The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 92 - Forgotten!

They saw Neeza in the hallway.

Rebecca addressed the maid. "I saw two servants carrying their belongings and boarded the carriage leaving the mansion. Are they fired on their jobs?" she asked curiously.


"No, Miss, they're going to be transferred to other Sir Nicholas property and served new masters," Neeza answered.

Laura's brow's knitted together. "New masters? Who are they?" she asked in confusion.

"I heard they were relatives of Sir Nicholas. I honestly don't know anything about them, Miss," replied Neeza.

"If they are relatives, we will meet them soon. I'm sure Sir Nicholas would hold a dinner party to welcome them in our midst," Rebecca stated.

The women resumed walking, going downstairs, heading to the dining room.

When they entered the dining room, the men were already on their seats, currently enjoying their meals.

Laura took her seat beside Cooper, and Rebecca sat beside Graven.

The women began putting food on their plates.

Laura looked at the head of the family. "Father, we're going to town again today to find a good restaurant or eatery that is willing to cater for the wedding menu," she informed him.

Sir Nicholas glanced at Laura. "Ah, not today, daughter. Cooper and I would go somewhere. No one can accompany you in going to town. You can do it tomorrow, Cooper will be free by then," he said.

"But we have the guards to protect us against dangers..." Rebecca interjected.

Sir Nicholas's brows furrowed.

"It's okay, Father. We will do it some other day when Cooper is free to come with us," Laura retracted.

"Okay, now that's settled, anything else? If not...then we shall continue eating," Sir Nicholas said.

"No more, Father," Laura smiled.

They resumed eating their meals.

One hour later, they finished consuming their food and vacated the dining room. The men went to their rooms, including the ladies.


The following day.

The occupants of the mansion finished breakfast two hours ago.

Inside Laura's room.

Rebecca stood near the window - looking down below.

Laura went to her side. "What are you looking at?" she asked curiously, wondering what catches her friend's attention this time.

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"I'm looking at the carriage in front of the house," Rebecca replied without looking at Laura.

"What's so special about the carriage that caught your attention today?" Laura asked, looking down below.

Rebecca smiled. "Because the carriage is looking handsome today!" she joked.

Her statement evoked a giggle from Laura. "You're crazy!"

Rebecca responded with a cheeky grin. "Yeah, I'm crazy beautiful!" she spoke in laughter.

The women erupted in peals of laughter.

A few minutes later, after the laughter subsided.

"Instead of watching the handsome carriage, why don't you start practicing writing the alphabet letters?" Laura suggested.

"Later... dearest..." Rebecca responded.

"OK." Laura went back to bed and picked up the nail cutter from the drawer of the bedside table, wanting to cut the growing nails on her fingers.

"Laura, come here, quick!" Rebecca said urgently.

"What is it?" Laura left the bed and rushed to the window.

"Look below..." Rebecca whispered.

Laura saw Sir Nicholas, Graven, and Cooper entered the carriage. A few moments later, the carriage was exiting the iron gate, getting out of the property, and moving towards the main road outside the mansion.

"So...what so special about it? The men were just boarding the carriage together. I don't see anything wrong with it," Laura commented nonchalantly.

Rebecca's brows knitted together. "It's rare to see them together unless... it's an important occasion! What's so important outside that the three of them must go together? Graven didn't tell me anything..." she murmured.

"It must be related to family matters. Which means it's none of our business," Laura concluded. She doesn't want to speculate on the things that the father and sons' were doing outside.

Rebecca rubbed her chin in deep thoughts. After a minute or two, she spoke. "Well... the men must be up... on something! What's with the secrecy?" she asked, looking at her companion in the room.

Laura shrugged. "I'm not interested in what they're doing outside. I'm sure it doesn't concern me," she answered.

"Okay, as you say so," Rebecca reacted with a flip of her hair.

She went to the dresser table and looked at the mirror still covered with garments. Her mind drifted to the mysterious being residing in the mirror. "Aren't you going to take off the cover of the mirror?" she asked.

Laura shook her head. "As long I'm staying in this room, that mirror will remain that way," she answered.

"If that's the case, then I will bring my mirror here. I want to see some mysterious spirit today 'coz I'm bored!" Rebecca said and walked towards the door.

Laura looked at the girl's retreating form, shaking her head.

Rebecca exited the door and closed it behind her.

A few minutes later.

Rebecca returned to the room, holding a mirror in her right hand. She put it on the table and stared at her reflection in the mirror for a few minutes.

"Mirror mirror on the wall...where is the spirit hiding behind your wall?"

Laura smiled, amused by Rebecca's chanting.

Rebecca repeated the same chant a few times...but nothing comes out of the mirror. She picked up the pen and paper and began writing the alphabet letters twenty times.

