The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 220 - I Disagree!

Three days later. Late afternoon.

Terros and Graven were done stocking herbal medicines good enough for one week supply.


"Son, these are the medicines that the patients' needs, it can last up to one week. Bring it to your headquarter. Your men already know the right dosage for every patient to take," Terros said.

"When do you start your journey?"

"Tomorrow morning after I finished eating breakfast."

"Are you sure you don't want me to accompany you in finding Veronica?"

Terros nods his head. "Yeah, leave everything to me. All I'm asking from you is please don't forget to visit my place at least once a day. My plants and chickens need some loving like watering and feeding. You know the drill," he said.

"I got it!" Graven stated.

"Okay, wish me luck for tomorrow!" Terros said with a gloomy sigh.

"I wish and hope that you will find Veronica as soon as possible and bring her back home," Graven said.

"Thank you, son," Terros smiled a bit. "You may go now, the night is fast approaching. Your wife is already waiting for you back home," he spoke.

"Okay, I'll be here tomorrow to check this place, maybe during late morning or after lunch," Graven said. "Bye old man, good luck on your trip tomorrow," he said.

"Bye, son!" Terros responded.

Graven vanished from the place.

Terros went inside the house to pack some clothes and essentials in his bag. He needs to find out what happened to Veronica, and hopefully, he also got to meet the deity so that he can ask for help regarding the promising result of the Oakenblossom Tree. He needs to create the cure before Graven and his men will undergo another near-death experience again due to the black liquid lurking inside their bodies.

Graven and his men's time is running out!

He needs to get the cure, ASAP!

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com


Moraderry Town.

At Graven's manor, early evening after dinner.

The couple was having a conversation on the balcony located on the second floor of the house.

The evening breeze was cool to the skin, it's a wonderful night for stargazing.

Graven looked at his wife. "I think we need to raise the security and safety of the inhabitants of this place a little bit higher," he said.

Laura looked at him, frowning. "What do you mean? Aren't this house well protected already?" she asked him quizzically.

"Yeah, it's well protected already. But when servants come and go out of the property to run errands we don't know what will happen next. They can be abducted by the enemies if spotted outside, right?" Graven said.

Laura was silent.

"All I know is that after the vampires burned down the whole farm they will become more aggressive in finding you. So they will send more of their people to hunt you and your family down," he added.

Laura was silent for a moment and spoke, "You got a point, husband!" she agreed. "So, what is your suggestion?" she asked.

"Starting tomorrow, no one can leave this house even the servants will remain in the house," he said.

"Oh, that's not a problem... but how to go to the town to buy our weekly food supply and other essentials?" she asked in confusion.

"That's easy, once a week you can give me the list of things you needed for the house, and I will instruct my servants to buy them for you, then they will deliver the goods outside the gate of the house. This way your family and the servants are no longer exposed to the dangers outside. What do you think of my suggestion?" he asked her opinion.

Laura pondered about the suggestion for a few minutes. Staying inside the house for a long time without seeing the world outside feels like they're a caged animal, however, it's the best protection they can afford as of this moment, considering that the vampires are aggressively pursuing them.

"I know what you're thinking, wife. It's indeed pretty hard to stay holed up inside this manor for a long time, but the vampires are willing to kill anyone now, staying inside this manor will be worth it," he explained.

"B-but how long our hiding will last?" Laura asked.

Graven released a deep sigh. "Until the vampires give up on finding your whereabouts..." he said sadly.

"Until we grow old and die? My family and I will keep hiding here inside the manor until the world ends? Is that what you mean?" Laura asked, misty-eyed. "What a sad way to live!" she exclaimed and released a troubled sigh.

Graven nodded his head. "Yeah. Don't worry, I will try to find a way to kill them all. That's the only way you and your family can be free from danger," he replied.

"No! Don't court death, husband. Do not seek the attention of the enemy! I'm willing to stay inside this manor forever and grow old with you as long we will be together with our child, and we will never be separated in this lifetime. I'm willing to bear anything with you by my side!" she said with finality in her voice.

