This Girl Wins Three Hundred Million Dollars

Chapter 89

Chapter 89

Yu Shu toured the entire suite after dinner and finally understood why Shen Youlin insisted that she stay here. The house was large with a home theater, gym, and study, but only one bedroom.

Shen Youlin was lying on his side in bed, propping his head up coquettishly with a red rose held between his teeth. His eyes gleamed with suggestive intent as he patted the mattress.

Yu Shu stood to the side with arms crossed, watching his performance with amusement dancing in her eyes.

Shen Youlin heavily implied for half a day and seeing she had no intention of taking him up on the offer, angrily bit the rose to mush in frustration. He flopped down on the bed whimpering, “You heartless woman, I’m such a handsome guy offering myself to you yet you remain indifferent.”

Yu Shu laughed. “Let’s talk again after the hole in your head has healed.”

The external injury on the back of his head hadn’t had its stitches removed yet and the concussion wasn’t fully recovered, yet he dared to think impure thoughts. The more Yu Shu thought about it, the angrier she got. She slapped his butt, “Be good and make less trouble!”

Shen Youlin was stunned by the slap. When he came to his senses, he buried his flaming face in the quilt—utterly shamed.

Unable to truly tussle in bed, a small scale local military friction could still occur.

Shen Youlin suddenly developed severe skin hunger. Whether awake or asleep, he always wanted to cuddle with Yu Shu. Kissing couldn’t satisfy him, only suckling could.

The two stayed in the suite, drinking tea, chatting, and watching movies every day. Shen Youlin also taught Yu Shu calligraphy, teaching her hands-on in a way that left them both breathless by the end.

People came daily to cook and clean the house. Lately, Yu Shu was eating and sleeping. Lazy to move, her weight ballooned and even her abs disappeared.

She started using the gym. Shen Youlin sat lotus style on the side drinking tea and snacking like a old-time spoiled young master watching a famous performer on stage, lecherously observing Yu Shu workout.

One day as the two were cuddling in the home theater watching an ancient political intrigue film, Shen Youlin finished suckling and happened to be in a good mood. But the next second, seeing the entrance of the imperial eunuch steward, he threw the popcorn in his hand.

“Damn! That guy isn’t even a real estate agent! Yin Minbi tricked me again! She tricked me again!”

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Yu Shu was just about to eat some popcorn when he suddenly lost it. Her hand frozen midair, she painfully looked at the popcorn strewn all over the floor and shot him an icy glance.

Shen Youlin instantly transformed into a plucked baby quail, cowering under her cold stare. “I won’t...dare do it again. Definitely won’t dare again.”

Shen Youlin grasped her hand, cajoling as he kneaded it. “In the future, I absolutely won’t throw food!”

Yu Shu gently educated him. “You can’t throw anything. Understand? This is a bad habit. Don’t take your temper out on objects.”

“MmHmm MmHmm MmHmm.” Shen Youlin nodded hard. “I’ll change, I’ll change. I absolutely won’t throw things anymore.”

Yu Shu kissed his cheek to encourage him. These past few days, Shen Youlin really had changed a lot. He didn’t argue with her anymore, considered her preferences, and asked her opinion. As for things he said he would “change”, he also took concrete actions.

Yu Shu's baseline for him kept lowering. She often reflected on whether she was spoiling him too much. But every time, Shen Youlin obediently and attentively looked at her and she couldn’t bear to be harsh.

Oh well, just pamper him. Who told him to be her little princess.

Shen Youlin aggrievedly grumbled, “I’m still upset! She tricked me! No, I must get back at her!”

Shen Youlin and Yu Shu took a selfie cheek to cheek. He wanted to send it to Yin Minbi to piss her off, but seeing the gauze still wrapped around his head in the photo, he instantly deflated—it would only give Yin Minbi another chance to mock him.

He set the photo as his phone wallpaper. Shen Youlin nestled in Yu Shu's arms whining, "My head itches."

The wound couldn't get wet. He hadn't washed his hair in a while, on top of the itchiness from the healing injury constant discomfort.

Yu Shu gently rubbed his scalp with her fingertips to soothe the itch. "I truly love you, you know that right?"

Just one week unwashed hair and she could still bring herself to touch it.

Shen Youlin giggled. "I truly love you too. You were even my first love!"


"Mm." Shen Youlin affirmed, "Our Shen family breeds lovers, when we truly fall for someone, we're all idiotically smitten chasing wives. I even mocked a few of my brothers before, but turns out I'm more of an idiot than them."

"At the ski resort, my mind blanked. I said I wanted to die there with you, I didn't truly mean that. Even if I died myself, I wouldn't let anything happen to you." Shen Youlin hugged her and nuzzled. "At that time, I really thought I was about to die..."

"I know."

She could clearly distinguish when Shen Youlin was acting verses truly meaning something.

Soon it was time for Shen Youlin’s stitch removal. After the stitches were removed, Shen Youlin kept staring at himself in the mirror—to prevent infection, the back of his head had been shaved bald around the suture site.

The wound had healed well, leaving only a thin 10 cm scar running across the back of his head. Thanks to the advanced suturing technique, the scar was just a fine line. The nurses and doctors all said falling from that high up and only suffering superficial skin injury, he was truly lucky.

On the way home, Shen Youlin was still examining himself in the mirror. “You’d still love me even if I went bald right?”

The driver silently raised the privacy divider to proclaim his innocence.

“No, if you really went bald I wouldn’t want you.” Yu Shu answered decisively. “The doctor already said the hair follicles are undamaged. Your hair will grow back quickly. For now when you go out, wear a hat to keep warm.”

Using his young heart having received massive injury requiring comfort as justification, Shen Youlin whimpered as he ate tofu the whole ride home hugging her.

When the two returned home, before even opening the door, they heard Dou’e's joyous calls coming from inside.

As Shen Youlin opened the door, he exaggeratedly declared, "Wife, I had our dog son sent home, our family of three is reunited today!"

The moment the door opened, Dou’e bounded to them spiritedly, its tail wagging like a propeller.

"Damn! Who did this! Who's responsible for this!" Shen Youlin angrily exploded.

They saw Dou’e's fur shaved in random bald patches here and there. The originally fat and thriving furry big dog had become a bald spotty red dog (its pink skin showing through the white fur).

Passerby A who hadn't left yet, explained while rubbing his hands, "Boss, Dou’e’s skin condition relapsed, so we shaved it.”

“Damn! I left it with you guys for that little time and you made it like this!”

Dou’e energetically licked Yu Shu’s face. Yu Shu held its head, unable to hold back her amusement. “A family of three, two bald heads.”

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