To Love You Again

Chapter 768 - Final Mission

Chapter 768 - Final Mission

As Lu Jin predicted when Ming Zhi Yi returned to their hideout and saw the empty room, the man's last restraint had completely broken.

Ming Zhi Yi stood very still. The empty chains, the bloodied carpet on the floor, and his missing son made his whole being shrouded in dark shadow.

The people in the room did not dare to interrupt their Master. They could feel their qigong surging.

An overwhelming murderous intent came from Ming Zhi Yi. It was so thick and rampant that it suffocated everyone in the room.

His son had escaped.

Ming Zhi Yi's dark face and silence made everyone in the room cowered in fear..

After a long time of deadly silence, Ming Zhi Yi spoke without emotion in his voice., "Bring everyone who is tasked to guard here."

Four people were brought to their knees.

"Master! Young Master's people suddenly-"


A red long streak appeared on the neck of the kneeled person who spoke. His body fell down as blood continued to gush out from his sliced neck.

Ming Zhi Yi then killed the other three without any pity.

The room was once again reeked with blood.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Ming Zhi Yi turned to his men. "Call Butler Qian. Tell him to gather everyone. Even the well-hidden experts. I need them to be in Qian Mansion before the day ends. No exceptions are to be made. Tell them that I, their Master, will give my final mission."

Ming Zhi Yi's people were all dumbfounded.

Final mission?!

The final mission that everyone under Ming Zhi Yi was waiting and dreading for finally came.

This could only mean one thing.

An all-out war that risked the life of all of Ming Zhi Yi's people had made its appearance. A bloody war where one side might result in the extermination of their whole clan. And if they survived, it would mean freedom and glory.

Ming Zhi Yi's remaining subordinate kneeled. It was time for them to risk their lives in the name of their Master. They were trained to die for him and do things for him even at the cost of their life. Freedom was just a luxury.

The highest-positioned man in the room answered Ming Zhi Yi with lowered head, "Yes, Master."


In a snow-covered mountain, a humble cabin stood.

A man with a long beard and big build was carrying a cart full of wooden logs. The pile of dead tree logs was taller than him. But the man carried it with such ease.

After arranging the wooden logs in a pile in his kitchen, he started to boil water for his hot chocolate. At this moment, his apparatus hanging on the side door suddenly beeped five times.

The man's expression changed. Four beeps was an urgent call from the organization. The fifth beep was a summons from their Master. Only a day was given to them to come to their Master's side.

The man quickly put out the fire on his stove and quickly exchanged clothes in a military suit. The helicopter arrived a moment later.


It was not only him who received such distress calls. In every part of the world, the hidden experts that Ming Zhi Yi deeply hid received a summon. As Ming Zhi Yi said, no man of his was spared.

They came with different routes on that day. Some came with helicopters, private jets, or a normal flight. While others came through the boat, ships, or sailboat.


The moon shone brightly against the dark sky. It was supposed to be a peaceful romantic night, however, the night was disturbed by many people with different yet strong auras coming into the dark mountain without stopping.

Against the peaceful-looking backdrop, the Qian's dark mansion stood proudly.

Ming Zhi Yi was still wearing the suit that he had on yesterday. He was playing chess in the Master's room. If one gave him a glance, they would only see a peaceful-looking handsome man playing alone with deep thoughts.

However, that man was currently harboring such a terrifying plan.

Ming Zhi Yi looked at his chessboard. On the board, the majority of his black piece was taken by the enemy. Even his queen was taken.

The sole king and his remaining knights looked pitiful in front of the forces of the white pieces.

However, Ming Zhi Yi who was once frustrated and angry that the battle came to this, smiled eerily instead.

He put back all the black pieces on the chessboard.

Ming Zhi Yi's eyes glinted darkly while he looked at the chessboard. He took his knight and rook and brought down all the white pieces. He played no rule and just casually shoving the white pieces. Until what was left was the white King and Queen.

A smile formed on his lips,? "Let's welcome this new battle. A battle of life and death."

As Ming Zhi Yi crazily enjoyed the game with no rule, Butler Qian knocked on his door. "Master, the experts have come."

Ming Zhi Yi stood up.

He opened the door and came to the crowded hall.

The experts standing here were rarely summoned. And they only move when necessary. But today, all of them were called without sparing anyone.

If Lu Jin was here, he would be surprised to see a great number of experts with great aura and qigong standing here. Because he would not find anyone here familiar. Each identity of these experts was confidential that only Ming Zhi Yi and Butler Qian were aware of their existence.

It was Ming Zhi Yi's hidden trump card.

Now that his organization was gone, his companies supporting him at the front and in the black market were gone too, and his connections were all cut off, Ming Zhi Yi could not see any other way but to use this last strength of his.

The maddening anger in his heart at his defeat and Lu Jin's betrayal caused this terrifying mission to come into Ming Zhi Yi's mind.

Ming Zhi Yi stood before his men. They all looked up at him with solemn faces.

Ming Zhi Yi spoke coldly, "I have called everyone here to give you your final mission."

The experts who were standing were all stunned. They did not hear the details of the summon and just came right away. But it surprised them to see so many hidden experts like them being summoned all at once. For their master to give them the final mission to these many experts meant that the situation was grave.

For these hidden experts, the final mission was the way for their freedom. It was a mission that should grant absolute success. If they failed, they would die. And they could die on the mission.

But if they survived this final mission, their freedom would be granted to them.

However, there's no final mission that was easy to succeed. The majority of the final mission was suicide missions.

Even the experts were all experienced, strong, and have slick minds, the mention of the final mission still gave them goosebumps.

The experts waited for Ming Zhi Yi to continue. They all wondered, what kind of suicide mission this last mission could be? How many of them would remain alive this time?

Ming Zhi Yi continued with a smile that was not a smile, "I want everyone to bring me the people in this list-" Butler Qian and the other butlers handed a piece of paper to every expert- "You can use any method you want. You can beat them if they put up a fight. But remember, the last breath should be mine."

The experts read the names in the list. There were only a few people. But the weight of each name would cost a great number of lives.

[ Tang Xinyang ]

[ Guan Xixin ]

[ Lu Yin Ze ]

[ Head Master Lu ]

[ Xiong Zhi ]

It was the heir of legendary families! And even one of them was the Head!

The experts were dumbstruck.? Surely enough, the final mission was not an easy one.

The target was the legendary families that housed a great number of experts. And it was not just anyone in these families but their precious heir!

Ming Zhi Yi watched the faces of his people with a crazed smile. He doesn't care if only one person brought each person on the list. As long as he has these people on his feet, he would be the happiest man in the world. His former defeat would just be history.

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