The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 221 - Imprisoned

The couple was discussing Sofia's unwillingness to follow the rule of staying inside the manor for safety purposes.

"I'm sorry for my sister's behavior!" Laura told her husband.


"It's okay. Your sister is still young and at her age right now, she would prefer to explore the world outside than being holed up in this place for a long time. In that aspect, I completely understand her," Graven stated.

Laura released a deep sigh. "I find her words not respectful at all. We are the ones who are adults here, she should obey our decision and not question it! Because we know better what's right and wrong for her!" her voice rises a bit.

Graven rubbed his wife's back. "Shh...calm down... don't be annoyed about it. Don't let Sofia's words affect you. She's still young," he said. "I will think of a better solution for her," he said.

Laura's eyes widened. "What-? No way! We can't let my sister have her way, especially that the vampires are after me and my family. I don't want the time would come that Sofia will lead the vampire couple to this place! I can't bear it!" she protested.

Graven nods his head. "Okay, let's stop talking about your sister...then," he said.

"Why? Do you have an alternative solution?" Laura asked her husband curiously.


"What is it?"

"I can send several of my men to escort Sofia outside to ensure her safety," Graven replied.

Laura shook her head vigorously. "No! That's still dangerous. What if the enemy will defeat your men? That's still possible, right? My sister's life would still be in danger!" she insisted.

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"Yeah, you got a point. I guess, you just have to explain to your sister well the importance of not going outside because it's simply dangerous for her. No other explanation, period!" Graven said.

Laura gave her husband a thumb up. She rose to her feet.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"I'll talk to my sister, I'll be back later after I'm done talking to her," Laura said and walked towards the door and made an exit.

Graven sighed and lie down on the bed.

Outside the master's bedroom, Laura walked in the hallway going to her sister's room. She knocked on the door. "Sofia! Open the door... we need to talk!" she shouted.

The door opened.

"Sister, come in..." Sofia said.

The two women sat on the bed facing each other.

Laura released a deep sigh. "Sis, I already reached a decision, I'm sorry to say to you that you are not allowed to go outside the manor while the vampires are still actively haunting us. Our lives are hanging by a thread right now, especially that I'm already pregnant with my first child. My husband and I have to protect our lives. There is no other way to do it but to stay in this house for a long time until one day it's finally safe to go outside. I hope you understand the severity of our situation..." she said in a pleading voice.

Sofia pouted. "Sis, if you only married the vampire couple's son, we won't' be in this situation, right? Is your current husband worth it all, including all the lives that have been lost?"

Laura sighed. It's easy to be mad at her sister, but she's also telling the truth. If she married the couple's son - then they don't have to hide at all. They could live freely. Looking back, she is willing to marry the son just to avoid her family getting killed. But her father did everything he could do to send her away to avoid marrying a vampire, but ended up, marrying a hybrid instead.

The only difference is that she loves Graven with all her heart and he's worth all the trouble.

Sofia looked hard into her eyes. "So many people have died and you keep running away from your destiny. How many people would die next? You only think of yourself," she pressed on with a cold voice.

Laura stared at her sister for a long time. She wanted to scold and slap her for insulting her, but she can't do that because 90% of what Sofia told her right now is all true. Now that it all comes to this, does she have to blame her father as well because in the first place he's the one who sent her away when she's been willing to face her destiny?

"But I can't tell the same to our father. I can't blame him for trying to stop me from marrying that vampire couple's son. I'm just amazed that you have the guts to say those insulting words directly to my face. What happened to you sister?" Laura asked her calmly.

Sofia released a deep sigh. "Let's not thing make things complicated here. All I'm asking you is that when are you going to face your destiny and marry the vampire couple's son? This is the only way to make sure that no one will die again! Can your conscience handle another loss of lives because you keep running away from your destiny?"

Laura was dumbfounded with the way her younger sister talk to her right now. As if she becomes a different person overnight! Did her sister grow up so fast? When?

