The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 91 - Investigation

Inside Sir Nicholas's bedroom.

He looked at his son, anger flashing in his eyes.


Cooper noticed the angry expression on his father's face. He was confused for a moment. "Father, what's going on? Why do you look angry? Are you mad at me?" he asked in confusion.

Sir Nicholas took a deep breath. Initially, he plans to punch his son in the face for abandoning his children, but he quickly discarded that idea. He's worried that he might not be able to control himself and kill his son accidentally.

Despite his son's stupid behavior, it can't be denied that he fathered two adorable babies. That's the only consolation he can get from his irritating behavior. After all the headaches his son had subjected him through the years, something good came out of it. He can't disown his biological son, the one and only. He took a deep breath and calm himself while looking at the photo of his dead wife hanging on the wall of his bedroom.

"Father, what's wrong? Have I done something that offended you? I've been laying low here in the house most of the time, staying away from my old ways. This is to show you that I'm serious about marrying Laura and make our marriage work," he said.

Sir Nicholas breathed deeply. Yeah, he noticed Cooper's change of behaviors lately, but he was also abandoning another woman who is the mother of his children. If Sarah didn't come to the mansion and commit suicide instead, he will never know that he already had two grandchildren! That infuriates him. "This is nothing, son. Go now. I'm going to take my rest," he ordered.

"Are you sure? Are you okay, Father?" Cooper asked worriedly.

"Yeah, and don't go anywhere tomorrow..." he said.

"Why, Father?" Cooper asked.

"I will bring you on a trip to see something. I have a surprise for you," he told him.

Cooper smiled. "Okay, Father. I won't leave the house tomorrow. I'm excited to see the surprise you have prepared for me!" he said excitedly.

"Go now." Sir Nicholas dismissed him with a deep sigh. He went to bed and lies down.

Cooper left his father's bedroom and went downstairs to join the others on the terrace, only to find the place empty. "Oh well..." he said, scratching his head. He went inside the house, climbed the stairs, going straight to his bedroom.


Inside Laura's bedroom.

She was lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling, feeling a little bit lost. They were able to achieve their objective in going for a trip to town. They secured a schedule with one of the best wedding shops in town.

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Next week they can start having their body measurement taken for the gowns.

She finally made the first step in planning the wedding. It looks so real now!

Outside, she projected a happy and excited demeanor, but deep inside, she's dreading her upcoming wedding to Cooper!

Sighing, she got up from the bed and went inside the bathroom to take a long bath, hoping to relax her mind after finishing her bath.


In the living room of the mansion.

Among the servants working in the mansion, Graven chose two servants, a woman, and a teenage boy, to be the servants that will serve Sarah and her children.

"Starting today, you two will work on my father's new house. You will serve the people living in that house from now on. The driver will bring you there. So, pack your belongings now. The carriage is already waiting outside," Graven commanded.

The two servants nodded their heads and replied... "Yes, Sir!"

They left the living room going to the servants' quarters to pack their things and say a quick goodbye to their friends in the mansion.

Graven exited the mansion and walked on the path going to the back of the house.

Rebecca suddenly appeared behind a tree and joined his side. "When are you going to go on a trip to the cave?" she asked.

"No definite time yet. Something comes up and my father needs me by his side. After things are settled already, that's the time I will go on a trip to the cave," he replied.

"Okay. I will still want to go with you!" she insisted.

"No. You won't!" Graven said firmly. "Take care of Laura for me," he said.

Rebecca pouted for a while. "So...tell me what is this thing that suddenly comes up? Care to share with me?" she asked curiously.

"No need to know. It's none of your business! Return to the house now," he dismissed her.

"Yes, brother!" Rebecca said with a sour face.

"When we're here in the mansion, don't call me that!" Graven reminded her.

"Oops, sorry!" Rebecca covered her mouth and turned around, heading back to the mansion.

Graven watched Rebecca's retreating form, shaking his head. Ever since he rescued her from certain death, he earned himself a little sister.

He resumed walking towards his house.

When he entered the house, Horace was already waiting inside.

"How's the investigation going?" he asked.

