The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 374 - No Meaning

Nathan returned to the basement and locked the door. He looked at Veronica. "We can't do it today, my father and brother still here. I want to do it when they're not around the house so that our escape is smooth sailing," he explained in a low voice.

"Alright, I understand. So, when I will return here?" Veronica inquired.

"Three days from now, same time," Nathan replied. "Go now! They might come here anytime!"

"Okay! Wait... I got to tell you something..." Veronica said.

"What is it?" asked Nathan.

"Your body is intact and healthy. I took care of it myself," Veronica said.

Nathan's eyes widened in surprise and happiness. "Really-?" he asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, you will see it soon once you leave this place," Veronica said.

"Thank you so much for taking good care of my body!" Nathan said, feeling overjoyed with the good news.

"Okay, I'll go now!" Veronica said and vanished from the basement in the blink of an eye.

Nathan can't contain his happiness. He's long been fearing for the status of his original body, the good news just come in time when he needed it the most.

Smiling broadly, he opened the faucet that would allow the water to fill the entire basement. He watched the water falling onto the floor in great fascination.

A few moments later.

The door was pushed open by Corbin. "This place is fast becoming your favorite place to hang out, brother," he commented.

Nathan chuckled. "Yeah, I'm just fascinated with water in general and to be able to swim in and out of the rooms in this basements gives me entertainment. It's like diving into the bottom of the sea and explore the sunken ship with its doors and rooms still intact," he said, grinning.

Corbin laughed, he find his youngest brother's fascination with water, amusing. "You're always young at heart!" he said and patted his shoulder affectionately. "Let me know if you finish filling the basement with water, I will swim with you. Find me in the garden at the back, that's my beloved wife's favorite place in this house," he said.

"Okay, bro," Nathan replied.

Corbin exited the basement.

Nathan lowered himself on the floor and stared at the gushing water filling up the floor.

He needs perfect timing for the escape! He can't rush it! Not now when Zalvo and Corbin are still in the house, they have a habit of always appearing behind his back. They might catch him in the act which can result in panic and it might destroy their plan.

He needs to be careful with his actions and words from now on.

One hour later, he finished filling the basement with water. It's ready for swimming.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Nathan left the basement and went to look for his brother in the garden. He found Corbin looking at the colorful flowers with intense longing in his eyes. He lowered himself on the bench beside him. "Thinking about your missing wife and your unborn twins?" he asked.

Corbin nods his head and sighed deeply. "Yeah... I'm always thinking about them, wishing that they will come back to me, so that our little family will be complete," he said with wistful longing in his eyes.

"Bro, why did your wife left you? I can't understand that part. You're handsome, rich and a powerful vampire. You are a complete package in the women's eyes. How can Rebecca leave you so stupidly? Then subject you to emotional and mental torture?" Nathan asked.

Corbin breathed deeply. "It's a long story, bro..."

Nathan encouraged him. "You can start from the very beginning. I'm ready to listen to your love story with Rebecca," he said.

Corbin smiled sadly. "Nah, I can't tell you right now. Someday perhaps?" he said.

Nathan nodded his head. "I understand, bro. There are some things that are better left unsaid. Just so you know, I'm always be here for you to listen to your problems and heartache. That's what brothers are for, right?" he said with a smile.

"Thanks, bro!" Corbin said in a grateful voice.

"You still want to go swimming with me or stay her and reminisce about your beautiful past with your wife?" Nathan asked.

Corbin stood up. "I think I need a swim," he replied.

Nathan grinned and remarked, "Alright, let's go!"

The brothers left the garden and went back to the house. They met their father in the living room.

"Where are you going, boys?" Zalvo asked.

"We're going to the basement to go swimming, Father. Why don't you join us for a change? I noticed that we haven't bonded for a long time. We're always out of the house doing differnet things together. Let's bond this time!" Corbin suggested enthusiastically.

Zalvo pondered Corbin's invitation for a moment. "Alright, let's bond together in the pool!" he finally agreed.

The men went to the basement and had loads of fun in the pool.


Meanwhile, at the Windless Mountain.

Veronica arrived safely in her room.

She and Elva were talking about Nathan at the terrace while sipping their refreshing green tea.

"If I'm not pregnant right now, I would have accompanied you there in the enemy's territory and get them out there fast," Elva said.

Veronica nods her head. "Yeah, but rushing the rescue plan while Nathan's father and brother are still inside the house is a dangerous thing. Nathan has no power and he can't protect himself. Besides, I think Graven and Grandpa Terros were imprisoned in different rooms. It would have been easier to rescue them if they're housed in the same room," she explained.

