The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 94 - Went Off!

Laura and Rebecca went back to the mansion after having enough of swinging.

The girls climbed the stairs and proceeds to Laura's room. When they enter the room, they saw a red rose beside the mirror on the table!


They looked at each other in astonishment.

"Oh my! The spirit is here! Where is he!?" Rebecca exclaimed sweeping the entire room with her gaze. She went to the toilet, he's not there!

Laura looked at the fresh rose. "After leaving the rose, he disappeared usually," she explained.

"Argh! We shouldn't have gone to the mini-park at all. We should have stayed here and wait for him!" Rebecca whined. Dang! She felt disappointed that she loses the opportunity to meet the spirit!

Laura smiled while looking at Rebecca. "Why do I have a feeling that you're getting obsessed with the mysterious spirit in the mirror? Are you?" she asked her.

Rebecca looked at Laura. "Because I have a feeling that... the mysterious spirit and Luke are of the same person," she replied.

"But you told me that Luke is already dead. How can his spirit live in the mirror?" Laura rolled her eyes.

Rebecca glanced at Laura. "Dear... for your information... there are so many things in this world that are hard to explain and can't be seen with a naked eye. Anyway, it's hard to explain things, but you should know by now that the spirit is not here to just look at you. He might have plans to take you away from here and bring you to his place. And who knows where is that place? I hope it's not in the depths of hell or the underground world. I hope it's somewhere beautiful..." she said.

Laura sighed. She doesn't want to believe Rebecca's terrifying claim about the mysterious spirit's intention to take her away. "If that is the case, then stop bringing that mirror here! You are just encouraging him to come here into my room!" she said.

Dang! Rebecca sighed and regretted her choice of words. Laura is getting scared! Then she smiled. "Oh, don't be afraid, dear. I will sleep in your room from now on. No one can take you away from here. I will fight that mysterious spirit if he will try to take you away," she said bravely.

Laura was not convinced of Rebecca's promise of safety. "It's okay with me if you sleep in my room every night - but leave your mirror in your bedroom!" she demanded.

Rebecca breathed deeply, not liking where this conversation is going. She will try to prevent Laura from getting fired up. "Calm down, Laura. Okay, I will leave the mirror in my room from now on. I will no longer bring it here. Please don't get mad at me..." she pleaded.

Laura sat on the bed and sighed. "I'm not angry at you, I'm just scared and panicking! I don't want that mysterious spirit taking me away to a faraway land. That would terrify me!" she said, feeling upset.

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Rebecca sat beside Laura on the bed. "I'm so sorry for upsetting you and scaring you. I didn't mean to make you feel that way. Please forgive me," she said regretfully.

Laura took a deep breath. "It's okay, apology accepted. Bring that mirror back to your room. I don't want to see it again!" she ordered.

"Alright, I'll bring it back to my room." Rebecca stood up and went to the table, she grabbed the mirror and exited the bedroom.

Laura was finally able to breathe easier. Although the spirit in the mirror is harmless, what if he indeed has a plan of kidnapping her? With his power, he can easily snatch her and bring her to a place that she can no longer find her way home. She doesn't want something like that to happen to her.

She's no longer interested to know who is the spirit in the mirror. Luke or not, she doesn't want to do anything with him anymore. She already accepted the truth in her heart that Luke is already dead, no need to resurrect him.

Rebecca thinks Luke is the spirit in the mirror, if she is right, then sad to say, she can no longer continue to love him. What's the point? He's already a spirit of the dead and she is alive, they have no future together.

She took a deep breath and lie on the bed, she picked up the book and shifted her whole attention to it.


Meanwhile, inside Rebecca's room.

She stared at the mirror, feeling upset. She wondered if the spirit will appear in the mirror again even if the mirror is no longer inside Laura's room?

Sighing, she went to the window and stared at the horizon.

Well...since Laura no longer wanted to know everything about the spirit, then she might as well wait for the day when Graven goes to the cave and act accordingly based on what he will see in the coffin.

For now, she won't go back to Laura's room yet. The girl might not want to see her after she annoyed her. She did not expect that Laura would take her words seriously, but then she was only telling the truth. Sooner or later, the spirit in the mirror would snatch Laura away and she will disappear in her room and can no longer be seen by anyone.

