The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 375 - Sylvia's Legacy

Land of the Dead.

Three hours ago.

Mehos was lying in bed swimming in bliss with Sylvia. "My love... do you miss home? Do you miss your beloved Zalvo? Do you want to see what he's currently doing right now?" he grinned.

'Show me!' Sylvia said eagerly.

"Alright, I'll show you now..." Mehos replied. He waved his hand at the ceiling of the room, and the scene inside the cabaret unfolded, blurry at first, but getting clear as minutes passed by.

Sylvia's heart sank. She saw her beloved husband surrounded by beautiful women inside the cabaret!

Her heart was paralyzed with jealousy.

What the hell is going on?

Then she remembered that Zalvo was with Harold his friend. It must be one of their bonding time together as friends.

Mehos smiled. "As you can see... your devoted husband was having a good time in the cabaret surrounded by beautiful and sexy women. No need to worry about your family, my dear. They're doing fine without you by their side. Are you feeling jealous? No need to feel such thing because you are also enjoying your precious time with me, am I right?" he said and claimed her lips for a searing kiss.

'Bastard! Let go of me!' Sylvia screamed hysterically in her mind.

Mehos let go of Sylvia's lips and erupted in peals of laughter.

"Oh, common! Your husband was having a good time with other women in the land of the living, why can't you also do the same? Let's just enjoy each other because you have nothing to go back anymore in the land of the living. Your husband already betrayed you with several women and you also betrayed him with me. If you stay with me, you are the only woman I'm going to love, forever and ever, unlike your adulterous husband!" he said, declaring his love for her repeatedly.

Sylvia was enraged. She was fuming mad both at her husband and Mehos!

Men can't be trusted at all when surrounded by sexy, beautiful, and eager women!

Mehos looked at Sylvia. "What can you say now, my dear? You and I will live happily, forever and ever!" he declared.

'In your dreams! I regretted trusting you and befriending you in the past. I should have killed you during the tournament! You disgusted me! You don't know the meaning of friendship! You're a despicable pig!' Sylvia screamed vehemently in her mind.

Of course, Mehos heard everything. "Oh, my love. Be careful in provoking me because if I get annoyed with your insult, I might vanish your son's soul forever. You will never see him again and he will cease to exit anywhere!" he warned her.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Sylvia was petrified of the thoughts of losing the chance to see her son. 'Please don't touch my son's soul!' she pleaded. 'Can I see him please?' she asked.

Mehos smiled in amusement. "Not until you will change your ways and become a caring and obedient woman to me. If I see that change in you, I might give you a chance to see your son's soul. Continue insulting me and you will never see your son's soul ever again!" he threatened her.

Sylvia gritted her teeth in anger and chose to remain silent. From now on, she will refrain from angering and insulting Mehos, it will only make her situation worst. Besides, she's dying to see the soul of her youngest son that she failed to find in the past! For her son's sake, she will endure Mehos's harassment for how long it takes until she can find a way to escape this secret room that he had imprisoned her.

Fighting and insulting him every day will only prolong her torture.

Maybe it's about time to just stay silent, numb her mind and heart against Mehos's advances on her body.

Her situation today is not yet her end!

She will survive her current tribulation and return to the land of the living more powerful than ever before!

For now, she has to bear this uncomfortable condition with a grain of salt!

She was counting on Docor to continue finding her.

He will find her soon!

Mehos left Sylvia's side and disappeared from the room.

Sylvia finally breathed in relief. She cant stand Mehos's filthy hands roaming freely around her body as if he completely owned her, body and soul!


The audacity!


Mehos appeared inside the VIP room.

Docor was already waiting in the room, sitting on the couch comfortably.

"Bro, how's it's going? Hows the search operation? Any progress?" Mehos asked, he lowered himself on the chair facing his visitor.

Sighing, Docor shook his head. "It's a dead end. My men reported that they haven't found anything that can give them a clue to where Sylvia was taken by the rebels," he replied.

"Oh, that's worrying. I hope Sylvia is fine wherever she is right now," Mehos stated. "By the way, have you tried going to the tower 2 and ask Uter if he and his men saw Sylvia near the vicinity of the Pinaccle Tower? Maybe they noticed something on the day the chariot was attacked by the rebels," he suggested.

