The Void Wolf

Chapter 79: A Friendly Wager

Chapter 79: A Friendly Wager

Ira looked at the seven individuals who stepped out of the doorway. Each one gave the feeling that he shouldnt be negligent when facing them. Avery, on the other hand, recognized the three Valkyries that wanted to look for Ira ahead of time.

What do you want with him? Avery questioned as she continued to channel the Phoenix Heart.

We want him to assist us with something. The black-haired woman with strange eyes answered.

With what? Ira asked with visible skepticism.

Thats better discussed in private. A man with a turquoise crystal eye in the center of his forehead spoke.

Hmm...What happens if I say no? Ira asked.

The three Valkyries moved to draw their weapons, but the black-eyed woman held up her hand to stop them.

If you were to say no you would put me in a difficult position. The woman replied.

Just who are you?! Oswald worked up the courage to yell from the side.

My name is Lyra...Are you familiar with the Valkyries? Lyra inquired.

Y-Yes. Oswald felt compelled to answer.

Then that makes it simple...I am a Sidera, it would be easier if you thought of us as something similar to the Valkyries. These are my companions, Thessia an Ancient Dragon, Gicae a Lares, Kevser a Naiad, and the Valkyries, Ustia, Myr, and Lua. Lyra explanation drew distress from everyone in the room.

Everyone looked to her companions in the order they were introduced. Thessia was a young woman with vivid orange hair that resembled flames. Her amber eyes had reptilian-like pupils and near the corners of her eyes were crystalline scales.

Gicae almost looked similar to a normal human with brown hair and brown eyes, that is, if one could ignore the turquoise jewel-like eye in the center of his forehead.

Kesver had shimmering dark blue hair and eyes that resembled the color of the sea.

Ustia, Myr, and Lua all appeared to be normal women with blonde, brown, and red hair respectively. They could all be considered very attractive, but if one thing stood out it would have to be the armor they wore and the weapons at their side.

Ira looked at them silently, Lyra met his gaze through her strange eyes.

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Wont you introduce yourself? Lyra asked.

Ira. He responded.

Ah, Ira...Youre like us in a way, are you not? Lyra continued to evaluate him. She had lived long enough to witness many things and it was her first time she saw anyone who looked like Ira.

...What do you want my help with? Ira asked curiously.

Most of you may not be aware, but there is a barrier made of opposing forces of energy that we call the Storm Wall that circles the entire world. It separates this continent from the continent inhabited by the higher races. Its our wish to find a way through the Storm Wall and we believe youre the best solution. Lyra explained.

Me? Ira said with a chuckle, Howd you find me in the first place?

That would be due to Gicae, the Lares have many psychic abilities. The one used to locate you is clairvoyance. Lyra gestured to Gicae.

If you can see the future doesnt that mean you already know my answer before I do? Ira inquired.

You are an abnormal existence, its incredibly difficult to get a clear vision of you and attempting to do so could bring me injury. Gicae said.

So will you assist us? Lyra asked.

Ira thought to himself for a few seconds, No.

The Valkyries drew their swords which prompted Avery to summon several orbs of flame around her.

Calm down. Lyra said with a harsh tone as she looked at the Valkyries. She turned back to Ira and made a surprised expression.

I dont know any of you and I dont trust you any of you. Forgetting about those two things for a second, do you have anything to give me for my help? Ira asked.

Unfortunately, we do not have anything to give you. Lyra stated before she went silent.

Everyone in the room wanted to curse at Ira, they didnt know what was going on but refusing such powerful people could only bring trouble.

I have no right to force you and would prefer if we could refrain from becoming hostile toward each other. So I would like to make a wager with you...If you can defeat one of us in a fight, we wont attempt to include you in this matter. However, if we defeat you then you have to assist us with finding a way through the Storm Wall. Lyra said solemnly.

Yeah...What happens if I dont want to agree to that wager. I mean, what am I really getting out of it? Ira said.

Is there something else you wanted? Lyra asked.

Blood. Specifically, blood from her. Ira pointed to Thessia.

What? Thessia narrowed her eyes at Ira.

Youre a dragon, right? I just need a big bowl of dragon's blood. Ira responded.

