The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 95 - Don't Be Stubborn!

The next day.

Everything is normal in Laura's room, except for one thing...


Rebecca woke up first and left the bed. She was about to enter the bathroom but saw the red rose on the table. She halted on her step and went to the table. She glanced at Laura, the girl was still sleeping soundly in bed.

She picked up the rose and stared at it for a few minutes, but the call of nature is already hard to ignore. She put back the flower on the table and went straight towards the bathroom.

A few minutes later.

Laura's eyelids fluttered. When she opened her eyes wide, her gaze landed on the red rose on the table. An expression of astonishment was plastered on her face. She sits upright...staring at the rose.

The bathroom door opened and Rebecca exited. "Good morning, Laura!" she greeted the girl. She noticed that she was already looking at the single rose on the table.

"Good morning," Laura replied, not taking her gaze away from the rose.

Rebecca looked at the single flower. " noticed the red rose? I presumed that the spirit was here last night when we're both sleeping soundly, am I right?"

Laura nodded her head. "Yeah..." she murmured. Then a frown appeared on her forehead. "But you already brought your mirror back to your room last night. How come the spirit was still able to appear inside my room?" she asked in confusion.

"Yeah, I have the same question. Maybe the spirit can already appear in your room anytime and everywhere without the aid of the mirror?" Rebecca took a wild guess.

"That's getting scary!" Laura spoke worriedly. She's getting worried about her safety.

"The more reason why we need to see this spirit face to face and ask him what she wanted from you before it's too late!" Rebecca said. But how to ask the spirit when it's avoiding them? It doesn't appear even once when they're awake. It will only appear inside the room when everyone is sleeping and left a rose.

Laura's body shivered in fear.

"But why the spirit doesn't want to show himself to us?" Rebecca asked in bewilderment.

"He always appears when I'm the only one in the room. But when you start sleeping with me, he no longer shows his face to me. He left a single rose to remind me that he visited me," Laura said.

"Oh, so you mean to say, the spirit is shy? He doesn't want to show himself to me? Only to you? he's no fun!" Rebecca pouted. She went to the window and stay there for a few seconds. She saw Graven walking on the path, going to the mansion. She looked at Laura. "I'm going downstairs. I'll see you later," she said and rushed out of the room.

She walked briskly in the hallway, about to go down the stairs when she saw Graven climbing the stairs - she waited for him to reach the top.

After reaching the top, Graven went to her side.

"I want to tell you something..." she said.

Graven looked at her. "What is it?"

"Let's go to the balcony..." Rebecca said.

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They went to the balcony and sat on the couch.

"The mysterious spirit visited Laura's room again and left a rose on the table. It all happened when Laura and I were sleeping soundly. There's no mirror in the room, and yet the spirit was able to manifest itself inside the room!" Rebecca explained.

Graven was silent for a minute or two.

" looks like the spirit is obsessed with Laura," he said.

"Not only that, you had to wonder what is his intention towards Laura? If he is Luke's spirit, then what should we do? Let him continue visiting Laura that way even if she's going to marry your brother Cooper? And if he is not Luke...and turns out to be another spirit...then what should we do? Should we protect Laura or not?" Rebecca bombarded him with lots of questions.

"Calm down...I'm going to my father's study to inform him that I'm going to leave you here for a few days because I'm going on an important business trip... which is going to the cave," Graven said. "As for Laura... I will decide what to do after I come back and see the condition of my brother in the coffin. Keep watching over her while I'm away and behave accordingly inside my father's house!" he replied.

"Okay, as you say so..." Rebecca said.

Graven rose to his feet and entered the house, going to his father's study room.

While Rebecca left the balcony and went to her room.


Inside the study room.

Graven entered the room and sat on the chair facing his father. "Good morning, Father!" he conveyed his greeting.

"Good morning, son," Sir Nicholas returned the greetings.

"Father, now that Sarah and Cooper's problem is already settled. I would like to go back to the coal mine. I will leave Rebecca here with Laura for a few days," he said.

Sir Nicholas nods his head. "Okay, don't worry about Rebecca. She and Laura bonded well. She won't be bored here," he assured him.

"Thanks, Father!" Graven said.

Sir Nicholas stood up. "Let's head to the dining room for breakfast," he said.

"Okay." Graven rose to his feet and opened the door for his father.

The men exited the study room and went downstairs.


Neeza went to Laura and Rebecca's room and informed the women that breakfast is ready.

The women went downstairs and entered the dining room area. They settled on the chairs beside their respective partners.