"Our men were still spying on the whereabouts of Lord Maxius scattered men. Some of them were able to escape and alert their cohorts located in different places outside the town," Horace reported.

"Okay, tell our men not to stop spying and locating the other accomplices of the Black Wings Clan. We will annihilate them all. We can't allow a certain group or clan to gain upper hand and dominate South Pond Town. We don't want a blood bath happening in this town. Once they will gain the upper hand, they will slaughter the people in this place and destroy the peace that we work so hard to build for this town. Only our group can protect and maintain peace in this town," Graven said.

"Yes, My Lord. Our men are committed to protecting this town from dangerous beings and criminals," Horace said.

"Yes, we should take our jobs seriously. We are given huge monetary reward every month by the Mayor and rich businessmen to protect the entire town from dangerous vampires, demons and other entity that is trying to enter and create havoc in this peaceful town. As long we do our jobs seriously, we can always gain their trust, respect, and the chance to live among them in peace and harmony," Graven said.

"Don't worry, My Lord. Our men are peace-loving creatures. They are united with the common goal to protect this town against bad elements. They also want to make sure that their families will enjoy long-lasting peace among humans. You can always expect our unwavering cooperation for the greater good of all," Horace said.

"Okay, you may go now. I will summon you if I have some errand for you to do," Graven said.

"When are we going on a trip to the cave?" Horace inquired.

"No definite date yet. Something comes up that involves family matters. I have to be on my father's side to give him moral support," Graven replied.

"Okay, I'll take my leave now," Horace said and left the house.

Graven entered his bedroom and lie down on the bed. He was bothered a bit that his father has no plans in telling Laura the truth about Cooper's hidden family. His father was determined to make Cooper marry Laura no matter what happened.

He understood the reason why his father still wants the wedding to push through between Cooper and Laura. Because in the first place, it was an arranged marriage between two families. Both parties agreed already with the wedding, and his father can not back out on his word. He has no strength to face his friend if he cancels the wedding. It will give humiliation on Laura's side.

He closed his eyes, wanting to rest for a few hours.


Rebecca was already in her room. She was looking at the window and saw the two servants carrying their belongings boarding the carriage. She watched the horse-drawn carriage exited the iron gate and disappeared from her view a few minutes later.

Huh? Where are they going? Are those servants fired from their job?

She shrugged.

She left the window and went to the table. She began practicing writing the alphabet letters from A to Z.

She wrote the letters twenty times on the paper, satisfied with her effort, she grabbed the paper and exited the bedroom going to Laura's room.

She knocked on the door. "Laura, let me in!" she said.

The door opened, and she went inside.

"'s my writing today!" Rebecca handed the paper to Laura with pride. "Is there any noticeable improvement from yesterday?" she asked, excited to know her opinion.

Laura smiled. "Wow, this looks better than yesterday. Almost there!" she praised the woman's effort.

"Hooray! I'm truly happy and inspired to do my best tomorrow! I have a feeling that I'm going to perfect my penmanship within this week!" Rebecca exclaimed.

Laura smiled, amused while watching Rebecca's childlike enthusiasm.

Rebecca went to the table and dropped the paper. "I'm going to sleep here tonight, is that okay with you?" she asked permission.

"Okay," Laura said. Having someone sleeping beside her in the bed makes her feel a bit secured and safe. She welcomes Rebecca's presence in the room especially during sleep time, she no longer feels alone during night time.

"So, what is your next agenda for tomorrow?" Rebecca asked.

"We will try to find a restaurant or eatery that we can hire to prepare the menu for the wedding party," Laura said.

"Okay, so... we will have a trip back to town again tomorrow?" Rebecca asked.

"Yes... same time," Laura replied.

"Nice. I love visiting the town, so many interesting things to see there!" Rebecca giggled.

The women discussed more details about the wedding preparations.

A few hours later.

There was a gentle knock on the door. "Miss Laura and Miss Rebecca, dinner is ready!" Neeza announced.

"Okay, we will go down in a minute," Laura responded.

"Let's go!" Rebecca said.

The women exited the bedroom going downstairs for dinner.

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