The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 312 - Please, Save Him!

The stranger slowly turned around and look at his pursuer, a smirk emerged on his lips. "Hello everyone! What a party! You failed to invite me, but I invite myself! Too bad somebody noticed abut the poison, eh?" he began laughing hard.

Evelyn's eyes and Menedelia's eyes widened in surprised and shock after seeing the guy's face.

"Dang! Why he's here!" Menedelia murmured.

Evelyn's face blanched, then strength leaves her body, she crumbled into the ground.

"Wife!" Tony catches his wife before her body hits the ground.

Menedelia rushed to Evelyn's side.

The guy looked at Tony. "Oh, your wife was shocked to see my handsome face, eh! Why is that?"

Menedelia faced the stranger. "Why are you here!? Why did you plan to poison the guests?" she asked.

The stranger looked at Menedelia, hatred flashed in his eyes. "I want to kill everyone in this place! My sweet revenge!" he said and laughed again.

"You're crazy!" Menedelia shouted.

The stranger pointed his hand at Nini, light emerged in his fingertips and struck Nini in the head. "Start killing your family now and everyone in this place!" he commanded in a sinister voice.

Nini puts her hands in her head as the voice is getting louder in her mind ordering her to kill. She suddenly removed the bracelet from her hand.

"Nini, don't do it!" Zero screamed and caught the bracelet before it landed on the ground, he meant to return it to Nini's hands. But he was shocked to witness that his wife was starting to transform into a giant snake. He immediately embraces his wife's body to teleport them somewhere, and they vanished from the place instantly.

A female servant ran into the area and screamed. "Lady Angela was taken away by two men wearing a black cloak!" she cried.

The intruder took advantage of the commotion, he vanished himself from the place.

The lord's men swarmed the area, they came from the banquet hall guarding the guest.

"Find the intruders!" Tony ordered his men.

Tony lifted his wife's body and brought him upstairs to their room. Menedelia and the servants followed him.

Tony looked at the servants. "Look after the lady, don't leave her side!"

"Yes, my lord!" the servants replied in unison.

Tony and Menedelia left the room.

"I will look for Nini and Zero," Menedelia said.

"I will look for Angela!" Tony said and vanished into the hallway.

Menedelia was left standing in the hallway wondering where Zero brought his wife that was about to transform into a giant snake.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

She closed her eyes and concentrate, tracking the whereabouts of the bracelet in his mind.

She finally found the newlywed's whereabouts!

Zero brought his wife into the hill!

Menedelia wasted no time and teleported into the hill.

The scene that awaits her on the hill drained the blood away from her face.

The giant snake was tossing Zero like rag a doll into the ground. His entire body was covered with blood. When the giant snake was about to deliver the final blow to end Zero's life...

"STOPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!" Menedelia screamed at the top of her lungs.

The giant snake turned around, trying to locate the origin of the voice, she saw the old woman standing bravely behind her. Her long tongue emerged from her mouth. Another prey!

"Nini, stop hurting your husband!" Menedelia shouted.

The giant snake opened her mouth wide, wanting to devour the new prey.

Menedelia's eyes widened... Oh, no!...she's coming after me!

She has to do something!

Menedelia chanted the spell that can summon the magic mirror, immediately a small mirror appeared in her right hand. She quickly put the mirror in front of her, directly facing the eyes of the snakes. A blinding light emerged from the mirror and blinded the snakes. Slowly, the giant snake transformed into its human form.

Nini fainted and crumbled to the ground.

Menedelia rushed to Zero's side. "Oh, no! Too much blood!" she said in horror. Zero's life is hanging by a thread! She got to do something! She only knows one person who can save Zero's life right now.

She grabbed Zero's arm, they vanished from the top of the hill, leaving the unconscious Nini lying on the ground.

A few moments later.

Menedelia appeared in the living room of someone's manor.

"Sister! Where are you! I need your help!" Menedelia shouted at the top of her lungs.

A few seconds later, the occupants of the manor rushed down the stairs to investigate what the commotion is all about.

Ebony and Anastacia landed on the ground floor, staring at the bloody guy lying on the floor in the living room.

Ebony looked at her older sister. "Who is he?" she asked.

"It's not the time to ask me, help me, sis quick! He's dying! Please, save him!" Menedelia said in a hysterical voice.

Ebony looked at Anastasia. "Go to the kitchen quick! Bring me my herbal box!" she ordered.

Anastasia obeyed and bolted towards the kitchen.

Ebony quickly lowered herself on the floor and began examining the dying guy's body. "Why does he has so many snakes bites on his body!? His body is filled with venom!"

"He was attacked by the giant snake!" Menedelia answered.

Anastasia returned with the wooden medicinal box containing bottles filled with herbal medicine.

