The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 90 - Maturity

Two hours later.

Sir Nicholas and his entourage arrived at his newly acquired properties at the outskirt of South Pond town. The property was sold to him in a rush at a cheaper price because the previous owner gambled a lot and need to pay his debts quickly before he ended up being killed for not paying money to his creditors.


He likes the property on the day he laid eyes on it and want to buy it. He never expected that it will become the house of his grandchildren one day. Destiny is awesome!

He got worried before that he might die without seeing any grandchildren. Now, he was blessed with two grandchildren instantly, a boy and a girl! He's happier and more contented than ever before.

His heart was already at peace. Now all he needs to do is spend more quality times with his grandchildren and see them grow up in front of his eyes.

Those happy thoughts filled his heart with gladness.

The gate was opened by the guard who watched over the property.

The carriage entered the gate, they were greeted with a well-manicured lawn.

Sarah looked at the house - tears of happiness shining in her eyes while carrying her baby daughter that was sleeping soundly in her arms. She'd never been inside a big and beautiful house before, which only the rich can afford. The most beautiful thing of all...this property will become hers exclusively!

She looked at the house in awe... she was simply mind-blown! The house looks grand, beautiful, and spacious outside! She can't wait to see the interior of the house!

Sir Nicholas looked at Sarah. "From now on... this is going to be your house. You and the children can leave in peace here," he said.

Sarah looked at the old man with gratitude in her eyes. "Thank you very much, Sir, for giving the children and me a new life. I can't thank you enough," she said, trying not to cry again.

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"All I ask from you is forget my son Cooper. He is not deserving of your love. I'm trying to make up for all his shortcomings to the children. I hope this is enough for you," Sir Nicholas said.

Sarah was silent for a moment. "Don't worry Sir... I'll keep my end of the bargain. For me and my children to live this good life, I need to kill my love and feelings for your son. I know that he's going to get married to another woman. I won't stand in their way. They can marry all they want. I won't stop them. As long this house is mine, and my children will have a bright future, I'm a contented mother," she paused for a moment swallowing the lump in her throat. "I'm done with love, it only gives me heartaches, misery, and pain. I just want to live a good life with my children around me. That's enough for me," she concluded.

Sir Nicholas like Sarah's disposition in life. He admired her strength as a woman. "I'm satisfied with your words, Sarah. Just provide a happy home for my grandchildren, and I will take care of the rest. That's all I need from you," he said.

​ Sarah smiled at the old man. He's a much better man compared to his son. "Thank you, Sir, for this golden opportunity. I won't disappoint you," she said, cheerfully.

"Okay, I'll give you a tour around the house," Sir Nicholas said.

They ventured to the back of the house first and stayed there for a few minutes. There was a mini garden there and a pond, and some fruit-bearing trees growing in the backyard. They left the place and entered the house through the kitchen door, passing through the living room. The furniture was still intact. They were sold along with the house.

They climbed the stairs and went to the second floor, and checked the bedrooms and the balcony.

Half an hour later. They're done with the house tour.

They stood in front of the master's bedroom.

Sir Nicholas looked at Sarah. "Did you like the new house?" he asked her.

"Yes, I like this house very much!" Sarah can't contain her happiness and excitement.

"Good! I'll be visiting my grandchildren here a few times in any given day," he said.

Sarah smiled. "You are welcome to visit us anytime, Sir!" she replied in high spirits.

"Ah, there's one thing I want to ask from you, Sarah," he said.

"What is it, Sir?" Sarah asked. "Just say the word, I'm willing to do anything," she said.

"Will you allow my son Cooper to visit the children from time to time?" he asked.

Sarah knew already that the old man will ask something like this. On the way here...she was already pondering about this issue. Good thing she already had a ready answer for this. She smiled and nodded her head. "No problem, Sir! Cooper is welcome here to visit the children anytime. He can even sleep here if he wants. I also want the children to maintain a good relationship with their father. For my children's sake, I won't deny them the privilege to know their father while growing up," she said.

