The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 347 - Insane!

Sylvia smiled brightly. "Our great-grandfather, the thousand years old vampire King Rhazien will use your master's body as his vessel and he will rule the entire land when he finally wake up from his slumber! Consider yourself lucky to serve the mighty King Rhazien when he wakes up and rule the land!"

Terros eyes widened in shock and horror. Damn! The one who got Graven's body was the cursed King's relatives!

How did this terrible thing happen?

"Get ready, old man. I will return later. You will lead me to your master's house so that I can bring his whole family here, they will have a happy reunion when your master wakes up!" Sylvia declared.

Terros can't bring this insane woman to Laura's place. "No! I won't bring you to my master's house over my dead body! Release me and my master at once!" he demanded bravely.

Sylvia gazed at the captive's face in disdain, her eyes turned red in anger. "Very well, if you refuse to cooperate with me then you have no value in my eyes, I might as well dispose you! Useless!" she said and looked at her men. "Bring this old man to the lake and feed him to the crocodile!" she ordered..

"Aye, Madam!" the men replied.

Nathan watched his mother's men lifted the chair, they're about to leave the room.

But another man blocked the door to bring another report. "Madam, we caught two more fish from the barn!" he said.

Sylvia's eyes sparkled. "Wow... two more fishes in the sea looking for the same guy? It looks like the whole family is indeed looking for this guy. Bring them to the prisoners room, subject them to the same old process," she gave her order.

"Aye, Madam!" the guy replied and left.

Sylvia watched as her men carried the chair and left the room. "Let's go, son," she said.

"Yes, Mother," Nathan responded. He looked at the sleeping guy one last time, despite the commotion inside the room, the guy still not waking up, he's useless! Shaking his head, he left the room and followed his mother outside.

The mother and son duo left the basement.

They emerged from the living room a moment later and exited the house.

"Son, do you want to accompany me to the garden at the back of the house?" Sylvia asked.

"Yes, Mother!" Nathan replied.

Sylvia glanced at the female servant waiting for her order nearby. "Give me the umbrella!" she said.

The servant came forward and handed the umbrella.

Nathan holds the umbrella above his head to shield his sensitive skin from the sun. "Let's go, Mother," he said.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

They left the front yard.

While walking...

Nathan looked at his mother. "Do you really want to throw the old man into the lake infested with crocodile, Mother?" he asked.

Sylvia looked at her son. "Why? Do you feel pity for that useless man?" she asked.

"Can I ask a favor from you, Mother?" Nathan said.

Sylvia looked at her son affectionately and said, "Yes, tell me what you want son. I'll give them to you as long I can afford it..."

Nathan cleared his throat. "I want that old man to be my butler. From now on he will start serving me, only me!" he said.

Sylvia's brows furrowed. "I wonder why you want that old man to be your butler? You can pick anyone much younger and beautiful women to serve you..." she said, frowning.

Nathan smiled. "Ah, I like him better than those women," he said. "I like his dedication to his master and his family. He's willing to die for them. Isn't that the admirable qualities we demand from our servants?"

"Fine, if you want that useless old man, you can have him as your personal butler," Sylvia said. She looked at the servant following them a few meters away. "Go to the lake quick! And tell the men to not continue throwing the old man into the crocodile infested lake and transport him back to the prison room," she ordered.

"Aye, madam!" the servant replied and immediately left the garden to obey her mistress's order.

"Thank you so much, Mother!" Nathan said happily.

"Alright, let's continue to the fish pond. I will feed my favorite koi fish," Sylvia spoke.

"Okay," Nathan said.

They proceed to the fish pond located at the back of the house.

Sylvia starts feeding the koi fish in the pond, while Nathan continues holding the umbrella above their heads.

A few minutes later.

The female servant approached their location. "Madam, the old man was now back safely in the prison room inside the basement," she reported.

Sylvia nods her head. "Good!" she said and looked at the servant. "Bring some refreshment here in the garden," she ordered.

"Aye, Madam!" the female servant replied and left the garden.

Fifteen minutes later, the servant returned with the refreshment.

Sylvia and Nathan settled comfortably inside the picnic hut.