Elva nods her head. "You got a point. So, your next trip to the enemye's terrotory will be in three days time? In the morning, same time?"

Veronica nodded her head and confirmed, "Yeah, that's right!"

"I hope that this will be the last time you will go there," Elva said.

"Hopefully so," Veronica said and sipped her green tea. Then she remembered something. "Oh, I forget to mention to Luke about the silver jar!" she said.

"That will be the first thing you will tell him when you see each other again," Elva said.

"Yeah..." Veronica replied.

Silence engulfed the women for a few minutes.

Veronica looked at the deity. "I'll go to Grandpa Terro's place for a few hours this afternoon to water the plants and feed the animals," she said.

"Okay," Elva responded with a nod of her head.


Back at the vampire couple's manor.

The father and son have finished swimming in the basement.

Zalvo smiled at his sons. "That was fun!" he said animatedly.

Corbin smiled. "We have to thank, Nathan, because of him we discovered that the basement can be a good place for swimming and bonding with family!" he said with a grin.

"I wish Mother is here already. Our fun would be complete if she's around to join us in the pool. It will be a fun filled family party," Nathan said gloomily.

Zalvo and Corbin looked at each other.

Corbin patted his brother's shoulder to console him. "Mother will return to us soon!" he assured him.

Nathan smiled a bit and replied, "I hope so..."

The men left the basement and arrived at the living room.

Zalvo addressed his children. "Boys, I'm going out for a while, but I'll return tonight. Take care of everything here while I'm away," he said.

"Okay, Father," Corbin and Nathan replied in chorus.

Zalvo went to the staircase and began his ascent to the second floor.

Corbin followed his father upstairs, going to his room.

Nathan went to his room to take a rest.


Evening comes.

Zalvo visited his favorite Cabaret. He loves visiting this place because the dancers gave the patrons excellent performances every night.

He's going to meet with his best pal Harold tonight, just to relax and enjoy hearing some good music. And the most enjoyable part is appreciating the high-caliber performance of the in-house dancers and artists.

A few minutes later, Harold arrived at the cabaret and lowered himself on the table that Zalvo had occupied.

"How long have you been waiting for me?" Harold asked.

"I just arrived a few minutes ago," Zalvo replied.

"Okay, let's order our drinks!" Harold said and signaled the waitress to come to their table.

A pretty waitress went to their table. "What's your order, my lord?" she asked.

"Give us a pitcher of ale and sizzling hot and spicy pork and squid! That's all!" Harold said.

"Aye, my lord!" the waitress said and wrote down the order on the piece of paper. She went to the counter and pass on the order.

Harold looked at his pal and saw the gloomy expression on his face. "You look awful? What's going on?" he asked.

"My beloved wife hasn't returned yet from the land of the dead. I'm missing her so much!" Zalvo replied.

"Ah, your wife, Sylvia. What could be the problem? You told me that she has done this kind of ritual several times in the past and she always return home safe and sound. What's bothering your mind this time?" Harold asked.

Zalvo sighed heavily. 'That's the problem, it's already been three days and she hasn't returned yet, the longer she stays in the netherworld, there's a big chance she could no longer come back to the land of the living," he said anxiously.

"And... what is your plan?" Harold asked.

"I want to follow her into the netherworld and find out what happened to her," Zalvo stated, wearing a serious expression on his face.

Harold's eyes widened in shock. "What do you mean? Y-you want to end your life prematurely?"

Zalvo sighed deeply. "My current life has no meaning if my wife is not with me," he said morosely.

Harold was shaking his head. "Come on! Don't be stupid! Think a million times before you decide to end your life just to follow your wife in the netherworld. In case you have forgotten, we are lucky to be reincarnated in the land of the living many times, unlike those other poor souls who are not allowed to do so! Don't act rashly!" he said, trying hard to convince his friend that ending his life is not the answer to his problem.

Sighing, Zalvo stared at the cabaret dancers at the stage with their painted happy faces and sexy outfits.

What the hell is he doing here? While his wife is out there in the netherworld facing difficulties and yet he can't do anything to help her! He must be out of his mind!

The pretty waitress delivered their order to their table. "Here's your drink, my lord. Enjoy the night!" she said and walked away, going to the next table.

Harold looked at his pal. "Let's drink your worries away, my friend! And think twice before elaving everything behind. This world is too beatiful to be wasted!" he said.

A few minutes later.

The men began drinking until one in the morning.

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