This Girl Wins Three Hundred Million Dollars

Chapter 90

Chapter 90

A family can only have one bald man, so Shen Youlin sent Dou'e to the pet store to have all her fur shaved off, while he himself ran to the hair salon for a new head of hair.

Yu Shu had not taken care of her hair for a long time either, so she accompanied him there.

Shen Youlin washed his hair well. His hair was lengthened with extensions and under the expert trimming of the premier stylist, top-notch Tony, the barren patch on the back of his head was perfectly concealed.

With a full head of hair, Shen Youlin felt rejuvenated. He was able to climb six flights of stairs without breaking a sweat.

Yu Shu was not done with her hair yet. Shen Youlin kept squeezing his face in front of hers, asking, "Don't I look more handsome now?"

Yu Shu complimented him sincerely, "Handsome. You are the most handsome."

Shen Youlin was fully satisfied that this salon really lived up to its reputation. He wanted to get their most expensive membership card. When the staff heard this, they smiled even more brilliantly and respectfully led him to the membership counter.

"Youlin, what are you doing here?"

Just as Shen Youlin finished getting his card and walked out, he bumped right into Zhao Wenqian in the lobby. Zhao Wenqian was with two other women, one being Su Nianwei, and the other Shen Youlin did not recognize. Judging from her outfit, she was likely another wealthy madam putting on an act of being "nobly aloof."

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With his discerning eyes that could spot a coquette from a mile away, Shen Youlin knew right away that the unknown woman was no virtuous lady.

Shen Youlin looked at Zhao Wenqian as if she was an idiot. "What else would I be doing at a hair salon?"

Zhao Wenqian could not maintain her facade and spoke with the benevolence befitting a sister-in-law. "Look at you. You came back to the capital but didn't even go home to visit. Grandmother talks about you every day."

Shen Youlin did not bother keeping up appearances. "Seeing you there kills my appetite. I'll go back when you move out of the old house."

Zhao Wenqian had a son and daughter with her husband. She raised them herself in a modest household manner. But the old matriarch could not bear to see this, as they were the heirs who would one day lead the family. So she took them into the old house to raise personally. Not wanting to part from her children, and also feeling that having the old matriarch's personal tutelage was a blessing and boosted the family's reputation, Zhao Wenqian also moved into the old house.

Su Nianwei pleaded, "Brother Youlin, don't talk to Sister Wenqian like that..."

"Damn!" Shen Youlin leapt three feet into the air. Hearing Su Nianwei address him so intimately, he recoiled three big steps back as if avoiding the plague. "Don't call me so affectionately. We're not close. I'm a married man now, I'm warning you, don't call me that again in the future."

Su Nianwei looked shocked and lowered her head as if about to cry.

Zhao Wenqian quickly asked, "Which family's daughter is it? How come you didn't bring her home to meet us?"

Shen Youlin snorted. "None of your business, mind your own."

Yu Shu came out from her hair appointment. Seeing Shen Youlin arguing with them, she gently held his arm. "Who are you chatting with? Aren't you going to introduce us?"

Shen Youlin instantly retracted all his thorns. He put his arm around her waist. "Just some nobodies. You don't need to know them. Let's go home."

After saying this, he ushered Yu Shu away. Zhao Wenqian wanted to call him back to ask more questions, but Shen Youlin threw a glare at her— "Ungrateful."

Once in the car, Shen Youlin instantly became affectionate as a baby bird, leaning into Yu Shu's embrace while explaining to her, "That's my sister-in-law. You don't need to get to know her. She's an incorrigible troublemaker with muddled brains."

"She was trying to pair me up with her cousin—that fake noblewoman next to her. I didn't so much as glance at her. I'm innocent, dear wife, you have to believe me!"

"I believe you, I believe you. You're a model of masculine virtue."

Shen Youlin giggled. "In a couple days, I'll take you to meet my grandma. You don't need to know anyone else."

"It's too soon for that. Let's talk about it later. What about the other one in the beige coat, do you know her? She looked familiar to me so I took a closer look. She seemed a bit flustered when she saw me, but quickly calmed herself down. It made me wonder where I might have seen her before."

"Don't know her. She's probably some rich man's little wife. My sister-in-law is so muddled she won't socialize with proper noblewomen and madams, and looks down on them with pretend nobility. Forget about her. If I told you all the absurd things she's done, three days and three nights wouldn't be enough. She really brings bad luck."

"I see." Yu Shu smiled and ruffled his hair.

Shen Youlin's face grew hot. He told the driver, "Don't pick up Dou'e anymore. Go straight home."

Yu Shu asked, "Hmm?"

Shen Youlin giggled. "Not suitable for children."

Whose wedding night is this, for the wretched son to make trouble at home?!

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