The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 373 - Sad Times

The following day.

Nathan woke up early at 4:30 and left his bedroom. He went to the basement and waited there for Veronica's coming.

He waited anxiously... as tense build up in his body, although he was already mentally prepared for this escape... he can't help it but feel worried... anything can happen at the spur of the moment!

Outside, the clock is ticking...

The great escape is about to happen a few minutes from now.

His hands were sweating and trembling.

Nathan's body has an uncanny ability that can suppress his power, making him weak. He needs to return to his own body before time is running out for him!

He was wondering what happened to his body? What condition it is now? Did it already rot? Hope not! He remembered that he left it in Grandpa Terros's care. He had decided that if his original body already got rotten he has to stay in Nathan's body until his life cycle in the current time fades away. But Nathan's body is too weak for his liking!

He's been trying hard to hide his true self when he arrived at this place. Thankfully, he found the lifeless body of Nathan and occupied it right away. The childhood memories of Nathan were still intact clear in his head so he was able to step into his life with ease. He uttered all the right words and Nathan's mother, Sylvia was very happy and eager to accept him with open arms.

Things started to get difficult when Sylvia's men caught Graven's people one by one and he was thrown into a difficult situation trying to save everyone without Sylvia getting suspicious of his actions and intentions.

And now that Sylvia was in the netherworld, things would have been easier for him if Corbin and Zalvo didn't return to the manor too soon, he can always find a way to facilitate his escape along with Grandpa Terros and his brother Graven.

But hope is not lost yet...

Now that Veronica is back, he had an ally that could help him escape successfully without leaving anyone behind.

He took a deep breath.

He needs to relax.

Where is Veronica? Why she's not here yet? What time is it now?

He stood up about to leave the basement to check the clock, when he opened the door, he was startled to see his father outside, standing in the doorway. "F-father?"

"Son, I've been trying to find you everywhere, you are not in your room..." Zalvo said.

"What is it, Father?" Nathan asked and closed the door behind him.

"Come with me to the ritual room. We need to settle your mother's body in the coffin," Zalvo said and turned around, going to the secret room that will lead them to the hallway underground.

"After you, Father!" Nathan replied. He glanced at the door of the basement one last time and followed his father to the secret room.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

They entered another door located at the end of the hallway.

A few minutes later.

The father and son were already walking in the hallway going to the ritual room.


Meanwhile, at the Windless Mountain.

Veronica put the necklace with the pendant medallion around her neck and lie down on the bed. She looked at the deity. "I'm ready!" she said.

Elva nods her head. "Good luck and be careful!"

"I will!" Veronica replied and shut her eyes.

A few minutes later.

Veronica appeared in the basement and she was glad upon discovering that the basement was already drained, water is gone!

But where is the young lord?

Why he's not here yet?

She can always leave the room and begin her exploration outside but if she will do that, she needs to search all rooms in the manor and that would take time. Much better of Luke is here to guide her and bring her to the exact room where Graven and Grandpa Terros were housed, that would save time.

If she will explore the manor on her own she might encounter invisible traps and that would destroy their plan.

Ugh, what to do!?

Aha! The best thing to do is sit tight and wait for Luke to come to the basement.

She settled behind the door, if anyone suddenly comes up she can disappear instantly.

All she needs to do is wait...

She breathed deeply and relaxed her jittery nerves.


The father and son finally arrived at the ritual room.

Corbin was already waiting there for them.

Zalvo went to the bed where his wife's body was lying in a calm pose. He cleared his throat, feeling emotional all of a sudden. "Wife, we have to put you in the coffin to preserve your body as per your instruction. Come back to us soon!" he said sadly. He lowered his head and planted a loving kiss on his wife's forehead.

Zalvo looked at Nathan. "Son, instruct the men to bring the coffin here inside the room," he said.

"Yes, Father," Nathan replied and left the room.

Zalvo sighed deeply while staring at his wife's beautiful face.

Corbin went to his father's side and patted his shoulder, consoling him. "Mother will return to us soon!" he spoke confidently.

