The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 357 - Guessing Game

Horace pondered the question for a moment. Then he remembered that one of the men gave him one glass of black-colored liquid that tasted like honey and instructed him to drink it in one go. Then his stomach felt unwell for a few minutes as if things were crawling inside his tummy, but it vanished after a few minutes. "Ah, I remember now... they fed me a glass of dark liquid that tasted like honey... then I have an upset stomach. But he feeling of discomfort faded away after a few minutes," he answered.

The women looked at each other.

"Maybe they put something inside your tummy.. The only way to find out is to lure out what's inside your body. This is the only way to make sure that the enemy didn't plant anything inside your body that can harm us all. Would you allow me to help you?" Elva asked.

"Sure!" Horace nodded his head.

"Okay. I'll pour a liquid inside the chamber. Don't worry, it's not harmful to you. Whatever... that is hiding inside your body will have no choice but to come out in the open. It will be uncomfortable for a while, you just have to bear it..." Elva said.

"Okay, I'll bear anything! Bring it on!" he said bravely.

Elva opened her palm and the bottle appeared in her hand. She recited a spell and threw the bottle inside the chamber. Inside the chamber, the bottle floated in the air and the lid got separated automatically from the bottle, then the liquid came out of the bottle, floating in the air, forming like a net that smells like honey.


Horace noticed something wrong with his stomach! It's grumbling and painful... he put his hands on his stomach... he can feel there's a lot of movement going on inside... then he felt like he was going to throw up.

He lowered himself on the ground and began vomiting...

Surprisingly... it's not a normal vomit!

The vomit turned into bees about hundreds of them! They flew towards the net that was floating in the air.

After Horace vomited all the bees, he stared in shock at the net, it was now covered with more than a hundred bees!

What the hell!

That crazy woman planted bees inside his stomach?


Outside the chamber, the women looked at the bees that were attracted to the smell of the nectar that was attached to the net.

Astonished, Veronica stared at the tiny insects with disbelief in her eyes.

"I see... the enemy used bees to spy on us! I think these bees are deadly! They must be carrying poison with them. Good thing we quarantined Horace first in this chamber," Elva said.

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"Yeah, it's a good thing indeed!" Veronica agreed. "What's going to happen to the bees now? Will they be trapped inside the chamber together with Horace?" she asked worriedly.

"No. They will die a few minutes from now, because I coated the net with a deadly spell," Elva explained.


Horace was clutching his stomach, he looks in great pain...

Oh, no!

The women's eyes widened in shock looking at Horace, he was grimacing in pain.

"Damn! Horace got poison in his stomach!" Elva said in alarm.

"W-what are we going to do?" Veronica asked urgently.

Horace crumbled to the ground.

Elva knew that if she can't administer the cure to Horace right away, he will die due to the poison brought by the bees! She needs to do something!

She waved her hand at Veronica, coating her whole body with an invincible protective shield. Then she opened her palm and a small bottle filled with an elixir appeared in her hand. "Poured the whole content of the bottle into Horace's mouth. Now!" Elva said and waved her hand at the barrier.

A small door appeared in the chamber. Veronica rushed inside and lowered herself to the ground beside Horace. She removed the lid of the bottle and quickly poured all the content into Horace's mouth. Done, she looked at the goddess, waiting for more instruction. Her heart was beating erratically inside her rib cage, fearing for Horace's life.

Elva signaled her to leave the chamber.

Veronica left Horace's side and exited the door, it closed right away. "What's next?" she asked.

"Let's observed what's Horace's reaction to the elixir that can cure and wipe out all types of poison brought by the bees," Elva replied.

"I hope his body reacts positively to the elixir!" Veronica said solemnly.

"Looked at the bees!" Elva said.

Veronica looked at the bees and they were dropping like flies into the ground. "Wow! The bees are dying!" she said triumphantly.

"Yeah. Now, let's wait for Horace," Elva said.

They waited...

Different thoughts were swirling in their minds on what's going to be Horace's fate tonight? Will he die from the poison deposited by the bees into his stomach or he will survive tonight?

Fifteen minutes later.

Horace finally opened his eyes and looked at his stomach, he's no longer in pain! "This is great!" he shouted in glee. Smiling and feeling grateful, he looked at the two women outside.

