The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 223 - Black Orbs

During lunchtime.

The Helman Family gathered around the dining table to eat lunch together.

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Sofia was back on her sunny old self, blabbering nonstop. She even asked Laura if she can have a fish pond in the backyard, even just three meters long. She wants to raise her favorite fish, the Blue Tang fish.

Laura agreed wholeheartedly - very much pleased that her sister is back to her old self. Everything is good!

Simon looked at Sofia. "Let's go to the backyard after lunch so that we can discuss how we will construct your fish pond," he said.

"Yesss! Thank you, Dad!" Sofia replied excitedly.

Laura and Rosa smiled in relief.

They finished eating lunch half an hour later.

Simon and Sofia proceed to the back of the house while Rosa and Laura remained seated on the couch in the living room.

Laura looked at her mother. "Mom, come with me upstairs to Sofia's room," she said.

A frown appeared on Rosa's forehead. "B-but why?"

"I dunno why... But I have this nagging feeling that never goes away. I'm afraid that Sofia is just pretending to be back in her old self. I think she's planning to escape!" Laura said.

"You are wrong, daughter! Stop suspecting your sister!" Rosa scolded her.

"Just come with me to her room, Mother. Nothing to lose," Laura insisted.

"Alright, let's go!" Rosa finally relented.

The two women climbed the stairs and went to Sofia's room.

Once inside the room.

The two women went to the closet and opened it.

There... down on the closet was a knapsack.

Laura didn't remove the bag, she just opened the zipper, they saw clothes and other stuff neatly folded and arranged inside the bag. She looked at her mother. "What can you say about this bag, Mother dear?"

Rosa released a deep sigh. "Oh, my! Sofia is still planning to escape!" she said in a devastated voice, sadness clouded her face.

"So, I'm right with my intuition! Sofia was just pretending all along, but deep inside she was planning her escape! Maybe she plans to escape tonight!" Laura said.

Rosa was shaking her head, truly disheartened with the turn of events. "Daughter, let's leave the room now! Your sister might return anytime..." she said.

"Okay, Mom," Laura agreed.

The women exited Sofia's room quietly and went back to the old couple's room.

"So... what are we going to do now?" Laura asked.

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"I'll put a sleeping medicine on Sofia's milk tonight. We should put her to sleep and then transfer her to the basement. This way she can never leave this place," Rosa suggested.

"Okay, let's do it tonight, Mother! Please, tell Dad about our plan," Laura said.

"Alright! Leave everything to me," Rosa replied.

"Ok. I'll take my leave now. If there's something you need assistance with, just ask the servants or you can come to me," Laura said with a sigh. She walked to the door and exited, heading back to the master's bedroom.

She reached her room, lay down on the bed, and closed her eyes.

She's having a headache right now, she couldn't believe that she's nearly fooled by her sister! Dang! She almost believes her flawless lies, they sounded genuine to her ears!

Sofia was still planning to leave and it broke her heart.

Thank's to her nagging intuition! She managed to discover Sofia's getaway bag inside the closet before her sister can escape the manor!

She will leave everything to her mother and father. Right now, she wants to rest her weary head. Time for her afternoon nap! Later after she wakes up, she will stroll in the backyard for her afternoon exercise.

She yawned and closed her eyes to sleep.


In the backyard.

Simon and Sofia were talking animatedly about the construction of the fish pond. Rosa joined them.

Sofia looked at her mother. "Mom, where is sister Laura?" she asked.

"She's sleeping in her room for her afternoon nap. Later after she wakes up - she will join us here in the garden," Rosa replied.

"Ah, okay," Sofia said and returned her attention to his father.

Rosa went to the swing, she lowered herself on the metal seat and propelled herself upward. She must plan well for her mission tonight.

Two hours later.

Laura woke up from her slumber. She brushed her hair and left the room, heading to the back of the house.

She joined her family in the garden, enjoying the lovely flowers blooming beautifully in the garden.

Everything looks normal. They look like one happy family together again. But deep inside, the storm is brewing.

A few minutes later, the servant came forward and served the Helman family a delicious afternoon snack.

Hours went by.

The time is already 5:30 in the afternoon.

The sunset above displayed a splendid beautiful orange glow on the horizon.

By 6:00 in the evening... the darkness already blanketed the entire land, and the Helman Family retreated inside the house to get ready for dinner.

The happy atmosphere continues in the dining room while the family is eating dinner together.

One hour later.

They finished dinner in good spirit and retreated to the living room for a few minutes of family chitchat.

At 9:00 in the evening, they went upstairs to retire for the night.

Inside the master's bedroom.