Im not just a dragon. Im a descendant of the First-Flame, the progenitor of all Dragons in existence. To do something like giving you blood would diminish the value of that. Even if I did, my blood would probably kill you. Thessia stated.

Fine. Lyra agreed.

Lyra?! Thessia turned a questioning gaze to her.

If you can defeat Thessia in combat then you may receive a portion of her blood. Lyra gave a meaningful look to Thessia who nodded.

Alright. Ira relaxed his tensions and smiled.

P-Please be understanding and use the Colosseum to battle. I wouldnt want the surrounding area to be destroyed. Oswald pleaded.

Colosseum? Thats acceptable. Lyra agreed. Well allow the ruler of each nation to watch, but thats it. We wont tolerate any attempts to turn this into some sort of a spectacle. She added.

Of course. Oswald bowed. Do you need an escort there? He asked.

No need. Gicae said as turquoise eye began to glow. His psychic energy gathered and opened up a doorway.

When you are ready, well be at the Colosseum. Lyra said to Ira before she walked through the doorway.

As the Higher Races left the room, everyone breathed a collective sigh of relief.

Do you think you can win? Avery asked Ira.

...Im not sure. Id feel better if I could summon the Moon. Ira shrugged.

Was that a wise idea, Keeper? Sylun and Saren rushed over to Iras side.

Probably not, but if I win I get something I want. Ira answered.

If they are at or above the level of the Valkyries, then they arent something anyone here can contend with. King Windsor said aloud.

What do you propose we do then? A Dwarf asked.

I doubt they would assist us with finding the City-Eater...I think its best if we dont provoke them. A Diavol man spoke.

Either way, the fight should show a little of what theyre capable of. King Windsor said as his mind shifted to the intelligence they had on Ira. It was suspected that he was connected to the Black Pillar and the Higher Races interest in him increased those suspicions. He tucked those thoughts to the back of his head and looked at Ira, not just him, but everyone in the room found themselves gazing at Ira. The realization that he was the most prominent figure attending the Summit appeared in the minds of a few. Some even planned for a way to get closer to him, although Averys presence was the biggest obstacle, there had to be some way to get to him.

Im ready now...They shouldve taken me with them. Ira said to himself.

You have a little more time to prepare at the present moment. It would be bad for you to take that Dragon too lightly. Avery warned.

Rhys sat outside and looked at the sky, in addition to the grey clouds, she could feel the electricity in the air. A sense of discomfort washed over her as she thought of thunderstorms. It was a time when she was at her strongest, but it also was a time where she caused the most damage. After all, It was difficult to avoid damaging things when you could be considered a human lightning rod.

Since the First Prince used the two seats each diplomat for his close advisors. If Rhys were to pledge herself to him then she probably wouldve present.

The doors to the Conference Hall opened and multiple people moved briskly while holding a heated discussion. She noticed that the Leaders of each nation were being heavily escorted.

An attendant rushed up to Rhys and spoke with urgency. The First Prince requires your protection as we move the Colosseum.

Rhys looked puzzled beneath the mask and attempted to grab her notepad to ask a question, but the attendant had already left under the assumption she understood everything.

Rhys gave a muted sigh before she stood up and moved toward the First Princes group. She could attempt to ask him about what was going on, but it was likely he wouldnt offer much information.

In the Colosseum, Lyras group found themselves sitting in a private booth. Although it was normally locked, it wasnt difficult to force themselves in.

Gicae, when you have the opportunity you should check the minds of some of those diplomats. Use it to find out what type of person Ira is. Lyra said while stuck in thought.

Gicae nodded before forming a few of his own opinions on Ira. He didnt seem to fear them but at the same time wasnt willing to go against them outright. It seemed like his reason for denying them the first time was to move the conversation to a point where Thessias blood would be up for offer.

What do you think he wants Thessias blood for? Gicae asked.

Dragons blood has always been valued as an alchemy ingredient. It doesnt matter though, I wont let him receive any. Thessia said with an unmovable conviction.

Good. I want to see what made Laurens kin want to protect him so badly. Ustia smiled in anticipation.

Should I create a water barrier to protect the ones who are watching? Kevser asked.

You should...Actually, you should also make an emergency barrier Gicae. Dragons are known for their tempers. Lyra said.

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