot," Adela elaborated further.

"Hmm... if he went away... who's in charge here?" Laura asked.

"His assistant Perdo, he will visit here every other day or thrice a week to check on us, distribute our salary and take care of the financial operation of the mansion and the plantations while the Lord is away," Adela said.

"Ah I see, but why Perdo is not living here with the servants?" Laura asked again.

"Because Perdo already had a family, they are living in the town just a few hours travel from here," Adela answered.

"May I know the name of this town?" Laura asked eagerly.

Adela scratched her head. "I'm sorry, my lady. Lord Luke forbid us not to tell you the name of this town. Please don't be angry at me and the servants, we are just doing our jobs," she pleaded.

Laura's face darkened for a moment but she quickly got over it after seeing the fear in the servant's face. "It's okay, I'm not angry. I understand your situation. Thanks for telling me everything, you may go now 'coz I'm going to eat my breakfast," she said with a smile.

"Thank you, my lady!" Adela said and leave the room quickly.

Laura took a deep breath and went to the table, she began eating the delicious food in front of her. She finished eating her meal half an hour later.

Adela returned to the room and took the dirty dishes back to the kitchen.

Laura went to the closet, took some clothes, and entered the bathroom to take a bath.

After she finished her bath she exited the bathroom and was

shocked to see Luke sitting on the bed inside the room. "What are you doing here?" she asked in alarm. She didn't' leave the bathroom, she will retreat and locked herself inside the bathroom if he will come after her.

Luke looked at Laura's face and saw fear leaping from her eyes. "Relax, I'm here to tell you that I'll be gone for a few days to check on my businesses nearby. So behave yourself while I'm away," he warned her.

Laura's eyes brightened up. Yes! She can finally find a way to escape this place!

Luke saw the excitement glittering in her eyes. "I must remind you not to escape, because if you do... and after I'm back and I found out that you are not in the mansion... I will kill all the servants as their punishment for not doing their jobs perfectly in guarding you! Just imagine the lives of fifteen servants gone with the wind because you escaped. Think wisely before planning your escape my dear," he said, his eyes gleamed devilishly.

Laura's face turned sad instantly.

Luke was right with his suspicion, Laura is planning to escape his mansion, but she won't succeed!

Laura stared at the floor. "Go now," she said in a dispirited voice.

Luke smirked, he rose to his feet, walked towards the door, and exited.

Laura breathed deeply and went to the window. Luke used the servants' lives to deter her from escaping.

If she can have a successful escape, would he kill all the servants including Adela who is the sole breadwinner of her family?

Damn! Luke is so cruel!

But considering that he is determined to keep her by his side, he won't be careless and slacking when it comes to securing the place so that she can't get out no matter how hard she will try to escape the mansion.

She bit her lip in agitation, not only she was agonizing about her escape, now she has to think of the lives of the fifteen servants that are in her hands.

And Luke is making her situation intentionally worst!

Her husband is her only hope to rescue her from this place.

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