The spirit won't keep staring at Laura's beautiful face forever without doing anything. She was even confused why the spirit is not doing anything to Laura yet? Maybe the spirit has no real intention of keeping Laura for himself? Or maybe he was just contented visiting Laura once in a while.

But then that's odd...

Anyways, she will just stay in her room for a while and wait until Laura's mind start to cool off. She understood very well why Laura was scared, she has a lot of reason to feel scared because the entity residing inside the mirror might be planning something sinister towards her. She is just a mere human, with no skill or power to protect herself.

Hours went by.

Laura stayed in her room and Rebecca did the same.

When Neeza informed them that lunch is ready, Laura and Rebecca met in the hallway, smiling at each other.

Rebecca felt huge relief washed over her, she thought Laura will stay in her sour mood all day long and ignore her. She was glad Laura is in good spirits again. They went downstairs and entered the dining room area while talking to each other.

They're the only people in the dining room because the men haven't returned yet.

The girls began eating in comfortable silence.

They finished eating after one hour while occasionally talking to each other.

They vacated the dining room area and exited the house, relaxing on the veranda.

Half an hour later, the carriage finally returned and entered the gate. The men left the carriage and entered the house, going to the dining room area to eat lunch.

Laura and Rebecca looked at each other.

"They're wearing a grim expression on their faces, did you see it?" Rebecca expressed what she observed on the men's faces.

Laura was not that observant. She wasn't watching the men's faces. She just glanced at them for a few seconds and turned away. "Really-? I haven't studied their faces, so I miss it," she responded.

Rebecca smiled and shrugged.

"You're just too observant that's why to notice a lot of things when you shouldn't be," Laura said.

"Yeah, you are right!" Rebecca admitted her weakness.

A half an hour later.

Graven exited the door and walked towards the back of the house, Rebecca saw him.

"I'll go to my honey! See you later, Laura!" Rebecca said and sprinted after Graven.

Laura watched Rebecca latched at Graven's arms like a leech, she released a deep sigh. She rose to her feet, entered the house, and climbed the stairs, going back to her room.

When she arrived in her room, she went to the window and looked everywere outside the surrounding area of the mansion.

She was now on the first step of making her wedding to Cooper come true. Time flies too fast, before she knew it, it will be her wedding day.

Her sweet moments with Luke will soon become a distant memory in her mind. She's going to marry a man she didn't love. Although she doesn't love Cooper, she will try to be a good wife to him. This is for the best!

Then her mind wandered to the vampire couple who descended in their mansion, she never seen them again. Where are they now? Not that she wishes to see them again, but it's kind of odd that they're no longer trying to locate her whereabouts.

Maybe the vampire couple had a change of heart, or maybe their son died accidentally, and there is no need for a wife that's why they no longer come after her. Besides, if the vampire returned to her hometown, she should receive news or message from her father, but nothing so far, which means they are safe there, in Hallowpass.

But she can't shake that premonition lurking in her mind - that one day those vampires would come back to take her away, and when that time comes, she can no longer escape.

She sighed and left the window.

She went to bed and picked up the book to continue reading it.

A few hours later... the night is fast approaching.

The ladies and the men have dinner together in the dining room.

They finished their meals shrouded in silence.

The atmosphere on that night is subdued, everyone is quiet, no one is in the mood for chatting. They all went to their respective rooms upstairs to retire for the night.

By 10:00 in the evening, Rebecca knocked on Laura's room, bringing a blanket and pillow with her. Laura opened the door for Rebecca to enter.

A few minutes later.

The women were already lying in bed preparing to sleep.

By midnight... Rebecca and Laura both fall asleep soundly in the bed with lights on.

Meanwhile, inside Rebecca's room, a cloud of black smoke came out of the mirror. The smoke exited Rebecca's window and traveled towards Laura's window.

The smoke entered through the small hole in Laura's window and slowly formed into a man's silhouette. He stood like a statue in the middle of the room, staring at the two women sleeping in the bed.

Meanwhile...another dark silhouette was hovering outside...looking at the window...concealed by the darkness of the surrounding.

Then suddenly... the lights went off inside Laura's room.

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