Veronica gave him a thumb up.

Horace looked at the floating net... then at the ground... he was glad to see the dead bees on the ground! He's completely freed from them!

Elva waved her hand and the small door opened again.

Veronica hurriedly entered the door and delivered the basket of food inside. She put the basket on the bed. "The goddess said that if your condition is looking good until tomorrow, you can finally go home back to the headquarter," she said.

"Thank you, Veronica. Give my thanks to the deity for saving my life! Girls, I owe you my second life!" Horace said in an appreciative voice.

"Don't mention it. You may eat your meals now," Veronica said and left the chamber.

Horace removed the dishes from the basket and put them in the bed along with the bottle of drinking water. He starts eating with gusto. He looked outside, the girls were waving their hands at him, he responded with a wave of his own, then resumed eating his delicious meals.

The ladies left Horace's chamber and went back to the house.

Two hours later.

Veronica went to the healing room and poured the green powder into Luke's body inside the bubble, while doing so, she wondered where is Luke's missing spirit now?

Elva entered the room. "How it's going?" she asked.

Veronica just finished sprinkling Luke's body with the green powder. She looked at the deity. "Luke's body is looking fine, no changes at all," she replied.

"Good! Let me know if you notice something different with his skin..." Elva said.

Veronica responded, "Okay. I'll let you know." She covered the bottle containing the green powder.

Elva looked at the plethora of elixirs and herbal medicines that she had experimented with through the years. Each of them had different uses.

Veronica was about to leave the healing room to go to the garden to harvest fresh green leafy vegetables when she remembered the other guy that was imprisoned inside the cave. "Um... what is your plan with the guy that you had taken from the ruined castle? What are you going to do with him?" she inquired curiously.

Elva looked at her. "Ah, that guy! I don't know yet if we should keep him in the cave or just let him go? What do you think?" she asked of her opinion.

"If he's telling the truth then we should set him free. He deserved to live a free life after he was used by the cursed King for a long time," Veronica replied.

Elva nods his head. "I agree with your opinion. We will set him free eventually after we find Graven," she replied. "Speaking of Graven, I wonder where is he right now? Based on what you saw back in the basement, the rest of the rooms were empty and you only saw Horace. It can only mean one thing, the enemy relocated Terros and Graven somewhere. The question is where?" she asked.

Veronica looked at the deity. "Let me go back there while I'm still brave enough to return to that place!" she declared.

"A-are you sure?" Elva asked.

"Yeah! I will just popped up there, freeze everyone and then take a look around the area for a few minutes, maybe they already returned the prisoners there. Then if I don't see Graven and Grandpa, then I'll leave that place right away," Veronica said.

"Alright, let's do it again!" Elva agreed.

The women returned to Veronica's room.

Elva opened her hand and the medallion appeared in her palm. She put it around Veronica's neck. "Good luck!" she said.

Veronica lay her body down in the bed and shut her eyes.

A few minutes later, she vanished from the room.

Elva returned to her room to monitor Veronica's movement in her crystal ball.

The medallion and the crystal ball were connected to each other. Whoever wears the medallion, her movement can be seen in the crystal ball.

A moment later.

Veronica was back in the basement, but she was in a state of great shock because the whole basement was already flooded with water that reached the ceiling, there is no escape for her! "Holy cow! Let me get out of here!" she said and disappeared from the basement in the blink of an eye.

She landed back inside her room, her clothes dripping with water.

The door opened and Elva went inside. "What happened?" she asked, eyeing the droplets of water that were already creating a puddle in the ground.

Veronica sighed. "They flooded the whole basement with water! Good thing I'm wearing the powerful medallion... or else I'm already drowning there right now!" she said.

Elva sighed. "Alright, go to the bathroom and take a bath," she said.

Veronica removed the medallion from her neck and handed it to Elva. She went inside the bathroom.

Elva scanned the droplets of water in the ground with her right hand, to examine the quality, if it's poisoned or not.

A few minutes later, she had proven that the water is clean.

Great! She felt reassured!

She left the room and went back to her room. She lay her body on the bed and stared at the ceiling, wondering where the enemy hides Graven and Terros?

It's going to be a never-ending guessing game!

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