"Alright, since you agreed to my decision we will inform your family and the servant about it tomorrow so that they will know what they've got themselves into," Graven said.

The couple fell silent for a few minutes, their minds both preoccupied.

One hour later.

Laura was already yawning. "Husband, let's go back to our room now, I'm feeling sleepy already," she spoke.

"Okay, let's go..." Graven said.

The couple left the balcony and retired to the master's bedroom to sleep for the night.


The following day, after breakfast.

The couple gathered the other members of the family in the living room to discuss their plan.

Laura looked at her family sadly. "Everyone... I have something to tell you, this concerns our safety. It's very important!" she said.

Simon looked at his daughter. "What is it, Laura? Tell us now before we die of suspense!" he demanded.

Laura sighed. "Father, we both know that the vampire couple is desperate to get me and they are now ready to kill anyone that get's in their way. Because of the recent tragedy on the farm, my husband and I arrived at this difficult decision.

Starting today, all of the occupants of this manor can no longer go out of the property. This means, my husband's men will buy all the stuff we needed in the market and deliver the goods outside the gate of the property.

So starting today, you have to give me the list of all the stuff you wanted from the market. No one can step outside the house from now on. This is to ensure that the enemy will never know about this place. To live longer we need to sacrifice our freedom. That's the only thing we can do right now," she concluded her explanation.

Sofia groaned.

Laura's parents looked at each other.

A thick silence enveloped the whole place for a few minutes. Everyone was contemplating the pros and cons of their situation in their minds.

After a while, Simon spoke. "I agree wholeheartedly to your decision, daughter!" he said. "All I wanted is to stay in one place, safe and sound, surrounded by my family. I'm tired of danger and running away. I'm willing to be holed up here until I die," he said.

"Thank you, father," Laura said. "And how about you, mother dear?" she asked.

Rosa nodded her head. "Whatever my husband's decision, I will support him all the way," she responded.

"Thank you, Mother!" Laura looked at her sister. "How about you, sis?"

Sofia groaned and sighed. "I'm too young to spend the rest of my life here," she protested. "Can I decide later? Please...?" she requested.

Simon and Rosa looked at Sofia in shock as if she had grown a horn on her head.

"Daughter, you have to agree to this arrangement whether you like it or not! Because if you keep venturing outside, the enemy might recognize you and follow you here! You are going to endanger us all!" Simon reminded her.

Sofia pouted and breathed deeply. Everyone already agreed to stay inside the manor except her. "Guys, can you blame me if I'm hesitating to stay here for the rest of my life? Please understand my situation, I'm still young to be imprisoned here!" she told them.

Graven and Laura looked at each other in astonishment.

Rosa glared at her youngest daughter. "And what are you going to do outside? Where are you staying and who will protect you if the vampires recognized you?" she asked Sofia in a cold voice.

Sofia breathed deeply and bit her lip in agitation. The truth is she has no place to stay outside, no money, and no job. "But I just want to go out once in a while and see the world outside. Can I do that please, even just once or twice a month?" she begged at her sister and her brother-in-law.

Graven looked at Laura. "What do you think of your, sister's request?" he asked her opinion.

Laura groaned. "I can't blame her though. She's still young to be holed up here, but it's also for her good that we're restricting her from going out," she said.

"Sister, please hear my plea!" Sofia pleaded.

Laura looked at her. "Twice only per month, is that all you wanted?" she asked her.

"Much better if I can go outside - once a week, but if it's not applicable... then I'll settle for twice a month," Sofia replied.

"I'll think about it," Laura said.

"Thank you, sister!" Sofia smiled brightly.

"I"m not agreeing to your request yet!" Laura reminded her.

Sofia's spirit sank to the floor.

Laura looked at her family. "This meeting is adjourned!" she said.

Everyone left the living room and went back to their respective rooms on the second floor.

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