The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 222 - Pretend

Sofia tiptoed and went back to her room to plan her next move. Once her father will approve of her sister's decision to imprison her in the basement, she will lose a chance to escape!

She quickly went to the closet, grabbed her bag, and filled it with her clothes and important stuff.


She's ready to escape anytime if the opportunity arises. She hides the bag inside the closet.

The day is long, she will remain in her room sulking and only get out during mealtime.

Tonight, when everyone was already sleeping soundly in their rooms, she will leave the manor and escape!

Everyone can get out of the house, but they are prohibiting it now due to the fear of being followed by the enemy back to the manor. Based on Grandpa Terros explanation, the invisible shield will only react if it can sense a foreign being or entity trying to enter the vicinity of the manor.

This means it's safe for her to leave and also safe to come back if she wanted to!

She lay down on the bed and closed her eyes. She had a sheltered life and always protected by her adoptive parents and sister, but now that she's old enough to follow her destiny, she wants to find out who dumped her outside the gate of the Family Helman's mansion? Where are her real parents? She won't stop unless she will discover the truth!

Who is she and who are her parents? Where can she find them?

The questions quadrupled in her mind.

She opened the drawer of the bedside table and picked up the amethyst ring. She stared at the object for a long time. The ring was found inside the pocket of the clothing that was wrapped around her body when she was still a baby. Her mother Rosa told her that the owner of the ring must be her mother or father, or it could be owned by anyone who left her outside the gate.

She looked at the ring. It's the only possession she had that would lead her to her real parents.

That... if they're still alive until now!

She hoped so.

She will always love her adoptive family, they're so kind to her. But this time she's ready to spread her wings and get out while she still can - before the vampires will get her and her family. She won't mind dying as long she already discovered her true identity.

She put the ring on her finger and no plan to take it out from now on.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

She was just lucky that during the time the vampires attack the farm, the ring was already inside the pocket of her skirt, or else she already lost it!

She closed her eyes, in her mind, she was already actively planning on how to escape tonight.


Back in the old couple's bedroom.

Simon looked at his wife and daughter in disbelief. "What did you say? We will imprison Sofia inside the basement?" he asked twice.

"Yes, Dad! It's for her good and safety!" Laura replied.

"Let me talk to her again today, maybe she will cooperate with us and no longer desire to leave the manor," Simon said.

Laura shrugged. "I already tried talking to her sensibly but she refuses to be swayed. She told me that she already made up her mind and no amount of persuasion from our side can change her decision. She's determined to leave us once and for all!" she stated.

Simon took a deep breath. "Alright, I'll try talking to her one last time. I will go to her room and have a serious discussion with her. If she still refused to stay and insist on leaving this place then we will imprison her in the basement tomorrow night," he gave his go signal.

"Good luck, Dad! It's against my will to lock my sister in the basement - but right now - it's the only perfect solution to keep her safe with us. I feared that sooner or later she will leave this place and she might end up in the hands of the vampire couple's men who are actively pursuing us, and it will be our end! I hope my sister will listen to you this time," Laura said.

"Ok. I'll try my best," Simon said, he walked towards the door and exited.

Laura and Rosa waited in the room - hoping and wishing for the best.

Simon walked into the hallway and went to Sofia's room. He knocked on the door three times. "Daughter, open the door!" he ordered.

A few seconds later, the door opened.

"What is it, Dad?" Sofia asked.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" Simon asked.

"Sure, come inside, Dad," Sofia invited her father inside the bedroom.

Simon sat on the bed facing his daughter. "I'm here to convince you one last time, don't plan on leaving the manor! Stay here with us, you will be safe here, and all your needs will be taken care of. Did you understand what I'm trying to tell you, daughter?" he asked her.

Sofia nodded her head. "Yes, Dad! I understand what you are trying to say to me. You are just after my safety and welfare. Thank you!" she said.

"So, you mean to say, you are no longer planning to leave the manor?" he asked happily.

Sofia smiled. "Yes, Dad! I finally realized how stupid I am to even leave this place that offers me everything from safety to security. I already regretted thinking of leaving. Don't worry I will stay with you guys until the end of time. We'll be on this together," she said in a serious voice.