Nathan asked, "Mother... what are you going to do with the other two fishes that was caught by your men?"

"I will ask them question first, if they can't give me proper answer. We will just dispose them. I don't like keeping uncooperative people in my side, they will give me constant headache later. I only want to keep the people who are willing to serve and obey my orders," Sylvia replied.

Nathan nods his head in understanding.

They ate their refreshment while admiring the ornamental plants nearby.

After staying nearly half an hour in the garden, Nathan and his mother returned to the house.

"Do you want to see the two fishes that were caught by my men!" Sylvia said.

Nathan nods his head. "I would love to, Mother..."

They went to room #6, the place where the two prisoners were held.

One of the men guarding the room pushed the door open.

Sylvia asked the guard, "How's the prisoners?"

"They're still unconscious, Madam," replied one of the guards.

"Good!" Sylvia smiled in satisfaction. The powder she concocted that can suppress one's power is indeed powerful but can only last for 24 hours.

They entered the room.

There... sitting on the chair with their heads hang down, is a man and woman, their feet and hands bound securely by a rope and tied to the chair.

Sylvia opened her palm and two marble-like concoctions that act as power suppressants appeared in her hand. "Son, open their mouths!" she ordered.

Nathan obeyed his mother's command. He went to the guy's side and opened his mouth.

Sylvia dropped the concoction into the guy's mouth.

They repeated the same process to the woman.

"We're done here. Let's wait for them to regain consciousnesses a few hours from now," Sylvia said.

"Okay, Mother," Nathan replied.

They walked towards the door and exited the room.


"Um... Mother can I rest for a while in my room?" Nathan said.

"Sure," Sylvia said.

Nathan asked, "Can I order the men to send my butler to my room? I want to brief him regarding his duties towards me."

"Okay, as you wish. Just wait for the men to send the old man to your room. I want to talk to him first," Sylvia stated.

"Alright, I'll wait in my room, Mother," Nathan spoke and walked away, going to his room.

Sylvia sauntered towards the room where the old man was detained.

The men guarding the room opened the door.

Sylvia stepped into the room and looked at the captive still bound to the chair.

"Madam, thank you for not throwing me into that lake infested with crocodiles," Terros said in a grateful voice.

"Don't thank me, you should thank my son, Nathan. He was the one who intervened in your behalf. He doesn't want you to be killed, he wants you to be his personal butler. If not for my son's intervention, you're already a dead meat!" Sylvia said icily.

Terros smiled a bit. "Then I would thank your son for sparing my life, Madam! I'm willing to serve him with all my heart from now on!" he pledges his loyalty right away to save his life and find the perfect time to escape and bring Graven along with him.

Sylvia smiled and asked, "Really? And how about your old master?"

"If you want, Madam, I'm willing to serve two masters," Terros said, just to humor the sly woman.

Sylvia smiled. "You still don't want to bring me to your master's family?" she asked, testing his loyalty.

"I'm sorry, Madam. I apologized. Even if you have to kill me again, I still won't bring you to my master's family. Please have mercy, Madam. You already got my master, what else do you want? Please leave his family alone," Terros begged.

A glimmer appeared in Sylvia's eyes. "Interesting! Why are you protecting his family so much? Why you don't want me to see them? I'm not planning to harm or kill them. In fact I want them to live here with your master so that they won't be separated from each other again. I'm being kind and I care so much about their family ties," she explained.

"But you are willing to kill me and feed me into that crocodile infested lake!" Terros cried.

She throws him a death glare. "Because you irritated me! I don't like it when people are stubborn and don't obey my orders! I like to crush them with my hands and squeeze their life out of their bodies," she said diabolically.

Terros's spirit sank. This woman will show no mercy once she gets angry with someone that would irritate her and oppose her orders. Laura's life is in danger if this insane woman will get hold of her. He has to put his life on the line if it's the only thing that can save and protect Laura and the unborn baby on her tummy. It's the last thing he can do for Graven.

"It's okay if you don't want to tell me about your master's family. I can get the info I need from other people. I just want to tell you that my men caught two more people in the barn. This time it's a woman and a man..." Sylvia said casually.

Oh, no!

Terros's eyes widened in shock and horror as desolation gripped his heart.

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