Zalvo looked at his son. "I hope so..." he said woefully.

A moment later.

The door opened, the men brought the black bronzed coffin inside the room.

Zalvo looked at his son. "Help me put your mother's body in the coffin..." he said.

Corbin and Nathan assisted their father in putting Sylvia's body inside the coffin.

They finished the task flawlessly.

Zalvo looked at the men and nods his head.

The men carried the coffin out of the room, Zalvo and the boys followed the men.

They placed the coffin inside the room adorned with burning candles and a red curtain.

"This will be your mother's room for awhile - until one day she will return to us," Zalvo told his children sorrowfully.

Nathan and Corbin wore gloomy expressions on their faces. It's like seeing their mother dead for good and will no longer come back to the land of the living.

The depressing scene was too much for Zalvo to bear. Seeing the love of his life inside the coffin implies that he won't be hearing her voice and seeing her bright smile anytime soon.

Zalvo addressed his boys. "I will be gone for a few days. Take care of the manor while I'm away, and most importantly take care of each other," he said and left the room.

Nathan looked at his Corbin. "Bro, what we're going to do with the body of that unconscious guy in the room?" he asked.

"Just leave his body there and have a servant monitor it from time to time. If the body starts to rot then we will just bury it. I'm sure mother will understand why we have to do it," Corbin replied.

"Okay," Nathan responded.

"I'll go back to the manor. I'll return here later to check on mother," Corbin said and exited the room.

Nathan was left alone in the room staring at his mother's coffin.

He can't understand himself.

A feeling of sadness enveloped his whole being.

Sylvia was been very good to him, she doted on him since day one, and has been a very good mother to him.

Being his mother, he can't find any fault in her.

Sylvia is cruel to her enemy but kind and loving to her family.

Nathan took a deep breath. "I'm sorry, Mother. I have to leave your side and this manor soon. There is no reason for me to stay here anymore. I hope we don't have to face each other as enemy in the future because that would really hurt me. Thanks for being kind to me. You've been a terrific mother to me. Goodbye, Mother!" he said in a despondent voice.

Nathan walked away from the coffin and exited the room.

He walked in the hallway, going back to the ritual room where Graven's body was located.

When he arrived there, two men were guarding outside. He addressed them. "Go to my mother's room and start guarding it form now on," he ordered.

"Aye, my lord!" the men replied in unison and walked away.

Nathan pushed the door and entered the room. He went to the bed and whispered in Graven's ear. "Escape is coming our way. It's going to happen today or tomorrow. So, hang in there, bro!"

He breathed deeply and walked away, going back to the door.

Graven heard the good news coming from the lord's mouth. His heart rejoices! Finally, he can escape from this dark prison! The gods in heaven finally took pity on him! He's looking forward to going back to his old life.

Nathan exited the ritual room and walked towards the next room. Two men were guarding the room where Grandfather Terros was being held.

The men opened the room and Nathan stepped inside, he closed the door behind him.

Grandpa Terros looked at him and acknowledge his presence. "My lord..."

Nathan went to Grandpa Terro's side and whispered. "Listen carefully... I'm Luke's spirit currently inhabiting Nathan's body. Listen carefully... Veronica is coming back to help us escape this place. So get ready..." he said.

Grandpa Terros's eyes widened in shock as awareness dawned on him. "My lord... is it true?"

Nathan nods his head. "Don't talk... just keep quiet," he said in a low voice.

Grandpa Terros's eyes watered in happiness. Huge relief washed over him.

"I'll go now," Nathan said.

"My lord, please save Graven first, I don't mind being left behind here as long you both can save yourselves," Terros said.

"Nonsense, no one is going to be left behind. We will escape together," Nathan replied in a low voice. "I'll go now," he said and walked away from the bed. He looked at the old man one last time before exiting the room.

Tears of happiness rolled down on Grandpa Terros's face. "I miss home so much! I'm ready to go home!" he said in a voice about to break due to gladness.. He was overwhelmed with happiness and excitement upon the thoughts of going home safely with Graven.

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