The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 376 - Apologized

Two days later.

Afternoon, after lunch.

Nathan visited the old man in his room.

They sat on the bed near to each other, having a conversation in a low voice.

"Be ready, tomorrow at 5:00 in the morning we'll finally going to escape this place," Nathan whispered.

Terros's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Fantastic! I can't wait to go home," he replied.

"Me too!" Nathan responded.

"I'll come here in your room first, so that Veronica can bring you to safety right away and then we will proceed to Graven's room next. And from there I will finally leave this body," Nathan explained.

"Okay, but I think you need to save Graven first. He's most important than me. Worse come to worst I have no wife, children and family that is waiting for me. I'm willing to wait here," Terros replied.

Nathan shook his head. "No. If my brother is in my shoes right now, he will save you first, and that's what I'm going to do," he said.

"Okay, as you wish," Terros said, no longer wanting to argue with Luke. "Um... son, I want to ask you one thing... after we leave here... do you still want to pursue Laura?" he asked.

Nathan shook his head. "No more..." he said.

Terros eyes widened in shock and disbelief. "A-are you sure?"

"Yeah... I have been thinking about the whole thing and I realized that pursuing my brother's wife is no longer appealing to me. I mean... five days ago when I was lying in my bed during the night, the realization hit me that I have wasted my time loving someone who already married to another guy. I'm ready to move on and find my one true love!" Nathan replied.

Terros eyes watered due to happiness. "Which means you are ready now to reconcile with your brother and no longer pursue Laura?" he asked to be sure.

Nathan nodded his head. "Yep! I'm ready now to leave the past behind and accept Laura as my brother's wife and my sister-in-law," he answered thoughtfully.

"I'm happy and proud of you, son. I'm sure your brother Graven will feel the same way if you told him your decision," Terros said.

"I'll 'tell him now after I leave your room," Nathan said.

Terros brows knitted together. "Can you talk to him? Did he respond to you?" he asked in confusion.

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"Not really, but ever since he arrived here, I always talk to him. I have a feeling that he can hear everything that I told him," Nathan elaborated.

Terros sighed. "I wonder what happen to your brother? What happened to his soul? Why he's not waking up yet?" he asked worriedly.

"I'm also wondering about the same thing. We will find out soon enough once we leave here," Nathan replied.

A few moments later, the door suddenly opened.

Nathan quickly stood up.

Corbin stepped inside the room. "There you are!"

Nathan looked at him and asked, "Are you looking for me, brother?"

"Yeah... father wants to talk to you," Corbin replied.

"Okay, I'll go with you," Nathan said and left Terros's side.

Corbin looked at the old man and asked, "He is your personal butler, am I right?"

Nathan replied, "Yeah..."

"Now that mother hasn't return yet, he is free to serve you. What's the point of him being your butler if he's not performing his job up to this moment?" Corbin said.

Nathan smiled brightly. "You got a point, brother! Alright, he will start serving me from tomorrow onward," he stated.

Corbin nods his head and said, "Alright, let's go now to father's study room."

"Okay," Nathan said. He nods at Terros, closed the door behind him, and followed his brother outside.

The two brothers walked into the hallway.

Nathan glanced at his brother. "Why do you think father will want to talk to us in his study room?" he asked curiously.

"Father want you to learn how to manage the whole facility so that if I will have a trip outside to find my missing wife, you can manage the whole property on your own," Corbin explained.

"Ah, I see..." Nathan replied. Then he saw that his brother was sporting an anxious expression on his face, he asked, "What's wrong, brother?"

Corbin released a deep sigh. "I'm worried about our father. I don't want him to follow our mother in the netherworld," he answered.

Nathan understood very well the source of Corbin's anxiety. He patted his shoulder, comforting him. "Don't worry bro, our father will never leave your side. He will not follow our mother to the land of the dead," he assured him.

Corin looked at his sibling and asked, "How can you be so sure?"

Nathan smiled. "Just my guess. Don't worry too much..." he said. He can't tell his brother that once he disappeared tomorrow, Zalvo won't have the heart to leave Corbin alone to deal with everything.

The father and son will continue to live with their current life in the absence of Sylvia and him.

A few minutes later.

The brothers climbed the stairs and proceeded to their father's study room.

