The Wife of Hades

Chapter 104 - Li Yilan's Pleading

When she saw An Luxia, she fell silent as her arms began to shake from fear and shock, "An Luxia?!"

"How - How did you find me?! How did you get here?!"

An Luxia grinned and leaned down slightly, "Never thought about it, huh? Never thought that your beloved parents would betray you too for money one day, right?" 

Li Yilan's eyes widened as she shook her head. No! It couldn't be true! They wouldn't tell An Luxia where she was! It must be a mistake!

"Get out! Get out! This is against the law! I'm going to call -"

"Then do you also know that attempting murder is also against the law?" An Luxia screamed back, causing Li Yilan to stop immediately.

After a few seconds, Li Yilan laughed, "What are you talking about?! An Luxia, you have no evidence! I did not do anything!"

This time, Mo Han stepped forward, "Evidence? We don't need evidence to make you suffer?"

Li Yilan turned her attention to Mo Han, and she shivered from the cold and scary presence coming out of Mo Han. Or, maybe it was just because the temperature was too cold. As she looked at Mo Han and An Luxia, she suddenly remembered something.

She started laughing hysterically as she pointed one finger at them with her arms still held by the two people, "You, Mo Han, right? How are you still with her?!"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Li Yilan smiled sinisterly, "Do you know that she cheated on you?! She has slept with multiple other men! A few days back, in a hotel, she slept with another man!"

Upon hearing this, Mo Han finally lost his cool as he stepped forward, his face turning dark, "You dare say that one more time?!"

However, Li Yilan seemed to have gone crazy as she was not intimidated by Mo Han but instead continued to laugh hysterically, "I just don't understand, Mo Han. . . Do you have some problem or weird liking or something? Do you know how many men An Luxia has slept with?!"

An Luxia also got furious from Li Yilan's words. Of course she has not slept with any other men and Mo Han knew that, but Li Yilan didn't. So it was indeed Li Yilan! All the past "unfortunate accidents" that had happened to her were all planned by Li Yilan.

How evil could she get at such a young age?!

An Luxia furrowed her eyebrows tightly as she took a step forward, but Li Yilan continued, "Mo Han, you just love sharing your woman with other men, don't -"

Mo Han's eyes reddened with flames of anger as he clenched his fists together, and the next second, both Li Yilan and An Luxia froze

Li Yilan's lips quivered as she felt a chill run up her spine as the hairs on the back of her neck stood up immediately. She gulped as she stared at the black object in front of her, pointing straight at her forehead.

An Luxia also gasped as she fell back a few steps. Mo Han had a gun?! 

Meanwhile, Mo Han was not in the least calm as he pulled a black gun out, pointing it directly at Li Yilan as he glared at her in rage.

"Are you deaf?! I told you to shut up!" Mo Han screamed, his voice thundering in the tiny room so the neighbors could probably also hear. The silence was deafening as the time slowly ticked by.

"AHHH!!!" Li Yilan screamed, flinging her arms as she practically crawled like a dog back to the couch in the corner of the room, hiding in the very corner as she trembled with fear.

"Ahhh! Sister! Sister, save me! Save me!" She screamed at An Luxia, but her eyes stayed on the gun as she tried to move further back but the wall stopped her from getting any further.

An Luxia did not have any pity for Li Yilan, but she could also tell that Mo Han was more than furious right now. She stepped forward, grabbing onto Mo Han's elbow.

"Mo -" She had just started speaking when Mo Han immediately cut her off.

"Do not question me. If you are scared to look, then just turn around."

An Luxia trembled in fear even though she was not the one in danger, but Mo Han's expression was incredibly scary right now. She had never really seen the "King of the Underworld" side to him, but now she knew why he had that title.

When he was mad, he was truly like a tyrant that could and would kill anyone or anything in his way.

Mo Han clenched his teeth together as he narrowed his eyes, "I'm going to kill her today!" 

Although An Luxia was mad, she could not tell why Mo Han was this mad. After all, he knew that she did not actually sleep with other men, but he was still furious. More mad than she had ever seen him be.

An Luxia took a step back, not knowing what to do as she stared at Mo Han worriedly. What should she do? What could she do? Even if Mo Han was generally nice and patient to her, she could tell that the Mo Han right now would listen to no one, including her.

The two bodyguards received the small but noticeable nod from Mo Han and rushed over, grabbing onto Li Yilan's arms and pulling her off the couch to the floor, keeping her in place no matter how hard she fought.

"Sister! Older sister! Luxia! Save me! Please save me!" Tears were flowing down Li Yilan's face by now as she pleaded helplessly, her face pale with fear as she continued to try and escape the two men.

"I apologize! I know I am wrong! I am at fault! But my mistakes aren't bad enough to have me dead! Sister, save me!" Li Yilan could not even talk properly as she stared at the gun, pleading towards An Luxia who did not give any response or even look at her.

Mo Han's anger did not dissipate at all with time, and he ordered, "An Luxia, turn around now!"

An Luxia looked at the gun for several seconds, staying in place before she finally jumped forward and grabbed onto the gun and Mo Han's hand, "I'm not going to turn around!"

Mo Han turned to look at An Luxia in disbelief, "An Luxia, what are you doing?!"

An Luxia's expression softened slightly as she looked up at Mo Han, "Give me the gun. Be careful, don't accidentally shoot."

Mo Han still held onto the gun tightly, knitting his brows together tightly as he looked down at An Luxia hesitantly. Finally, after several silent seconds, Mo Han let go of the gun and looked at An Luxia.

"An Luxia, you are still going to be softhearted and forgive them?!" Mo Han was slightly mad at An Luxia this time, and it was the first time he had talked this loudly at her.

However, An Luxia was not mad or unhappy towards Mo Han's attitude, because she would feel the same way if she had thought that she would just Li Yilan go without any punishment.

A corner of her lips turned up slightly as she turned to look at Li Yilan, blinking her eyes slowly, "Mo Han, even if she should receive a punishment, you shouldn't be the one to punish her."

She slowly opened her eyes again and lifted the gun up in a second, pointing it straight at Li Yilan again, "It should be me!"

Li Yilan, who had just relaxed slightly, immediately tensed up in disbelief as she stared at the gun and then at An Luxia.

An Luxia had gone to the shooting range with Mo Han, so she was able to know how to operate the gun as she pointed it at Li Yilan, her hands shaking slightly since she had never pointed a gun at a person before.

"Li Yilan, this time. . . It is time for you to receive your deserved punishment."

Li Yilan gritted her teeth in anger on the inside, but she knew that she was helpless right now, so she could only plead, "Sister! Sister, I know I am wrong! Please forgive me! I will never hurt you again! I promise! Please!"

Li Yilan shook her arms and legs as she tried to escape but failed, "Please forgive me! Even if it is for the fact that our parents gave birth to you and raised you for a few years, please let me go!"

An Luxia scoffed, "For our parents? Truthfully ask yourself, have you ever thought of me as your older sister? Would a true sister try once and again to destroy her older sister's life and even kill her?!"

An Luxia frowned as she thought about how stupid she was, "And me. . . Because of this so-called sister blood relationship, I let you go several times. But you? You kept on stepping on my boundaries and never knew when to stop!"

Li Yilan cried more violently, "I'm wrong! I really know that I am wrong now! Sister, please forgive me!"

An Luxia smiled faintly, "When I figured out that the person who sent the man to take away my innocence was you, I told myself that this time, I would definitely not forgive you."

"No. . . No. . ." Li Yilan said, shaking her head as she finally got tired of screaming.

At this moment, several people suddenly entered the house.

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