Laura was standing near the window, her gaze was fixed on the view outside. The moon shone brightly tonight! She sighed heavily. Right now, her mother is already in the kitchen, preparing the milk lace with the sleeping medicine that would knock out her sister Sofia for a few hours.

If only her sister didn't plan on escaping, they don't have to resort to this!

She left the window, went to bed, and lie down, waiting for her husband.


Inside the kitchen, Rosa was pouring fresh milk on the glass and added five drops of the liquid into the milk, and mixed it well.

Done mixing the liquid, she carries the glass with her right hand and exited the kitchen. She went to the staircase and proceeds to climb the stairs, then went to Sofia's room. After knocking three times, the door was opened by Sofia.


"I brought you your milk as always," Rosa said.

"Thank you, Mother!" Sofia accepted the glass and took a sip. "Delicious, I'll finish it. I'll return the empty glass in the kitchen later," she said and took another sip.

Rosa flashed her daughter a satisfied smile.

"Anything else, Mom?" Sofia asked.

"Nothing... sleep early, okay?" Rosa said.

"Yes! I will! Goodnight," Sofia replied.

"Goodnight!" Rosa turned around and walked towards the bedroom.

Sofia closed the door and locked it from the inside.

She carried the glass of milk into the bathroom and throws the contents into the bowl.

Done, she exited the bathroom and placed the empty glass on the table.

She rushed to the bed, grabbed the bedsheet and blanket, and tied them together making a rope out of it them.

Satisfied with the strength of her makeshift rope, she went to the window and looked below, the roof of the extended kitchen was just a few meters away below the window. She went back to bed and tied the rope securely around the bedpost.

She tested the strength of the rope, it's good enough to sustain her frame!

She grabbed her knapsack from the closet and put it around her back.

She's ready to leave!

She grabbed the chair, placed it beside the window, and stepped on it. She holds on to the rope tightly and began her slow descend to the extended roof of the kitchen.

A few minutes later.

Sofia's feet finally touched the roof, she grinned in satisfaction. Hooray! she made it!

Next, her descend from the roof down to the ground was easier because there were empty drums next to the kitchen. She jumped on them and only made a slight noise.

The moment her feet landed on the solid ground, she looked around her. Not even a single soul is present near her! "Great!" she murmured. She ran towards the big Acacia tree that was located near the wall and climbed on it.

She finally reached the extended branch, and from there, she jumped to the ground outside the wall.


She finally made it outside!

She looked at her room one last time and then ran towards the forest located a hundred meters from the manor.

She keeps running and never stops even for a few minutes, she finally reached the entrance of the forest and rushed inside.

Suddenly, the rain starts falling in droplets and five minutes later, heavy rain fell on Sofia's head.

"Shiit! I'm going to be soaked with rainwater!" she muttered profanities under her breath.

She tried to find a tree with big leaves to shelter herself from the rain. Then she will just resume running after the rain stop. She walked further ahead, the forest is getting darker... she hoped that she won't encounter any deadly snakes or wild animals in the woods. Or else, she will be a piece of dead meat!

She continues walking deeper into the forest. Damn! She can't find a big tree, she was about to give up!

Up ahead, she saw a silhouette of a big tree! She bolted towards it and snuggled beside its big trunk. Suddenly... she feels dizzy and sleepy.

She released a deep sigh and settled comfortably beside the trunk.

Damn! She's dripping wet and feeling cold! Her body trembled. She hugged her backpack to generate some heat to warm her body.

Shiit! Of all the nights that pass by, why does it have to rain on the day of her escape! Such wrong timing!

Her body shivered due to coldness.

It looks like the rain is never going to stop! It fell from the sky, pouring down in torrents and created puddles on the ground.

Sofia released a deep sigh and questioned herself. Why did she put herself in this difficult situation? Why?

She could be inside her room right now, lying in her comfy bed and already enjoying a good night's sleep.

Should she go back to the manor?

She looked in the direction where she comes from. She's not far yet.

Damn! It's so tempting to go home right now!

But she shook her head.

No! She should continue her journey to freedom!

Unknown to Sofia, up in one of the branches of the tree was a black silhouette.

That black entity has been staring down at Sofia ever since she takes refuge under the shade of the tree.

Then the entity moved... coming down slowly...

Sofia heard the rustling of the leaves above her head. She looked up immediately.

She was frozen in time when her eyes meet two big black orbs... and the mysterious being dropped into the ground, standing in front of her.

Sofia fainted in horror and her body crumbled to the ground.

Suddenly a strange thing happened, the amethyst ring on Sofia's finger glowed brightly against the darkness of the surroundings.

The mysterious being lifted Sofia's unconscious body from the ground, and moved forward, going deeper into the dark forest.

The rain continues falling from the sky - pouring heavily into the ground.

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