Zalvo looked at his sons. "Have a seat..."

The men took their seats, facing their father.

Zalvo released a deep sigh and looked at Nathan. "Son, starting tomorrow... you will accompany me and your brother in touring the entire facility to get yourself acquainted with the proper management of our family business. Once the two of you can finally manage the business without any problem, that's the time I will follow your mother into the netherworld," he said, sporting a serious expression in his eyes.

Corbin's eyes widened in shock and sadness. "Father, please don't leave us!" he begged.

Zalvo breathed deeply. "I already made up my mind, I will follow your mother to the netherworld. Please respect my decision, son..." he said.

Nathan took a deep breath. "Father, if mother will know about your decision, she won't agree! She will get super mad at you! What if she suddenly returns and found you gone!? What do you think she will feel? Your decision is going to be wasted if that happens! Think about the possible scenario before you make a final decision..." He urged him to change his mind just for the sake of his brother Corbin.

"Yes, Father! Please think about the possibility! It could be a tragedy both for you and mother!" Corbin added.

Zalvo released a deep sigh.

The study room was enveloped with silence.

A few minutes later.

Zalvo finally spoke again, "Alright, I won't do it this year. But I will do it five years later. I will wait for your mother's return for five years and after the given period is over and still nothing happens, I will follow her to the netherworld," he said.

Corbin sighed in relief. "Thank you, Father!" he said happily. He believes that before the five years are over, his mother can finally return to the land of the living and their family is whole again.

Nathan smiled. "Father, I'm so happy to know that you will no longer make any rash decision! Mother will surely feel relieved," he said.

Zalvo smiled. "I realized that I'm so quick in making decisions. What if your mother return six months later and I'm already dead,? That would defeat my purpose in leaving this world to find out what happened to her. Thank you, son, for pointing that possibility to me. I haven't think about it! I'm so stupid!" he admitted his mistake.

Nathan smiled brightly. "Don't mention it, Father!" he said. "This calls for a celebration! Why don't we have a feast for dinner and bond together?" he suggested.

"I like that!" Corbin said.

Zalvo nodded his head and smiled. "Alright, I'll inform the cook to prepare a delicious feast for everyone tonight!" he agreed.

Nathan grinned and replied, "Fantastic!"

"Okay, let's start our business discussion..." Zalvo said.

Father and son discussed the management of the facility the whole afternoon.


After they finished their discussion, Corbin and Nathan left their father's study room and went to their respective room to rest.

One hour later.

Nathan left his room and proceed to the underground place, going to Graven's room.

When he reached the room, nobody guards the room anymore, which is a good thing. He entered the room, grabbed the chair, and went to Graven's side.

He lowered himself on the chair and bend his head, then whispered, "Brother, get ready, 'coz tomorrow morning we will finally leave this place. Let's hope for the best so that we can get out of here without any hitch."

Nathan observed his brother's body for any movement, which indicates that he heard everything, yet no movement at all.

He released a deep sigh. "What could be your problem? Are you okay? Why are you not waking up yet? Anyways, it doesn't matter, I will get you out of here tomorrow morning!" he said in a determined voice.

Nathan fell silent for a moment.

Then he whispered again, "Bro, I have a good news for you! You know what? I finally decided to let go of Laura and our past. I already accepted the truth that she married you, not me. I'm ready now to forget her and find the right woman for myself to love and cherish. I'm sorry that it took me so long to realize my stupidity causing a rift between us. Rest assured that starting today I will leave you and Laura alone. I wish you and my sister-in-law a happy married life together with your children..." he said sincerely.

He paused for a moment, feeling emotional.

Then he continues... "I would like to apologize for any negative actions I have done to you and Laura in the past. I sincerely regretted doing them, especially to Laura. I can no longer undo my mistakes, the only thing I can do is to apologize to you and Laura. I'm so sorry for being stubborn and not able to accept the truth early. I hope you can forgive me. Let's start a new beginning after we escape here..." he said.

Thick silence engulfed the room.

A few minutes later.

Nathan took his leave.


Graven was crying happily in his darkroom, overwhelmed with happiness after hearing his brother's apology.

Suddenly, after staying in the dark for a long time, he finally saw the light at the end of the dark tunnel.

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