The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 311 - Who Are You?

Menedelia exited the room, went downstairs, and performed the same thing she did earlier.

She went to the banquet hall. The servants have arranged the dishes and the utensils beautifully on the dining table. Everything was arranged properly.

Evelyn was supervising the servants.

Menedelia went to the lady's side. "Time for another tasting," she said.

"Alright," Evelyn said and picked up a platter and began putting dishes into it.

After Evelyn finished putting dishes into the plates, Menedelia was ready to go.

"Do you need help in carrying the two plates, Granny?" Evelyn asked.

Menedelia shook her head. "No need, I can manage. I'll go now," she said. She walked towards the area, leading to the kitchen. She exited the door and went to the backyard.

When she arrived there, the lad was dozing off at the table.

After hearing someone coming, the boy opened his eyes and smiled broadly. "Wow, food again!" he roared happily.

Menedelia smiled. "Do you want to eat? Let's feed the animals first," she said.

The boy scratches his head, he can't understand the logic behind why the animals need to be feed first, but he dare not asked again why. He gathered the plastic bowl and Menedelia put food on the bowl in equal portions.

Done, Menedelia looked at the boy. "Feed the food to the animals," she ordered.

The boy put the bowl inside the small opening of the cage.

The animals were having a feast again, loving the taste of the dishes that they're devouring in their mouths.

Menedelia waited for fifteen minutes for any reaction from the animals, but nothing happens.

She gave the two platters to the boy. "You can eat all you want, just eat slowly. That will be your dinner for tonight," she reminded him.

"Thank you so much, Granny!" the boy said and began eating again.

Menedelia went back to the banquet hall to get the wine. Evelyn already prepared the wine for her.

She exited the hall and went to the kitchen door, going back to the backyard.

When she arrived at the shade, the boy was still eating the food. She collected the bowl, poured wine on them, and returned them to the cage.

She watched as the monkey devoured the wine quickly.

She waited for fifteen minutes.

As usual, nothing happens.

She left the pitcher on the table beside the boy. "Enjoy your meal," she said and walked away, going back to the kitchen door.

She entered the house, climbed the stairs, and went to Nini's room.

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Angela and Evelyn were already there when she entered the room for a last-minute makeup retouch.

A few minutes later.

Evelyn addressed everyone in the room. "Girls, let's go now to the banquet hall so that the wedding ceremony can start," she said.

The women left the room and walked slowly in the hallway, descending the staircase, going to the banquet hall where the wedding ceremony and dinner party are held in one place.

When the women walked into the banquet hall, the guests were properly seated.

There is a makeshift podium in the center where the high priest of the Helix Vanguard Clan was waiting for the bride and groom to officiate the wedding ceremony.

Zero and Tony were standing tall in their dashing wedding outfits beside the priest, who is wearing a plain white robe.

Evelyn brought the beautiful bride to the podium.

Zero reached for Nini's hands, they faced the priest holding hands.

"You looked dashing in your suit," Nini commented casually at her groom.

"You looked beautiful as always," Zero replied and winked at his bride.

Nini giggled in happiness.

The priest smiled and coughed a little. "We shall now begin the wedding ceremony!" he announced.

Everyone bowed their heads.

The priest looked heavenward and began his prayers. "Oh, our beloved ancestors in heaven, blessed this young couple who will be reunited in the name of love. Blessed them throughout their lives. May their union be filled with love, harmony, and peace..."

The priest continues praying for the couple's good fortune.

Half an hour later.

The bride and the groom exchange wedding rings and made their vows in front of the priest.

Then finally, the priest spoke, "Groom, you may kiss the bride!" he said.

Zero grinned and planted a quick kiss on Nini's lips.

"More...more...more!" the crowd erupted in cheers.

Zero obliged and planted another kiss on Nini's lips.

The bright smiled brightly.

Menedelia feels happy while watching the couple in the corner, then she tore her eyes away from the sight of the bride and groom.

She reminded herself that she's here to watch and observe the guests so that she can detect the presence of the enemy among them.

She saw nothing suspicious among the guest, no one acted strangely.

She left the banquet hall and went to the room where the jars of wine were lined up to be brought to the hall after the ceremony ended.

Then out of the corner of her eyes, she saw two suspicious-looking people wearing black cloaks getting out of the wine area! They're acting strange! She quickly made herself invisible to hide her presence from anyone.

The two suspicious-looking people left the area.

Menedelia quickly entered the room where the wines were stored. No one was guarding it! Where are the men that she assigned to guard the door!?

