The villainess shall be mine

Chapter 169 The Plan (Part 2)

The hunt had begun and using the words of the Emperor as an excuse, some people began to perpetuate horrible acts on their peers, just because they were related to the Raizel family.

This was the work of the hands of justice, or so these people named their actions as they beat down young boys and girls, leaving them in a pool of blood, half dead.

Traitors must be punished severely or so these people shouted as they removed the young girls' clothes, beating them, and pretended to do it for the sake of giving a warning.

The more the people related to the Raizel family defended themselves, the more these monsters disguised as humans felt pleasure in hunting them down like rabbits.

This was also the reason why Blanca was surrounded by people thirsting for blood, and even Derige was no different from her point of view.

'What should I do now?' Blanca thought to herself. Everything should have been progressing according to the plan, and Adam was so confident about his success. Where did things go wrong?

For the first time after coming to the empire, she felt that she was really in the enemy's territory.

She knew that she wasn't strong enough to protect herself and save Adam, and this made her bit her lips. Was she wrong about everything? Did she choose to ally with the wrong person?

A lot of questions crossed Blanca's mind, and if it was the old her before meeting Adam and deciding to trust him, she wouldn't be so confused about such a thing.

Nonetheless, she didn't run away, even after seeing the walking volcano in front of her.

The atmosphere began to heat up and it was hard to breathe. The close people began to distance themselves and looked excited to watch the show. They were about to witness the power of the strongest Guardian, and it was not every day that Derige displayed his power in public.

The heat emanating from Derige continued to increase and the crimson blood around Blanca began to vaporize.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Blanca felt that this situation was bad, and even though she was strong, her special power would be useless if her attacks couldn't reach Derige.

As such, she attacked Derige without holding back and as fast as she could, to the point that human eyes couldn't even follow the crimson weapons rushing toward Derige, aiming at his head, heart, and stomach.

Swoosh! Shoowsh!

Blanca's attack, however, was in vain, as everything that was 2 meters around Derige turned into ashes or melted away like snow.

Even though Derige wasn't invincible, he was called the strongest for a reason, and that was his sheer destructive power.

The elemental gift of fire was not as convenient as particular gifts that could accelerate time, but when the holder managed to evolve his gift into an authority, it was a completely different matter.

Authorities could bend the law of nature and even alter certain aspects of the reality. For example, it would be impossible for all of the energy inside the sun to be contained in a human body.

However, Derige's authority turned his body into a star core, something similar to the core of sun.

That came with drawbacks, of course, because Derige could die anytime due to his body exploding but despite this risk, the list of substances that could withstand being exposed to the energy emanating from the sun was not that long, and blood was not one of them even if it was something as special as Blanca's blood.

The fight had already ended, and Blanca knew that she didn't stand a chance against Derige even if she could probably stand toe to toe against some of the other Guardians.

When Dirige activated his power, it was hard to stop him, and the gift of his opponents was almost completely useless.

Blanca felt the inside of her mouth and her lips drying up, and the vaporization of the crimson blood around her accelerated as Derige neared.

Even though Blanca noticed that Derige was slow and she could probably grab Adam and run away, her instinct told her that she would die along with Adam if she moved.

Almost every person present around the huge Colosseum had already evacuated, and Derige took his time in order to let these people leave.

As for the other Guardians, Nuiia used her power to create an invisible box that could let them stand in mid-air while protecting them from the heat.

They were looking down at what was happening, and some of the devices used to record the event were next to them. In other words, people all around the universe saw that Adam was about to get killed, almost as if he was being executed.

Apart from the guardians, a person wearing the outfit of an imperial maid along with a particular mask made of metal floated in the air and observed the situation.

The whole setting was similar to what Adam saw in his vision, but unlike the fallen hero, he had Blanca by his side.

Countless people were watching the end of Adam's adventure and saw him as a villain that deserved death despite not knowing anything about him.

Innocent people were dying, children were screaming in pain, women were abused and raped, and all of that was because of Adam and his plan. Would have things ended up differently if he decided to just live a normal life? Probably not.

In fact, his life would have been way worse because he was not given the choice since the beginning. No one was given the choice. People couldn't choose to be born as gods, after all. Otherwise, who would want to die as a human?

"The synchronization was… a success…"

Blanca was startled and turned to look behind her. To her surprise, she saw Adam trying to stand up while grabbing his head with his hand, and looked almost as if he was disoriented.

"Adam! We need to get out of here quickly!" She shouted. Blanca had once again believed that Adam would find a way out of this critical situation. She trusted Adam more than she thought she would.

Hearing Blanca, Adam looked in front of him and saw Derige. He could also feel the abnormally high temperature in the atmosphere.

However, Adam didn't show any reaction and looked almost as if he lost his ability to feel any emotion.

He stood up and walked toward Blanca. "Sorry, I can't save you in this life. You suffered enough, and I don't want you to witness what happens next. Rest now, and when you wake up, you will find yourself in a better world."

Adam put his hand on Blanca's shoulder and then she fell to her knees with her eyes closed. She looked relaxed and almost at peace. Her body then transformed into beautiful crimson Red spider lily flowers, which were turned into ashes shortly after.

Adam didn't let any emotion show on his face, almost as if he already knew that all of this would happen.

"I am going to carry everything with me. I will not leave anything behind. Nothing is lost," Adam mumbled.

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