"Ah, yes. I'll be heading there after I'm done talking to you. I just drop by here to inform you that the result of the search is still negative," Docor said.

"Thanks for informing me, bro!" Mehos said. "Do you want a drink of something? I'll have my assistant bring you something to drink," he offered.

"No need. I'll be on my way to the next tower," Docor refused the offer politely and stood up.

"Bye, bro!" Mehos said.

"Bye!" Docor replied and vanished from the room.

Mehos remained seated on the chair, thinking about Docor. How long that stupid guy will continue to find Sylvia? He looks like he's not going to stop anytime soon!

Sighing, Mehos left the VIP room and went back to the secret room to continue spending quality time with his beloved woman.

Mehos appeared in the secret room and went to the bed, he lie on the bed beside Sylvia.

"My love, I plan to give you a gift. I'm planning to get your original body from the land of the living and transported it here to the netherworld. What do you think of my idea? Fantastic isn't it?" he said.

'No Don't do that!' Sylvia screamed.

"But why? I thought you love to have your original body here since you can no longer go back to your home. Sooner or later, your original body will rot!" Mehos reminded her.

'Jut leave my original body alone!' Sylvia shouted.

"Alright, I hear you..." Mehos said and hugged Sylvia's body tightly, kissing her lips like there's no tomorrow.


Back in the land of the living.

At the vampire couple's manor.

Zalvo and his sons were eating breakfast in the dining room.

Corbin looked at his father. "You arrived late last night, Father," he said.

Zalvo nods his head. "Yeah, I'm drinking with Harold in the cabaret last night. Our drinking session lasted until 1:00 in the morning," he admitted.

Nathan looked at Zalvo. "Father, are you okay?"

Zalvo looked at his youngest son, sporting a gloomy expression on his face. "I'm worried about your mother. I think something bad happened to her out there. I'm planning to follow her in the netherworld and find out why she wasn't able to return on time..." he explained.

Corbin looked at his father, an expression of shock and disbelief was plastered on his face. He shook his head vigorously. "Father, please don't leave us! We already lost mother, we can't lost you as well!" he protested. He was aware that once his father leave this world he might no longer be able to return in the current lifetime.

"Father, please reconsider your decision!" Nathan seconded. "Please don't leave us alone here!" he pleaded.

Zalvo took a deep breath. "Your mother is my life. Without her by my side, my life has lost it's meaning. You are already old enough and knowledgeable to manage our vast property efficiently. You and your youngest brother must help each other in running this huge property. I will leave all these in your hands," he said.

Corbin was teary-eyed. "Father, please think things thoroughly! If mother will know about your plan she won't agree to it! She will not conform to your plan in following her into the netherworld no matter how good your intention is! She would not permit you to leave us!" he insisted.

Zalvo sighed deeply and said, "I'll think about it, son. My decision is not final yet. So, don't worry too much about it..."

Corbin felt relieved after hearing his father's statement. There's still a big chance that his father won't pursue his plan in following their mother to the netherworld. Every day, he would beg his father not to leave them behind.

Silence engulfed the dining room.

They resumed eating breakfast in uncomfortable silence.

After they finished eating, Zalvo looked at Corbin. "Son, come with me. Let's tour around the underground facility. It's about time you will know how to manage the whole property, just in case something bad happen to me, you and your brother can make sure that our property will thrive for years to come. This is you mother's legacy, please take care of it ,make us proud!" he said and rose to his feet.

The two brothers looked at each other miserably.

Zalvo left the dining room, followed by Corbin.

Nathan went to his room and lay on the bed for a while.

Once Zalvo will decide to leave the current world, Corbin will remain the only one who will manage the vast property. Poor Corbin! He can no longer spend much of his time finding his missing pregnant wife, Rebecca.

He rose to his feet and entered the bathroom.

One hour later, he exited the room, going to the underground to visit Graven and Grandpa Terros.

He needs to remind them that in three days, they will attempt to escape the place.

A few minutes later.

Nathan was already walking in the hallway, going to the room where his mother's body was kept for preservation.

When he arrived there, Zalvo and Corbin were already inside, staring at Sylvia's coffin. They wore a sad expressions on their faces.

Nathan sighed, went to their side, and stay with them for a while.

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