But she doesn't want to lose her patience right now, or else she might hurt her sister and regretted it later. She wants to get to the bottom of her sister's tantrums. "What do you want to do with your life?" she asked her.

"Simple. I just want to have more freedom and explore the world outside. I don't like being holed up inside his manor with no idea when it's safe for me to get out. I haven't experience having a boyfriend and getting married, and now I'm destined to grow old and die here? I can't accept that! I only have one life, I want to live it to the fullest while I'm still young! I hope you'll understand my only wish, sister," Sofia said.

"But you have to understand that once you will leave this mansion, you can never return!" Laura reminded her.

"I know!" Sofia replied.

"And do you still want to leave?"

"Yes! I'm tired of hiding! I just want to be free!" Sofia insisted.

"Even if one day the vampire will catch up with you and they will kill you? Do you still want to leave this place that offers you the most security?" Laura asked.

"Yes! I already made up my mind. It's about time to live my life the way I want it to be! I also want to find my real parents, the ones who left me outside the gate of our previous home. I want to know who am I? And I can't do that if I'm holed up here forever!" Sofia stated.

Laura released a deep sigh. "Are you sure? Is this what you wanted to do?" she asked again hoping that her sister will have a change of heart.

"Yes! This is my final decision. I hope you can grant me the freedom to chose my path," Sofia said in a determined voice.

Laura nods her head. "Okay, I'll think about it," she said. In her mind, she was planning to imprisoned her sister inside the basement of the house. If it's the only way to prevent her from leaving and preserve her life as well for many years. She was hoping that one day, Sofia will change her mind and decided not to leave anymore. If that day will come, and she will see signs of her repenting then she will allow her to leave the basement and live with them again in the house. That's her plan.

"Sister, if you still insist on holding me up here, don't blame me, I will find a way to leave this place!" Sofia warned her.

Laura was taken aback by her sister's iron will determination and sudden change of behavior, she rose to her feet and looked at her sister before leaving the door. "I'll think about your request thoroughly and you will get your answer a few days from now," she said and exited the room.

Laura walked into the hallway going to her parent's room. When she knocked on the door it was opened right away by her mother. "Mom, I need to ask you about something..." she said urgently.

"Come inside, daughter," Rosa said.

The two women sat on the bed.

"Where is Father?" she asked.

"He's in the bathroom, why?" Rosa asked.

"Mother, I just came from Sofia's room. What's wrong with her? She wants to leave this place and live outside!" Laura said.

"Yeah, that's true! She begs us to help her in asking you to allow her to live outside the manor. We scolded her and ignored her pleas," Rosa said.

"Way back in the farm, did she already display this kind of willful behavior?" Laura asked.

"Yes. She mentioned leaving the farm and going back to the town and find a job then live her own life. She discussed that issue several times with me but I turned deaf ears on her ramblings, I thought she was just bored on the farm and wants new surroundings to explore. So, I forgot about it. But now she's at it again. She's wanting to leave us. Your father and I were already at our wit's end to stop her from being stubborn. So, this time she finally told you her intention to leave?" Rosa asked.

"Yeah, and she also mentioned trying to find her real parents," Laura added.

Rosa's eyes welled. "What we're going to do with your sister, Laura? I'm afraid that one of these days, she will escape this place without our knowledge. I don't want her to end up in the vampire's hands again, this time they might kill her, I'm sure of that!" she said in a terrified voice.

"Calm down, Mother. I've come up with a good solution to end our problem with Sofia," Laura said.

"What is it? Tell me!" Rosa said gravely.

"Let's imprisoned Sofia in the basement temporarily. This will prevent her from escaping this place and we can always be assured that she is safe from harm. We have to do it for her own sake," Laura explained.

Rosa was silent for a moment. "Okay, I agree to that. Let's hear your father's opinion after he gets out of the bathroom," she said.

Unknown to the two women, Sofia was listening to their conversation through the slightly opened door.

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