The atmosphere in the living room on that day is better than yesterday. They consumed their meals in good spirits, occasionally discussing the wedding.

Sir Nicholas addressed Cooper. "Son, accompany Laura and Rebecca to the town this afternoon to look for a good restaurant that will provide the food for the wedding party," he ordered.

"Okay, I will, Father," Cooper replied with a smile.

They resumed eating breakfast and finished forty-five minutes later.

They vacated the place and went to their respective rooms to start their day.


After taking a bath and preparing her dress for the trip later, Rebecca left her room and went to Laura.

When she entered the room, Laura was about to take a bath.

"I'm going to take a bath for a few minutes. You can practice writing the alphabet letters if you want," Laura suggested and entered the bathroom.

"Okay," Rebecca replied and went to the table. She lowered herself on the chair and picked up the pen and paper, then began writing the alphabet letters twenty times on the blank paper.

A few minutes later, she finished writing the alphabet letters to humor Laura. She stood up and went to the window.

She saw Graven's carriage exiting the iron gate. A few days from now, she will know the status of Luke.

Hours went by.


After lunch.

Laura, Rebecca, and Cooper were getting ready for their trip to town.

One hour later, they boarded the carriage, along with the three guards riding on their horses, following from behind.

Twenty minutes later, they arrived in the heart of town and began their quest for the best eatery that provides the best delicious foods with the best deals.

Two hours later.

They entered a pastry shop and ate snacks.

Cooper addressed the ladies. "Girls, I'm going somewhere. I'll be gone for more than an hour. If you get bored, you can check out the nearest stores and shop for clothes. I will pay for them when I return. Okay?" he said, looking specifically at Laura. "If you get bored, you can return to the carriage, I'll find you there," he said.

"Okay," Laura nodded her head.

Cooper pulled some money from the pocket of his trousers and handed them all to Laura. "Keep the change," he said and left the pastry shop.

"Wow, we can go shopping and buy everything we want!" Rebecca said enthusiastically.

"Let's go!" Laura said.

The women exited the pastry shop and checked out the nearby stores lining up the street that sell dresses, shoes, and bags.


Cooper hired a carriage that will take him to the place where Sarah and his children were residing.

The driver of the carriage used a shortcut route to reach the place in just half an hour.

When they arrived at the place, Cooper ordered the guard to open the gate. He told the driver of the carriage to wait for him outside the gate.

Cooper entered the house. He saw the maid sweeping the floor in the living room.

"Good afternoon, Sir!" the maid greeted him.

Cooper nods his head. "Where is your Madam Sarah?"

"She's in the bedroom putting the kids to sleep for their afternoon nap," the maid replied.

Cooper left the living room and climbed the stairs. He went to the door and didn't bother to knock since it's already opened.

He found Sarah putting their son to sleep in the bed while Nikka was sleeping soundly in her wooden crave.

Sarah looked at him angrily. "Why are you here?"

Cooper grinned. "Of course, to see my children and to see you!" he said and sat beside her on the bed. He looked at the sleeping faces of his children.

Sarah left the bed.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"I'm going out!" Sarah said.

Before Sarah can reach the door, Cooper sneaked his hands on her waist and pulled her to his chest. "Let's make love while the children are sleeping," he whispered in her ears.

"Stop harassing me!" Sarah hissed.

"Darling...don't be so stubborn. Give me what I want..." he said while trailing kisses on her ears and neck.

"Get off me!" Sarah yelled.

"Shhh...stop fighting me. The children might wake up! Keep quiet," he said. "Don't worry...I'll take care of you no matter what," he said.

"You bastard! I will tell your father what you have done to me!" she threatened him.

"Oh, don't rely much on my father. He's very old. If he passed away suddenly, I will inherit all his property, and who else can continue providing you this kind of life, only me!" Cooper said. "So be kind to me," he whispered and inserted his hand inside her underwear.

Sarah closed her eyes. Cooper does have a valid reason. Sir Nicholas is already old. If he dies unexpectedly, she can only rely on Cooper for his mercy and support to maintain her current lifestyle. She gritted her teeth in sheer hopelessness.

Cooper ravaged Sarah's body inside the bathroom while their children were sleeping nearby.

Half an hour later.

Cooper exited the bedroom wearing a bright smile on his lips. He left the house and boarded back the carriage waiting outside the gate. "Back to town!" he ordered.

"Yes, Sir!" the driver of the carriage replied.

A few minutes later.

The carriage moved towards the main road - heading back to town.

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