The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 348 - Doom Is Coming

Terros can only think of the two ladies, it's either one of them. Could it be Veronica or Elva?

Damn! The situation is getting worst!

And who is the guy that was caught? Only him, the two ladies, and the leaves have seen the warehouse. He got a feeling that sooner or later, he's going to find out!

A few minutes later.

The door opened, and two men entered the room. They lifted Terro's chair and transferred him to the other room.

And there... he finally discovered the man and woman that were caught by the men of that crazy woman.


It's no other than Veronica and Horace!

They also looked at Terros in total surprise.

"Grandpa!" Veronica and Terros spoke in unison.

The men left and guarded the room outside.

Terros released a deep sigh and asked them, "You can't use your powers too?"

The two nodded their heads.

"And how about you, Grandpa?" Horace asked.

Sighing, Terros replied. "We have the same experience. We're like a pig ready to be slaughtered anytime without our powers," he replied.

"Let's not lose hope. Elva and Calder will come here to save us soon!" Veronica said confidently.

"Only if they will find out this location. Based on the capabilities of that vampire Madam who caught us, this place is not easy to find," Terros declared.

"What do you mean, Grandpa?" asked Veronica.

"That vampire woman is powerful. We can't underestimate her," Terros said.

The three prisoners were engulfed in silence.

Terros looked at his companions. "I have a good news for you, guys," he said in a low voice.

"What is it, Grandpa?" Horace asked eagerly.

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Terros smiled happily. "I already found, Graven," he said.

"Where!?" Horace and Veronica asked in unison.

"He's in the next room. He was unconscious since he arrived here. But he's pretty much alive! Just that they can't wake him up," Terros explained.

Horace's brows furrowed. "What could be the reason?" he asked, confused.

A frown appeared on Veronica's forehead. "Maybe the King have done something to him? Like sealing his soul somewhere? That's why Graven can't return to his body?" she suggested.

"That's also a big possibility, daughter!" Terros said.

Horace looked at Terros. "Grandpa, who is this crazy powerful woman that you are talking about?" he asked.

"Good question, son. Coincidentally, this vampire woman was also the one who are after Laura. Her great grandfather was King Rhazien, the thousand year old vampire King that is destined to reincarnate into our present times. As of this moment, the vampire woman doesn't know yet that it's Graven, Laura's husband that was lying in the next room. She believed that his grandfather's soul will occupy Graven's body soon. That's why, if she ask you to bring her to Graven's home, just say no," he said in a whisper.

"Got it, Grandpa!" Horace responded.

Veronica nodded her head. "Okay!"

Terros looked at his fellow prisoners. "If we can find a way to escape, let's do it. But now that we have no power to protect ourselves, let's not annoy the mistress of this place to avoid getting killed too soon. Do you understand, guys?" he said.

"We understand, Grandpa!" Horace and Veronica replied in chorus.

"Now, let's meditate and think of a way how to get out of this difficult situation," Terros said.

They start their brainstorming.


At the Windless Mountain.

Elva was relaxing on the terrace of her home when she starts to notice that Veronica hasn't returned yet. A suspicion was formed in her eyes. Hmm... could it be that ... that she was also caught by the enemy?

She waved her hand and summoned the leaves.

A few minutes later, the leaves that were assigned to the warehouse appeared in the air.

Elva addressed the leader. "Where is Veronica? Have you seen her?" she asked.

"Goddess, bad news! Veronica and her male companion was caught by the enemy guarding the warehouse! We weren't able to come here to report right away because we're trying to find their whereabouts... but were very sorry, we failed to find them, they all vanished without a trace," the leader of the leaves said.

Elva groaned. "Alright, go back to that place and search for anything that you can find in that place and report to me right away if you find something that is useful to me!" she ordered.

"Aye, goddess!" the leader of the leaves said.

A few moments later, the leaves disappeared from Elva's sight.

Elva walked back and forth on the terrace, caressing her baby bump, getting worried about the safety of Veronica and the others.

Ugh, she needs to do something!

But what can she do? She have no idea where Veronica and the others were taken to.