She entered the room and went to the jars, and try to smell them one by one, however, her nose can't detect anything. To make sure, she poured the jar of wine into the pitcher and quickly teleported into the back of the house.

When she arrived there, she made herself visible.

"Granny! What's that? Another wine again?" he asked.

"Yes, it's for the animals! Quick give me the bowls from the monkey's cage!" she ordered.

The boy moved quickly and gathered the plastic bowl into the table.

Menedelia poured the wine into the bowl, the boy put the bowl back into the cage.

The monkey greedily drinks the wine.

A few seconds later, the three monkeys dropped inside the cage, their body convulsed, and black foam-like bubbles came out of their mouths.

"Damn!" Menedelia stared at the monkey in horror. She quickly poured the wine into the ground.

She suddenly vanished in front of the shocked boy. She appeared at the door of the storage room and saw the two guards already guarding it. "I came here a few minutes ago, and nobody watches over this room! Where have you been, guys!?" she asked them furiously.

"We saw two strangers and followed them outside the house to investigate, but they suddenly disappeared out of nowhere," one of the guards said.

Menedelia released a deep sigh. "I took a sample of the wine and feed them to the monkey. The poor animals died after drinking the wine. Padlocked the room now!" she ordered.

The men's face turned paperwhite. They quickly padlocked the room.

Several servants were approaching the area.

"Ladies, where are you going?" Menedelia asked them.

"We're going to get the wine and bring them to the banquet hall," the leader of the servants replied.

"This room is code red! Let's go to the next room!" Menedelia said.

The servants and the two guards followed Menedelia into the next room.

Menedelia produced a key from the pocket of her dress and opened the padlocked.

They entered the room. Inside, two male servants were guarding the room. She looked at them. "No one entered this room?" she asked.

"No one, Granny!" the servants replied.

"Are you sure?" Menedelia asked.

"Yes, we're 100% sure!" the servants replied in chorus.

"Alright, pour yourself a glass of wine and drink them bottoms up!" she commanded. She chose one jar and gave it to the men.

The servants obeyed and poured the contents into the two glasses and drink the wine bottoms up.

Menedelia waited for the result, the servants were looking fine, unlike the dead monkeys outside the manor.

Fifteen minutes later, she gave her order. "Bring the wines to the banquet hall!" she said.

The servants picked up the beautiful-looking jars and brought them to the banquet hall.

When the servants arrived at the hall and Tony noticed the color of the jars, he knows right away that the first set of wine was poisoned. The enemy is lurking nearby, waiting to attack!

After the servants finished putting the jars on the table, they went back to the storage room. This time they brought the lighted candles with them back to the banquet hall.

The servants placed the candles strategically in every corner as per instruction by Granny Menedelia. Done with their task, they left the hall and waited outside the entrance.

Menedelia approached Tony and Evelyn. "It's code red now," she told them in a low voice.

The couple looked at the newlyweds nervously. Nini and Zero are going to the tables to chat and thank the guests for coming to the party.

The couple and Menedelia scanned the faces of the guest, trying to find someone that they have never seen before. He or she could be the enemy that they're trying to find hiding among the guests.

Menedelia left the couple's side and went to the nearest candle. She began reciting a spell in her mind. 'Spirit of the candle... show me the enemy hiding among the guest...' she chanted over and over again.

A few minutes later, she opened her eyes. She scanned the area. The servants were now distributing the wine to the guest, and everyone is drinking the wine merrily.

The guests' were laughing, chatting, and enjoying the food and wine.

The candles are not showing anything yet...

Then suddenly, out of the corner of her eyes, she saw a lone figure entering the door coming from the location of the bathroom. She stared at the handsome stranger... he looked different from the rest. The stranger took a seat at the back of the guests and never drink the wine or eat the food. He's just looking at the guests.

Menedelia saw the smokes of the candles drifting towards the stranger from every direction. No one saw it, only her. And she knows right away that he is the one!

The stranger glanced in Menedelia's direction.

They locked eyes for a few seconds.

Menedelia approached the stranger.

The stranger knew instantly that his identity was discovered, he stood up and quietly left the banquet hall.

Menedelia followed him.

Zero and Nini saw Mendelia following the guy.

"Thank you for coming, everyone! Enjoy the food! My bride and I will have an early rest tonight," he said.

Loud cheers erupted from the crowd.

The couple left the banquet hall and followed Menedelia outside.

Tony and Evelyn were also following Menedelia and the strange guy.

They found each other outside the manor, looking curiously at the stranger in front of them.

The stranger's back was facing them.

Menedelia called out to him. "Who are you? What is your purpose in coming here!?" she asked.

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