Sir Nicholas smiled, very much pleased with Sarah's reply. He like the girl, she is easy to talk with and always willing to accommodate all his request. "Good! I'm glad that you are open-minded regarding this issue because we can't deny that Cooper was their biological father, and no one can take his place in the children's heart," he explained.

"I understand, Sir. I grew up an orphan and stayed with my relatives. I know how hard it is to be born in this world when you don't have a complete set of parents that will provide love, care, and guidance every step of the way, it's very hard. That is why, despite what Cooper had done to me, I'm still willing to stay on good terms with him for the sake of the children's emotional well-being. He is always welcome here to visit the children regularly," she replied.

Sir Nicholas was more than impressed with Sarah's emotional maturity. "I'm happy with your willingness to co-parenting with my son, Cooper. I like it that you don't hold grudges against my son. That is one thing I admire about you," he said.

Sarah smiled. "Growing up being an orphan teaches me the hard ways of life, Sir. I can easily grasp things as long I open my eyes and see what's good for me. I will never ruin this opportunity that you had given me," she said with pride and determination in her eyes.

"Good!" Sir Nicholas smiled. "Now that we agreed on everything, I will take my leave now," he said. "Before the day is over, I will send two servants here to stay with you - along with some provision so that you won't have to worry a thing. I will come back tomorrow to check on your condition, and I will bring Cooper along with me to see his children. Is that okay with you?" he asked.

Sarah nodded her head. "No problem, Sir!" she said, willing to cooperate with him.

"Good, I'll take my leave now so that you can settle the kids in the bedroom," he said.

"Thank you very much, Sir!" Sarah said and entered the bedroom to put her sleeping daughter in the bed. She noticed that little Nicholas was already yawning, time for his afternoon nap.

Sir Nicholas and Graven exited the master's bedroom and went downstairs. They boarded the carriage that was waiting outside. The guard opened the iron gate to allow the carriage to pass and exit the property, then closed it again.

Inside the moving carriage.

Sir Nicholas smiled. "Did you hear how Sarah answered all my questions? She is a mature woman, I like her!" he said.

Graven brows furrowed. "Huh? What do you mean by like, Father?" he asked. "Do you want Sarah and Cooper together?"

"No, not like that..." Sir Nicholas shook his head. "What I'm trying to say is that I like the way she talks and behaves, showing an air of maturity in the way she spoke. I still want Laura to be my daughter-in-law," he explained.

"Ah, okay..." Graven said.

"To be honest, Cooper deserves to be with Sarah because they have children already. The children deserve to have a complete set of parents. Sarah can also be a good daughter-in-law if there's a chance. And I also like Laura to be my daughter-in-law as well. I like the two women to be my daughters-in-law. In short, if you are not engaged with Rebecca, I would like you to marry Laura... and Cooper marries Sarah. And the only one who will suffer in this scenario is poor Rebecca," he said. "But that's not gonna happen, right?" he asked.

Graven raised a brow and smiled. "Father, you had a wild imagination," he commented.

Sir Nicholas patted his shoulder. "About you and Laura, it's just a joke, don't take it seriously, okay?" he grinned.

Graven laughed. "I don't... don't worry about it, Father," he replied with a laugh.

Their journey went smoothly.

When Graven and Sir Nicholas arrived in the mansion, Cooper, Rebecca, and Laura were already home. They were lounging on the veranda, drinking some cold refreshment. The trio looks like they were having a good time in town.

Sir Nicholas and Graven joined them.

"How's the trip to town, children?" Sir Nicholas asked.

"We finally found the tailor shop that is willing to make the wedding gowns for the wedding entourage, Father!" Cooper replied brightly.

"Good!" he said. "Let's discuss it later, okay? I got tired from our trip. I want to rest for a while," Sir Nicholas said and rose to his feet.

"I will accompany you to your room, Father!" Cooper offered.

"Okay," Sir Nicholas said.

The men entered the house and climbed the stairs, going to Sir Nicholas's bedroom.

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