"That's good! I'm happy that you finally realized your mistake. Don't worry, one day, all this madness will end. For a while, let's just bear the darkness, sooner or later, the light will shine again for us!" Simon said optimistically.

"I hope so, Dad!" Sofia said.

"Okay, I'll take my leave now. I will tell your mother and sister about the good news!" Simon exited the room joyfully.

Sofia breathed deeply. Indeed, she realized her mistake! Disagreeing with her sister will raise the alarm soon! They might get very strict with her and leave no room for her escape. She hoped that it's not too late yet to step backward and pretend that she already change her decision for the better.

Simon went back to his bedroom wearing a happy expression on his face.

When her father entered the room, Laura noticed the pleasant smile on her father's face. "Dad, what happened to your conversation with Sofia?" she asked.

"It's over! I finally convinced her not to leave the manor. She told me that she will stay. She realized how stupid she was in planning to leave considering that this place already offered everything to her. Maybe, she realized that she is penniless, homeless, and jobless and she would have a hard time living a comfortable life outside her comfort zone, so she decided to stay with us through the ends of times," Simon said.

"Thank God!" Rosa beamed. A huge weight was lifted from her shoulder.

Laura doesn't know what to feel right now. How come her sister was quick to change her mind? She's hoping that her father can persuade her sister to stay and now that it's finally happening, why does she felt that uneasy feeling stirring at the pit of her stomach?

She's not fully convinced yet!

She rose to her feet. "I'll take my leave now," she told her parents. She walked towards the door and exited.

She went to Sofia's room. She wants to hear her sister's decision with her ears. She knocked on the door twice.

Sofia opened the door. "Sis...?"

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" Laura asked.

"Sure, come inside," Sofia said and opened the door wide for her sister to enter.

Laura stepped inside and faced her sister. "Is it true?


"Dad told us that you are no longer desiring to leave the manor? Is it true? How come you changed your mind so quickly?" Laura asked with suspicion flashing in her eyes.

Dang! Sofia saw the suspicion flashing on her sister's face. She released a deep sigh. "After you left my room, I went into soul searching and come to realize that I'm stupid to leave this place. I don't have money, I'm jobless and most of all I have no place that I consider my own. I'm only courting danger outside and attract bad people to take advantage of me. Therefore I decided to just stay here with you guys and hope that one day we will have the freedom to roam the world in safety. That's all I'm wishing for!" She ended her lengthy explanation.

Laura took a deep breath. "Shall I believe you, sister?"

Sofia's eyes welled, she hugged her sister. "I'm so sorry, I put you under so much stress because of my stubbornness. I hope you can forgive me," she apologized

Laura sighed. "Okay, I believe you now. I'm happy that you finally come to your senses," she said as huge relief washed over her.

The sisters hugged each other for a few minutes.

Laura finally left her sister's room and went to the master's bedroom wearing a happy smile on her face.

When she entered the room. Her husband was sitting on the chair facing the mirror, he just finished cutting the growing beard on his jaw.

Laura went to his side.

"How's it going?" Graven asked.

"My sister finally willing to obey the new rules. At first, she insisted to leave but my father managed to persuade her to stay," she replied.

Graven's brows furrowed. "Huh? What do you mean?" he asked, confused.

Laura sighed. "She initially wants to leave the manor for good and find her parent's whereabouts - but she decided against it because she realized that she has no money and no place to say outside the manor," she explained.

"Ah, okay. So everything is okay now with Sofia?" Graven asked to clarify the issue.

Laura nodded her head. "Yeah, absolutely!" she gushes.

"Good!" he said and stood up. "I'm going to the headquarter and go to Grandpa's place to water the plants and feed his chickens," he said.

"Okay, you will be here for lunch?" she asked.

"I think no, I might get busy. I will try to return early for dinner. See you tonight, my love!" he said and planted a gentle kiss on her forehead. "I'll go now..." he said.

"Ok." Laura nods her head.

In the blink of an eye, Graven vanished from the room.

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