The villainess shall be mine

Chapter 170 What Is A God?

"Hahaha! This is fascinating! Can he still be called a human?" Inside a room situated far away from the Empire's main planet, the Emperor had a grin on his face and his voice was full of enthusiasm and fascination because of what he was seeing.

In front of him was footage showing Adam standing, looking up to the sky as if some of the memories that he had somehow forgotten are coming back to him.

"I see, so he fooled himself to prevent me from knowing his actual progression. Making a copy of his brain that can act independently without him needing to be involved in the process of thinking was indeed the best way to overcome my ability. However, what is this?"

At the same time, Adam began the synchronization, various information had also begun to pop up inside of the Emperor's mind as a result of using his ability, the one which allowed him to conquer the Empire.

However, as the Emperor continued to read Adam's mind, he made a face that he had never made before. He had experienced great suffering in his life, and he made a lot of different expressions until the day he could only smile and laugh at everything.

"He was a monster hiding inside of a human skin…" he cried. "No, even a monster wouldn't think of something like this. How could a person reach this kind of conclusion? No, he is not a monster nor is he the Son of God. He thinks of himself as God. Hahaha haha! Still, it's unavoidable… My master seems to have predicted this outcome."

Even though everything else seemed worthless apart from his desire for vengeance in the Emperor's eyes, he was somehow aware of his position and acknowledged that there were entities that could not antagonize. The one whom he called master was one of such entities.

"… But as expected, Cristal was a double-edged sword. Joshua must have betrayed me at some point. It seems like I need to speed things up… This may be the best time to use those. I wonder how he will react."

As he said these words, the Emperor made his way to a hidden room. The room was large but it was filled with large metallic cables that appeared to connect to large devices. At the center of the room, however, a single chair could be seen and all of the cables originated from this precise location.

The Emperor sat down on top of the throne-like chair and put a helmet that was connected to the whole system by cables if it could be called so, then closed his eyes.

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"Let's begin the final phase."


Adam was looking up to the sky with a completely emotionless face and blank eyes.

Nonetheless, there was nothing to be confused about. This was the only answer, and the future he set his eyes upon was just ahead. Still…

The rain started pouring down as if trying to wash away the tears and the cries of those who were about to die.

How did it come to this? Adam had already stopped thinking about such a thing, but to reach this conclusion, he needed to answer one question.

'What is a God?'

An entity that exists to be worshipped? An entity that dictates rules? An entity that is beyond humans' understanding? An entity that inspires fears? An entity… No, these were concepts created by those who feared being in total ignorance.

God didn't exist, at least for some people. But the moment someone dares to put their faith in something they couldn't see, they have already created a God.

However, there are ask believers, those who wanted salvation. God was a form of salvation. God was kind. God was forgiving. God was theirs alone…

So, how many Gods are there? Again, what is a God?

After being born again, Adam had seriously given some thought to the existence of God. Was his rebirth God's will?

If so, was everything that happened and was about to happen also God's will? And that unchangeable future ahead of him… No, that wasn't the case. At least, this was the conclusion Adam reached.

He had to look at things from a different perspective, discarding the pre-established concepts, moral values, and ideas that he believed in. He needed to reject everything about him, everything that made him himself.

The question was why? Adam had already changed and become a better version of himself. Looking back at his ugly self, he could see the difference as clear as day. He was more intelligent, more powerful, and had people that loved him. Nonetheless, that was just if he was looking at things while thinking that everything was centered around him.

Was he someone special? Yes. Was he the lucky chosen one? Yes. Was he God? No. That last question shouldn't even be relevant to a lot of people. Why would they ask themselves this question?

However, for Adam, this was the most important question that he needed to answer. Because, unless he was God, he would be nothing more than a monster deprived of humanity.

He always knew that he couldn't protect those who were important in his eyes, those who he held dead in his heart. It was inevitable that they would disappear… He couldn't do anything about it.

As such, he tricked himself, he rejected him he still didn't lose hope. He killed this version of himself to reach the answer he was looking for.

The previous Adam chose to slay his enemies to protect those who were important to him, to create a world in which he could finally feel at peace, and be happy. He was determined…

But what if by wishing for all of this, by wanting for all of this to happen, what if by doing so, he was rejecting his humanity? When this thought crossed Adam's mind, he began to waver. He already felt that he was changing, at first for the better, but what if he continued to change?

Indeed, these questions appeared to be just some kind of unnecessary thoughts. Something not worth thinking about… After all, humans are complex creatures.

But… There was one thing Adam couldn't ignore. For some reason, the course of events was leading him into an endless vicious circle. He will try to save them, be he will fail to protect them, then he will lose himself… In other words, never-ending suffering. Pain, agony, suffering… And more suffering.

Adam caught a glimpse of this… It was just an insight, but he became aware of the truth. He caught a glimpse of the possibilities, but never a way out.

The nature of his power was the highest hint, and when before he reached the real answer, he killed himself.

When he did so, he finally found the answer to his question. 'A God doesn't exist inside someone else's creation.'

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