"Give me the anti-venom medicine and the spoon, quick!" Ebony ordered.

Anastasia gave the spoon to Ebony and opened the bottle.

Ebony scooped the black liquid from the bottle using the spoon and feed it to the guy's mouth that was already opened by Anastasia. She finally stopped after feeding him five spoons. "Bring me the scissor, the basin with water, and some cloth! We will start cleaning his wound and apply the herbal paste to his wounds to stop the blood from leaving his body," she ordered.

Anastasia obeyed and rushed back to the kitchen to get everything and bring it to the living room.

Menedelia was walking back and forth on the floor, watching her sister busy tending to Zero's wounds.

Anastasia returned to the living room and put everything on the floor. She handed the scissors to Ebony.

Ebony began cutting Zero's clothes to locate the wounds. After removing his clothes, leaving his lower garments. Anastasia dip the clothe in the basin filled with water and began wiping the blood from the skin exposing the open wounds oozing with blood. Ebony applied the herbal paste made from the medicinal leaves into the open wound.

Ebony and Anastasia worked in tandem, saving the guy's life while Menedelia looked at them worriedly, fearing for Zero's life.

Ebony looked at her restless sister and pointed at the closed door at the end of the hallway. "You see that door, opened it. It's a storage room filled with random stuff, take out all the things and put them outside the door, clean it a little bit. We will transfer this guy into that room in a little while," she ordered.

"Okay," Menedelia obeyed and walked towards the room, glad that she has something to do to occupy her mind.

She turned the doorknob and entered the room. She found the switch, turn it on, and the light flooded the room. She began to remove the random stuff and put them in the hallway.

A few minutes later, she finished removing all the stuff and began dusting the entire room with the piece of cloth she found in the closet. She left the room, went to the kitchen, and took the broom and the dustpan made of wood.

She returned to the room and began sweeping the floor.

Anastasia entered the room and put the new sheet, pillows, and blanket on the bed, and left the room.

Menedelia fitted the bed with the new sheet and arranged the blanket and pillow.

She released a deep sigh. How did this nightmare happen? Why did the past come back and bite her and Evelyn on their asses? Why? She thought they were over it!

Yes, they're over it!

But that guy wasn't able to get over it! That's why he planned this revenge for a long time!


Then suddenly she remembered, Nini! Oh, my! She left her alone on the top of the hill!

She left the room and went back to the living room. The women have finished cleaning Zero's wounds.

Anastasia was currently making a makeshift bed using a blanket and two long sticks on the floor.

Menedelia looked at her sister. "I'll go back to my place. I'll be back in a minute!" she said.

"Before you go, help us put this guy first in the makeshift bed," Ebony told her.

Anastasia finished attaching both ends of the blanket into the two sticks using a rope, making sure it won't break under the guy's weight. She put the makeshift bed on the floor beside the unconscious guy. "It's ready..." she said.

"Okay, let's do it!" Ebony said.

The three women slowly lifted Zero's unconscious body and transferred him into the makeshift bed.

Then they carried the makeshift bed into the newly cleaned room and transferred Zero's body gently into the bed.


Anastasia left the room carrying the makeshift bed in her hands, putting it in the other storage room for future use.

Ebony looked at her older sister. "Who is this guy?" she asked curiously.

"A dear friend," Menedelia replied. "I will put his life in your hands. I'm sorry that I rushed here without informing you that I'm coming. This is a critical situation. I have no one to entrust his life except you. You are the only one who can save his life," she said sadly.

"Where are you going?" Ebony asked.

"I'm going back to the forest to get something from my house," Menedelia replied.

"Okay, come back soon! I have so many questions to ask you about this guy," Ebony said.

Menedelia looked at Zero's unconscious form. "Will he be alright?" she asked worriedly.

Ebony stared at her new patient. "As of now, I have already treated his wounds. It's up to him and his body if he can survive this ordeal. If his body won't react positively to the medicine, then I'm afraid that he's going to die. I will give him 24 hours, if he's still breathing after the allotted time then he will live..." she stated the fact.

Menedelia looked at Zero. "You have to fight for your life, lad! Your wife, Nini, needs you!" she whispered in his ears over and over again. She stopped whispering in his ears and looked at her sister. "I gotta go!" she said.

Ebony nods her head.

Menedelia vanished from the room, teleporting herself back to the hill where she left the unconscious Nini.

When she arrived at the hill, Nini was gone from the area where she last saw her. She saw the bracelet lying on the grass, she picked it up from the ground. "Nini, where are you?" she said aloud, looking everywhere around her.

Then she looked at the ocean below.

She squinted her eyes.

She saw a human form floating in the water!

What the hell is that!?

Oh no!

C-could it be, Nini?

She quickly hovered towards the ocean.

The only thing she can hear is the loud beating of her heart.

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