The Wife of Hades

Chapter 105 - Li Yilan's Punishment

"No. . . No. . ." Li Yilan said, shaking her head as she finally got tired of screaming.

At this moment, several people suddenly entered the house.

He Muya and Li Qiyu were pushed into the house, and when An Luxia turned around and saw them, she almost dropped the gun in surprise.

Why were they here?! The two bodyguards behind them removed their blindfolds and they immediately jumped forward when they saw their daughter. . . Well, their younger daughter.

An Luxia turned to look at Mo Han, who didn't seem surprised at the arrival of the two guests, "Did you call them over?"

Mo Han nodded, still angry about the situation, "I want them to see just how their beloved daughter dies in my hands."

"Dad! Mom! Save me! Save me!" Li Yilan suddenly started screaming, her eyes sparkling as if she had found hope. The bodyguards let go of her arms and she immediately lunged into her mother's embrace, trembling in fear.

An Luxia turned around to look at them again, holding the gun up.

"Luxia, she is your sister! Your younger sister!" He Muya pleaded.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Li Qiyu also jumped in front of his daughter and pleaded, "Luxia, please forgive her! It is all my fault! It is our fault! I didn't raise her well, it's all my fault! If you want to kill then kill me!"

Even Li Qiyu, who was usually proud and would definitely not kneel down, especially in front of An Luxia, kneeled down and started slapping himself as he pleaded her.

He Muya immediately nodded and went along, "Yes, yes! It is all our fault! Please forgive your younger sister! It is all our fault!"

An Luxia's grip on the gun tightened. Her parents, who were both very selfish people, were willing to bend down to this low for their daughter, But she was also their daughter! But they would definitely not do this for her.

Seeing An Luxia's expression, Mo Han frowned slightly as he stepped forward, "Give me the gun. You are doubting yourself again now, right?"

An Luxia immediately returned from her stupor as she held onto the gun tightly again, "No, I don't want you to do it for me. I'll do it myself."

She raised the gun up to Li Yilan's forehead, who immediately hid in her mother's arms, trembling in fear. However, the bodyguards immediately walked forward after receiving Mo Han's signal and dragged He Muya and Li Qiyu away from Li Yilan, leaving her alone in the middle of the room.

He Muya and Li Qiyu fought as hard as they could, but they obviously couldn't beat the strenght of Mo Han's people.

"No! Luxia, don't do it!" He Muya screamed. All three people were screaming and it was really loud. A crowd of people had gathered outside their house, trying to look in but Mo Han's people were blocking them from entering.

An Luxia could hear the murmurs and discussion coming from the neighbors that had gathered to watch the drama unfold.

After realizing that her parents couldn't help her anymore, Li Yilan had no choice but to turn back to An Luxia, "Sister, no! No, don't kill me!"

An Luxia pointed the gun up to the ceiling and swung it around calmly, "Li Yilan, you keep hurting me, so there is no way I will let you go without any punishment."

Then, An Luxia turned around and looked at Mo Han and the people outside before walking over to Li Yilan and pulling her up from the ground by grabbing her throat, choking her as she had no mercy in her grip.

"However, I know that murder is an unforgivable sin, and murderers pay for the blood on their hands. I am not like you, and I don't want to go the he*l after I die. . . So, stop saying that I owe your family for being born!"

An Luxia let go of Li Yilan's neck, flinging her back down onto the ground as she coughed for air. An Luxia felt better after saying that, but Mo Han suddenly stepped forward and grabbed onto the gun.

"An Luxia, are you saying that to me?! You might not be able to kill a lowly human, but I can!"

An Luxia looked up at Mo Han and her heart softened slightly. Only by saying that could she stop Mo Han from killing a person. . . Although she did not know how many people he had killed before.

However, she did not want to be a devil, and even if Li Yilan had done a lot of bad things to her, by killing Li Yilan, she would have to pay too. Whether it was her or Mo Han, they would both have to pay.

There was never an excuse for killing someone who didn't commit a serious and unforgivable crime, even if you hated them so much you could kill them a million times. And Li Yilan. . . although she did commit several unforgivable crimes to An Luxia, in the law today, it was not bad enough to take her life away.

She could not put herself or Mo Han in a bad position by killing a person not worthy of killing and getting blood on her own hands. It was not worth it.

"Mo Han, send Li Yilan and her parents away to a different country. I don't want to see them ever again."

Even though she was also very upset about the final result, but she could not let Mo Han or herself carry the sin of having killed someone. 

Mo Han was obviously upset by the final result, and he pinched the area of skin between his eyebrows. However, he knew why An Luxia made that final decision, and he finally sighed and turned around, "Okay, okay! Let's get out of here!"

He grabbed onto An Luxia's arm that was not holding the gun and pulled her towards the door.

Seeing them leave, Li Yilan and her parents all let out a sigh of relief. The bodyguards let them go, and they all collapsed onto the ground in relief until -


Everyone in the room and outside the room gasped in surprise, including Mo Han as they all turned to look at what happened. When they saw, everyone's eyes widened as they could not believe what had just happened.

"AHHHHHH!! URGHHH!!!!" Li Yilan screamed as she fell back, holding onto her right leg as she writhed in pain. Her entire shin was covered with bright red as blood flowed down from her knee all the way to her foot and onto the ground.

An Luxia let out a breath of cold air as her arm stayed in the same position with the gun held up, pointed straight towards Li Yilan. She had originally aimed for her upper leg, but since she did not have much time to react and her shooting skills weren't perfect, she missed slightly but still hit Li Yilan's leg.

She slowly lowered the gun, her heart beating faster than ever before as it was the first time she had shot a living human.

He Muya and Li Qiyu recovered from their shock after several seconds, and they immediately lunged towards their daughter, "Yilan! Yilan!"

"Ah! Call the doctor! Hurry and call the doctor!" Li Qiyu screamed.

They both stared at the puddle of blood forming underneath Li Yilan's leg, not knowing what to do. The blood flowed out like a river, and the scene was absolutely horrifying to look at, even to the person who created it; An Luxia.

An Luxia almost dropped the gun until the floor as she trembled in fear after her brain completely processed what she had just done. The injury looked horrifying!

She stepped back and immediately felt an arm wrap around her waist and a hand grab onto her hand. She allowed herself to fall back into Mo Han's arms as she stared at Li Yilan, who had fainted from either too much blood loss or fear.

"Yilan! Yilan! Wake up!" Her parents called. "Yilan, don't scare me! Wake up! Wake up!"

Mo Han stared at them and rolled his eyes, "This is the lightest punishment she could receive. Good job, wife!" He smiled and added, "Although I would have just aimed for the heart."

Mo Han then looked down at An Luxia and noticed how pale her face was. Even though she was the one who had shot, she was still scared to look at the actual injury. 

It was the first time she had seen so much blood.

Mo Han gulped and turned around, taking her with him to the door, lowering his voice gently, "Let's go. If you scared, then don't look. Come on, let's go home."

As they reached the doorstep, Mo Han stopped for a quick second and turned around, telling K, "Send the entire Li family to Country U. I do not want to see them any more in Country Z, and if they come back, then I will surely have all of them killed. Understand?"

K nodded, "Yes, Master Mo.. I will definitely complete the job well."

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