The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 356 - One Step Ahead

Elva looked at Veronica. "Are you ready?" she asked.

Veronica nods her head. "I'm ready!"

"Just follow our plan and nothing can go wrong," Elva said and put the Illusionary Silver Medalion in Veronica's neck.

Veronica settled herself on the bed, lying in a straight position, eyes on the ceiling.

"Shut your eyes and reached the deepest part of your memory and find the place and enter it..." Elva ordered.

Veronica shut her eyes and went into a state of meditation, her consciousness was already tracing the tiny memory of that prison room inside the basement..

A few minutes later, the medallion shone brightly... suddenly Veronica vanished from the bed.

"Good luck!" Elva said and left the room. She's going to her room to monitor Veronica's movement in her crystal ball, and to assist her if something goes wrong with her mission.

A moment later.

Veronica was now back in the basement.

She landed in the same room where the prisoners were being kept.

She looked at the two chairs covered with a black garment. "Grandpa Terros, Horace, I'm back to save you guys!" she said happily.

She went to their sides, but they're not responding.

She felt something is wrong...

She automatically waved her hand, freezing anyone who are sitting on the chairs covered by the black garment.

She had a nagging suspicion in her mind after receiving no reply from them...

When she removed the black garments, she was surprised to see Madam's men sitting in there holding a weapon in their hands. If she didn't freeze them, she would have met big trouble by now.

The door opened suddenly. Two men entered the room.

Veronica waved her hand at the two men before they can fire their weapons at her.

"Where are they?" Veronica said and walked away from the room. There's only six room in the basement.

She was on high alert 'coz Madam had set traps on her path!

She will freeze everyone who will come her way.

The moment she stepped outside, the men fired their weapons at her but she was already waving her hand at them, freezing the pellets that are coming her way.

The men outside the rooms were also frozen, suspended in time.

She entered the second room and freeze the man guarding inside.

She went to the other rooms, but Horace and Grandpa Terros were nowhere to be found.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Where are they?

A deep frown appeared on her forehead.

She was already in front of the door of room #6.

The door suddenly burst open and Veronica managed to wave her hand before the two men can fire their weapons at her.

She entered the room, and there she finally saw Horace, sitting on the chair.

"About time!" Horace said with a smile.

She rushed to his side and grasped his arm. "Where is Grandpa?" she asked hurriedly.

"They have taken him somewhere..." Horace replied.


"I don't know..."

"Alright, I'll take you away from here!" Veronica said and they vanished from the room in the blink of an eye.

More men rushed to the room but found it empty.

"The prisoner is gone!" the men said in unison.

The leader of the men left the basement to report the happenings to Madam.

Fifteen minutes later.

The guy entered the room where Sylvia and Nathan have waited.

"Madam, the prisoner was taken away by that woman!" the guy reported.

"Good!" Sylvia said. "Return to your post!" she ordered.

"Madam, my comrades were frozen by that woman," he said.

"No problem!" Sylvia said and opened her hand. A bottle appeared in her palm. "Bring this bottle with you and sprinkle the powder on the frozen men. They will be unfrozen after five minutes," she said and dropped the plastic bottle in the guy's hand.

"Thank you, Madam!" the guy accepted the bottle and left the room.

Nathan looked at his mother. "You allowed the prisoner to be taken away, Mother?" he asked in disbelief.

Sylvia nodded her head and smiled wickedly. "Time for Plan B! I'm curious to know the woman's identity and why she's powerful," she murmured to herself.

"Wow, Mother! You are full of surprises!" Nathan gushes and clapped his hands in delight.

Sylvia smiled triumphantly. "I have to think in advance, by sending my little spies along with the prisoner. I plan one step ahead against the enemy. I learn it the hard way," she said while staring at the unconscious guy lying on the bed. "The mystery of this guy's identity truly fascinated me..." she added.

Nathan watched the animated look on his mother's face.

Sylvia looked at her son. "Let's go back now to the house, son!" she said.

Nathan looked at the guy. "How about him?"

"Don't worry about him, my people will take care of him," she replied.

"Can I still visit Grandpa here?" Nathan asked.

"Sure, if that makes you happy," Sylvia replied and went to the door. "Let's go!"

"OK," Nathan responded and followed his mother outside.

They walked into the hallway.

