The Void Wolf

Chapter 78: Found You

Chapter 78: Found You

The morning of the final conference came quickly. As each nation made their way to the conference hall, they all seemed to be in agreement on one thing, and that was the fact that the Merchants Circle made a dangerous blunder. There were some who didnt even care about it, they really wanted to strip the Free City down and take what they could.

Inside the Conference Hall, the room was abuzz with debates, the most forgiving people called Lowells situation a simple mistake, while the most extreme implied the Free City should be overseen by a collective of countries. The latter was, in fact, the greatest fear of the Merchants Circle, if they were to allow countries to have an administrative hold over the city it would spiral out of control.

Excuse me! An old man with a bald head and a thick beard made his way into the room. My name is Oswald and Ill be taking over Lowells duties for the remainder of the Summit. Oswald surveyed the room and met eyes with the leader of each nation, giving a slightly longer look to High Chancellor Orlov.

Before we begin, I would like to address the immediate concerns. Ill start by giving a sincere apology to everyone, especially the Fourth Prince. We werent aware that one of our own harbored such intentions, especially someone who has been with us for so long. We prepared a few things to ask for your forgiveness. For the next five years, well lower the import tax on foreign goods, and hopefully, increase trade with all of you. Well also lower the cost of exporting our goods to countries abroad. I know that it is a minor consolidation, but please bear with this old man. Oswald said before bowing.

Ira watched what took place and smiled before he turned to Avery, If I remember it right, Lowell called himself a humble merchant when he introduced himself. This guy is the same type of person isnt he?

Its a common tactic that people use to appear less threatening and even pitiable. Its likely everyone in the Merchants Circle is similar to Lowell. Avery responded.

The general mood in the room became better as the small benefit described by Oswald was incredibly beneficial to just about everyone.

Seeing as no one voiced their disagreement, Oswald took it as a signal to proceed. Now, Im sure that isnt enough to convince you so we have another gift. He gestured to the guards who nodded before leaving the room.

This one is mostly for the Fourth Prince, but Im sure everyone will enjoy it. Oswald smiled.

After a few moments, the guards dragged a haggard man with a familiar appearance.

Though he has been through much in the last few hours, he should still be recognizable. Oswald gestured.

The guards grabbed the mans hair and raised his head so that everyone could see. It was none other than Lowell who looked as if he had been through a lot. One eye was swollen shut, his fingernails were missing, and there were small lacerations all over his body that failed to be hidden by his clothes.

In order to atone for his sins, Lowell will commit suicide. Many of you wouldnt know, but when we truly accept someone into the Merchants Circle, we expect them to have the conviction to kill themselves on the spot if they ever harm its integrity. When we found Lowell, he was obviously still alive which means he lacks those convictions, but after somepersuasion he has changed his mind. Oswald declared as he looked at Lowell with cold eyes.

A guard placed a golden dagger on the floor next to Lowell. Upon seeing it, Lowell reached for it with trembling hands.

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His one eye stared at Oswald with absolute hatred before he turned to give everyone in the room the same look. He wanted to scream out and expose the Merchants Circle, but his tongue had been severed ahead of time to prevent such a thing. As for attempting to attack someone with the dagger? Lowell was under threat of repeated torture and causing the backlash to reach some of the people he cared about. There was nothing to be done, even if he took steps to hide the whereabouts of his family, the Merchant's Circle were able to find them in a few hours.

Lowell snatched up the dagger from the floor and raised it to his chest before he gave a painful and muffled laugh. In his head, he was cursing everyone to suffer a fate the same as him, but he had no way to transmit it. He took a deep breath and plunged the dagger into his chest before he fell onto the floor. In his last moments, he still kept his eyes on Oswald, hoping that he would die in the same way.

The room was silent before Oswald clapped, Now, let us begin crafting a plan to deal with the City-Eater.

Lowells body was dragged away by the guards and conference officially began.


The main topic was brought back into focus, much to the approval of the Diavol Council. The discussion progressed slowly until a few hours in when the serious aspects of planning came into play.

So are we to make a collective force? Letting the army of other nation into your own country is a very difficult and unreasonable thing to do. A Parvian said.

Thats even more unreasonable. All of our armies are trained in different ways, we would have to devise a training and combat regiment that would be suitable to all and that would take very long. A Telvian official responded.

Then lets agree to assemble our troops to whatever nation it appears in first. Ideally, the remaining six would send a group of soldiers equivalent to at least half that nations standing army. Eight thousand soldiers from each of us would equate to fifty-six thousand in total. King Windsor spoke.

That isnt nearly enough...The entire city was destroyed and with no chance to defend. From the information we have it doesnt appear to have the ability to destroy a city when it pleases. We also believe it to be currently hibernating in order to recover from the backlash of using its ability. I think every nation should form their own expedition teams to scout out the more reclusive areas of their country. Well report on any strange activity to keep everyone else informed. A Diavol man said.

All nations showed signs of agreement with sending a team to scout certain areas of their own country. To them, if the City-Eater happened to be found within their own borders, it was better to discover it ahead of time rather than suffer a tragedy.

I would like to make a suggestion Oswald spoke up. Its no news to anyone that the Grentians developed teleportation arrays. The Merchants Circle is willing to pay for an array to be set up in each country.

You not only want us to hand over the instructions for the array, but you also want each country to have an open door for someone else? King Windsor asked in disbelief.