She went back to the house.


Back at the vampire couple's manor.

Sylvia just finished feeding her koi fish in the pond at the back of the manor. "We're done here, son," she said.

"Where do you want to go next, Mother?" Nathan asked.

"Let's head to the basement and talk to the prisoners," Sylvia said.

"After you, Mother," Nathan spoke.

The mother and son left the backyard and returned to the house.

They walked into the living room and entered the door leading to the basement.

They reached the ground of the basement and walked towards the prisoner's room.

The mother and son walked past the room where the unconscious guy was holed up.

Sylvia stopped in her tracks and turned around. "Let's visit the guy first and check his condition," she said.

They walked to the door and entered the room.

Once inside the room.

They went to the bed and watched the rise and fall of the man's chest beneath the black blanket.

"He's still sleeping, Mother," Nathan spoke.

"Yeah... looks like I have to the ritual after all," Sylvia said.

They stayed in the room for a few minutes and left afterward, going to the next room where the prisoners were being detained.

The mother and son duo entered the room.

Terros, Horace, and Veronica fell silent when the visitors entered the room.

Sylvia watched their faces with curiosity flashing in her eyes. "You know each other, right?"

The prisoners looked at each other as if debating whether to answer the question or not.

"Answer me!" Sylvia shouted. Her furious voice vibrated around the room.

Terros cleared his throat and finally answered, "Yes, Madam. We know each other. They're also working for my lord."

Sylvia smiled a bit. "Good! You're learning quickly, old man!" She went to Veronica's side. "And you, dear... what is your relation to the lord?"

Veronica sighed and avoided Sylvia's penetrating gaze. "I... I worked as a housemaid at the manor, Madam," she replied.

Satisfied with her answer, Sylvia went to Horace's side. "And you, what is your work at the lord's manor?"

Horace looked at Terros and answered, "I'm in-charge with the horses in the stable, Madam."

"Great! Since you're all here, from now on, you all will start working in this place. Guys, don't worry, you will continue working for the lord once he awakened from his slumber. From now on, no one can leave this place until your lord awakens!" Sylvia declared.

The three prisoners looked at each other anxiously.

Terros nods at his companions, signaling them to just go with the flow.

"From now on, I want you all to commit your devotion and loyalty to me. Guys, do you agree with my decisions?" Sylvia asked them.

"Yes, Madam!" Horace and Veronica replied.

"Fantastic! Alright, get ready... we will leave tonight. I want you to bring me to your lord's mansion. I want to meet his entire family and his wife and bring them all here," Sylvia said.

Veronica gasped. "But Madam, the lord's mansion is located in a far away place. It's dangerous to travel at night and if we travel there by the carriage, the journey will last one week," she lied.

Sylvia smiled. "Dear... who says we will travel there by the carriage? Just tell me the name of the town and we can go there using the teleportation process. I can even teleport the carriage there. That's how easy it is!" she said at the girl, wearing a smug look on her face.

Veronica shut her eyes for a few seconds. Dang! This woman won't give up! She looked at Terros helplessly.

Sylvia looked at Veronica. "Dear, you appeared restless to me, what's wrong? Why do I have this feeling that you dislike bringging me to the lord's mansion to meet his entire family? Why is that?"

Veronica's mind was frantically thinking of a solid reason to satisfy Madam at the same time protect Laura, but she can't think of anything right now. She's getting worried about Laura's safety and the baby that she was carrying in her tummy. She looked at Horace desperately.

Horace cleared his throat and looked at the woman. "We're not going to bring you to the lord's manor! Never!" he declared in a defiant tone.

Sylvia's eyes turned red in anger, her fangs came out from her mouth. "Guys, do you want to be my next meal? I can suck your blood dry and then give you to my men afterwards to finish you off..." she yelled at them in a threatening voice.

Veronica and Horace looked at each other in trepidation. Then they glanced at Grandpa as desperation starts to kick in.

Terros looked at the desperate expression on his companion's face.

Dang! How things have come to this?

Just when they finally found Graven, another problem comes up!

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