After finishing writing, she held her paper up. "Teacher Laura, I'm done writing my alphabet!" she giggled.

Laura laughed. "Stop calling me, teacher!" she said and went to her side. She inspected the writing on the paper. "Wow! Your penmanship is getting better each day! A few more days to go, and you'll finally nail it!" she commented.

"Thank you for your praises, teacher!" Rebecca said in a sing-song voice.

Laura picked up the paperback on the table and resumed reading the book.

Rebecca stared at the mirror and chanted again.

"Mirror mirror on the wall...where is the spirit hiding behind your wall?"

"Mirror mirror on the wall...where is the spirit hiding behind your wall?"

"Mirror mirror on the wall...where is the spirit hiding behind your wall?"

"Mirror mirror on the wall...where is the spirit hiding behind your wall?"

"Mirror mirror on the wall...where is the spirit hiding behind your wall?"

Still no effect. Rebecca pouted and stopped chanting. "You're no fun!" she scolded the mirror. She rose to her feet and went to Laura's side. "I'm bored! Let's go to the mini-park! Let's enjoy the swing!" she suggested.

"Alright," Laura responded and placed the book on the bedside table.

The women left the bedroom and went downstairs. They went to the kitchen, passing the cook who is busy preparing the food for lunch, and exited from there.

The girls went to the swing and sat on the metal seat. They began swinging back and forth, enjoying the gentle breeze blowing their hair away from their faces.


Meanwhile, inside the moving carriage.

"Father, give me a hint, please? What is this surprise you are preparing for me? I'm dying of curiosity!" Cooper begged 'coz he can't control his excitement.

"You will know soon enough," Sir Nicholas said.

Cooper scratched his head and glanced at his brother, that is sitting silently in the corner.

Graven shook his head as well.

Cooper sighed and kept to himself.

Half an hour later.

The carriage stopped in front of an iron gate. The guard opened the gate to allow the carriage to pass.

A few minutes later.

The men exited the carriage.

Cooper looked at the house. "Father, is this your surprise for me? Are you gifting me a house and lot?" he asked.

Sir Nicholas shook his head. "No, my surprise for you is inside the house," he replied calmly.

The maid exited the house and approached them with a greeting. "Good day, Sir!"

"Informed your Madam to go down in the living room," Sir Nicholas ordered.

'Yes, Sir!" the maid said and went back inside.

The men went to the veranda and settled themselves on the chairs.

A few minutes later, the maid went to the veranda. "Sir... Madam and the kids are already in the living room," she said.

Sir Nicholas nods his head, the maid left.

"Let's go inside!" he said.

The men rose to their feet and entered the door that leads to the living room.

Sir Nicholas presented his surprise to his son. "Son, here they are! My surprise for you!"

"What the hell!?" Cooper's eyes widened in surprise upon seeing Sarah and the kids inside the house. He rushed to her side. "W-what are you doing here!?" he asked her.

Sarah sighed deeply. "You abandon me and our children! What am I supposed to do?" she asked in a low voice, gritting her teeth in anger.

"I told you to wait for me!" he said furiously.

"I can't wait for you forever! The kids and I will die of hunger because you have already forgotten us!" Sarah yelled at him. Fresh tears sprang in her eyes.

The little boy Nicholas went to his father's side. "Papa! Papa!" he said, hugging his father's thigh.

Cooper scooped the boy in his arms and planted a quick kiss on his cheek. "How are you, my son?" he asked.

Sir Nicholas coughed.

Cooper looked at his father apologetically. "Father, I'm sorry about this. I will explain everything to you..." he said.

Sir Nicholas released a deep sigh. "I know everything! Sarah told me about what you have done to them. How can you abandon my grandchildren? Why did you put them in so much misery! You bastard!" he shouted at him.

"Calm down, Father," Graven said while rubbing his father's back, soothing him.

"Father, I'm sorry! I'm just trying to find the right time to tell you about them. I..I just can't find the perfect time. I'm afraid you will get angry and disown me!" Cooper cried. "And the arranged marriage with Laura prevented me from telling you about them..." he said. "I'm so sorry..." his eyes shed real tears.

Sir Nicholas's face was already red like a tomato with anger.

Then suddenly, baby Nikka began crying in Sarah's arms.

Sir Nicholas looked at Sarah. "Bring the kids upstairs and stay there until we take our leave," he ordered in a gentle voice.

"Yes, Sir!" Sarah replied obediently.

Graven took the boy Nicholas from Cooper's arms, and together with Sarah, they climbed the stairs going to the master's bedroom.

A moment later, Graven returned downstairs.

"Let's talk in the veranda!" Sir Nicholas addressed his children.

The men left the living room and returned to the veranda.

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