"Mother, why are we not going up again?" he asked.

"No need to go back to the surface. We can reached the house through these underground hallway. Let's just walk straight and it will lead us to the basement of the house. These underground hallways are connected to each other," Sylvia replied.

"Cool!" Nathan grinned. "So, I will just walk in this hallway and visit Grandpa everyday?"

"Yeah, suit yourself!" Sylvia said.

They walked in the hallway and reached the other end after fifteen minutes.

Sylvia opened the door that leads to the basement. She addressed her men there. "Take everything away from this place and transfer them to the other storage room in the house..." she gave her order.

"Aye, Madam!" the men replied and begin their task.

Confused, Nathan's brows furrowed. "Mother, why are you abandoning this place?" he asked.

"I will seal this place, because I know that the woman will return here to save the other prisoners. I need to get ready for her come back," she replied and walked towards the staircase.

"But if you sealed this place, how am I going to visit Grandpa?" he inquired.

"Worry not, there are other doors that will lead to the underground. I'll bring you there tomorrow. For now, I need to go back to my room and take a rest because it will be a new day a few hours from now. You should rest in your room as well," she said.

"Okay," Nathan replied.

They reached the end of the stairs and exited the door leading to the living room.

Nathan watched his mother climbed the stairs going to her room on the second floor. He went to his new room located at the end of the hall.

He reached the room, grabbed the doorknob, and pushed open the door. He stepped inside, closed the door, and went to bed.

Time to rest!

He closed his eyes to sleep.


Back at the Windless Mountain.

Veronica and Elva watched Horace lying unconscious on the wooden bed. His body was covered with a white blanket.

Before the rescue operation, Elva and Veronica agreed to put Horace temporarily inside the chamber in the same cave where the cursed King's trusted servant was imprisoned.

When Veronica asked the goddess why... Elva replied that she was afraid that Horace's body was already contaminated by the enemy.

"We have to observe Horace for a period of time before we can declare that he is clean and won't pose a danger to others," Elva said. She already sealed the chamber with an invisible barrier. The chamber has its toilet and the food can be sent inside the sealed chamber using a spell.

Sighing, Veronica looked at Horace.

Elva looked at Veronica. "You are in charge in bringing the food to the men. No matter what happened you must not let any of them leave this cave without my permission. Do you understand?"

Veronica nodded her head and replied, "Noted!"

"Good! Let's head back to the house so that we can rest. The new day is coming," Elva said, yawning.

The women teleported back to the house, located at the top of the mountain.

They entered the house, went to their respective rooms, and retired for the night.


The following day.

Horace woke up in a strange room. His brows knitted together as he scanned the whole area. It took him a few minutes to digest everything, and it finally dawned on him that he was currently inside a chamber and it was located inside the cave!

What he's doing here? The last time he remembered, Veronica arrived in the room and rescued him, then he lost consciousness after that.

"Where am I? Where is this place?" he asked aloud.

He left the wooden bed and walked towards the door. But when he tried to leave, his body rammed into an invisible barrier. The texture of the invisible barrier was like that of rubber. It pushed him back inside the chamber every time he attempted to walk away.

He was guarded by an invisible barrier!

​ Ugh! What's going on!?

Did Veronica imprisoned him here in this place, but for what reason?

He's going crazy just thinking about it. He thought he was already saved, but sadly he was undergoing another imprisonment again!

This is pure madness!

He went back to the wooden bed and sat down.

What's going to happen next?

He will wait for Veronica's visit so that he can ask her a lot of questions regarding his current perplexing condition.

A few minutes later.

The two women appeared outside the chamber.

Veronica was carrying a basket in her right hand.

A smile broke in Horace's face after seeing the two women. "Girls... why I'm here inside this chamber?" he asked with no hint of anger in his voice.

"It's for security purposes, Horace," Veronica answered.

Horace's eyes narrowed. "What security purposes? I can't understand what you're talking about. Can you explain it to me, please?" he asked.

Elva cleared her throat. "Did you remember anything? Did that Madam feed you something or she did anything to you that you're aware of?" she asked.

The expression on Horace's face was that of astonishment and disbelief.

"Please give us an honest answer, Horace. We just want to make sure that they didn't send anything harmful inside your body that can potentially endanger us all," Veronica elaborated further.

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