Of course not, Your Majesty. I merely propose that you send a detachment to construct an array in each country and set the destination for the Free City. If the City-Eater appeared, each country could assemble here before going to the destination. As for informing one another, a small detachment from each nation could stay in the Free City to watch over their respective array. You can also make them agree to a soul binding oath and give them the sole authority to activate it. That way there's no worry of anyone like Lowell attempting to exploit the vulnerabilities. Oswald explained tactfully.

There were no drawbacks for anyone in his suggestion and the Merchants Circle was evening willing to pay for its development, so King Windsor found himself being persuaded. He briefly consulted with his advisors before making his decision.

Ill allow it. If we all stay in an informed loop our chances of dealing with this threat increase dramatically. King Windsor said.

We have no need for an array. Although our Airship isnt an instant form of travel, with some improvements well be able to traverse the continent within a day. High Chancellor Orlov voiced his refusal.

Thats fine, but how will you receive the summons if the City-Eater were to appear? A Diavol man asked.

Thats a fair point...Well develop a smaller model that focuses on speed and, with the permission of the Merchants Circle, well station it near the city. Orlov responded.

How long would that take? To develop I mean. Oswald inquired.

Probably no longer than it would take to install those Teleportation Arrays in each country. Orlov answered.

Weve figured out howll well gather, but we havent figured out any methods that will be useful in defeating the City-Eater. Oswald said before turning to Ira. Do you have any suggestions, Ira?

Ira blinked a few times before he looked around, Distance

Distance? Oswald repeated.

A lot of long-distance weapons, you know? Projectile-based weapons, Mages, anything thing that can be fired from a distance. Possibly something to restrain it, similar to those restraint chains or those old vines in the Great Forest. Ira said with a self-assured nod.

Ah...Thats perfect, Keeper. Sylun was the first to agree. If you enhance our mages with the power of the Red Moon, well surely have the strongest magic-based artillery on the continent.

Those who still were wary of the power bases of other countries took special notice in Syluns words. Neither she or Ira explained what the Red Moon did specifically and the only that could be seen visibly was the change in eye color. Her words hinted at the possibility of their magic being strengthened by the influence of the Red Moon. If that was the case, then what would happen to the Lycanthropes, Vampires, and Beast people when exposed to it?

Someone couldnt hold their curiosity and asked, Could you better explain the properties of the Red Moon?

Sylun looked to Ira for approval, he nodded away and she took it as her signal to explain. Of course, their interaction didnt escape the eyes of others.

Normally, those under my Empire are strongest during winter when both moons are present. Even so, that strength granted a bit more strength than and magic to than a regular army. When faced with the influence of the Red Moon, each race affected has their innate traits enhanced. For example, the Lycanthropes and Beast People experience a great increase in their strength and senses. Those more aligned with magic, such as my fellow Dark Elves, will receive a larger mana capacity along with an increase in the power and efficiency of spells. Sylun explained with a devout look.

The burst into a discussion upon Sylun revealing the effects of the Red Moon. As much as many hated to admit, they could see why Ira would appear as a religious figure in the eyes of the Dark Elf Empire. If a person appeared one day and their very presence increased the strength of those around them it would likely for others to see them as something divine. Some sent glances toward Ira but saw the sight of a young man consuming a muffin with a content look. There was no trace of anything divine around him, just crumbs.

If thats the case, Im sure no one object if someone from your side has authority over the mages. Naturally, that is under the assumption that Ira will be there and will be able to support you. Oswald said as he looked at Ira.

Yeah, sure. Ira shrugged. To his knowledge, he was the City-Eater and he didnt plan on making an appearance anytime soon.

Wonderful. Oswald said.

A few hours went by until all preparations for dealing with the City-Eater were arranged. Each country would manufacture a large supply of artillery equipment since it couldnt be efficiently transported through teleportation arrays. The Dwarves and Elves were tasked with building a restrictive based projectile that was able to be fired from a distance. It was to consist of an anchor shaped-tip that would be connected to a restrictive chain. Once it was complete, it would be moved to the Free City where the Airship could transport it to the area of the battle.

To sum it up, the plan was to restrict it and then to attack it from far away until it dies.

Everyone was satisfied with the plan's conception, especially the Diavol, who didnt receive the blame like they originally thought.

If thats all, I would like to announce the end of the Summit. Oswald said in a celebratory manner. There were some rough patches, but it ended better than expected in his eyes.

Before anyone could react to Oswald's words, Ira unexpectedly grabbed Avery and leaped backward before putting her down. He stared at an empty wall with complete focus, none of the laziness he usually had could be found. His current state was similar to a standoff between two predators.

Some people began complaining at his strange actions, but he paid no mind.

Keeper? Sylun questioned as she noticed his odd demeanor.

What is it, Ira? Avery began to channel her Phoenix Heart.

Its...Something Ira remained unblinking as he continued to stare. His primal awareness was basically screaming at him to prepare.

Is everything ok, Ira? Oswald asked.

Suddenly, an ominous turquoise-colored sphere appeared in the middle of thin air. It hummed loudly while sending fierce waves energy to its surroundings before it expanded into a doorway. It sat unmoving for a few moments until several figures began to walk out.

Guards! Oswald shouted.

The soldiers tasked with protecting their own nations leader rushed to them and prepared to evacuate them from the hall.

Meanwhile, the Free City Guards attempted to rush up to attack the intruders but were blown back by an unseen energy.

A woman with black hair and black eyes that were speckled with white dots walked out in the forefront of the group and surveyed the room. No matter who it was, once her eyes landed on them they felt an impossible sense of danger that caused even the strongest in the room to freeze in place.

Her powerful gaze eventually locked on Ira which caused her to smile slightly. Weve been searching for you.

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