To Love You Again

Chapter 769 - The Quiet Ming Zhi Yi

Chapter 769 - The Quiet Ming Zhi Yi

After Xiong Zhi gave multiple onslaughts on Ming Zhi Yi at all sides, the pressure on the legendary families lessened by a great margin. The overwhelming pressure that put their empires at their knees was slowly uplifted.

At first, the heads were stunned. Ming Zhi Yi, that damn man who seemed to have countless schemes in his belly suddenly stopped his ?ssaults. After months of spending their time on this business war with Ming Zhi Yi, they learned a pattern in his attacks.

Ming Zhi Yi would always harass them with many difficulties and surprise attacks. And he never missed a day. As problems after problems piled up, this put a strain on their business empire, making the heads difficult to breathe.

However, one day their enemy suddenly turned quiet. This was truly odd.

They investigated the matter and learned that Ming Zhi Yi's main company suddenly faced an adversity.. Half of their shareholders suddenly withdrew their investment causing the entire company to suffer a major setback.

In this time where the battle with the legendary is at its peak, every move would be crucial. With the sudden withdrawal of the shareholders, the main company lost its credibility and its confidence to face the legendary families.

Ming Zhi Yi's parent company was greatly weakened. Seeing this, the others started to get wary too and started to make an escape. Because if Ming Zhi Yi lost, the legendary families would surely hand them and take revenge.

With this pleasant news, the legendary families would not let this chance pass by.

They immediately summoned their connections and resources to bring down the other companies under Ming Zhi Yi while the parent company was having trouble.

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In two weeks, many companies under Ming Zhi Yi shut their doors and went bankrupt. The legendary families were ruthless. They did not give a single chance for those companies to breathe while oppressing them harshly.

As the legendary families were taking the lead in this fight, the business industry started to bet on them and take their side as well.

The legendary families' side was starting to gain their footing, making the people at their side cheered.

For the first time in a long time, the legendary families hosted a party in high society. It was to encourage people to lean on their side and show the signs of victory.

The small party was held in the Guan Mansion. The legendary heads only invited people who were worthy to invite in their faction from the neutral party. While Ming Zhi Yi was busy with whatever problem he had faced, the legendary families used this chance to get more power.

While the guests were clinking glasses and gossiping the inside news, in one of the private rooms, the four heads were currently discussing with solemn faces.

Unlike the lively party outside, the atmosphere in the room was quite taciturn.

Mistress Tang spoke, "Have you heard the news? Just a few days ago, one of my people in the bureau reported that the national government is looking for Ming Zhi Yi. Apparently, they have a warrant."

Old Xiong nodded, "I have heard of it as well. It is related to certain research and manufacturing of a man-made poison. It is a heavy offense that all pointed to Ming Zhi Yi and his eldest son. He had no way out of this."

Old Lu's eyes flashed, "That cautious man finally caught red-handed. It frustrates me how we can't find anything related to him in Black Market and his hidden organization. I just hope that the evidence against him this time is enough to put him in prison for a lifetime."

The three agreed. However, their faces were still solemn. Finally, Mistress Tang spoke of the concern in her heart, "However, as we know Ming Zhi Yi is very cautious. He would never make a single mistake. So how did the bureau know about him manufacturing poison when we ourselves don't know? Could it be possible that there is another third party involved?"

"My people told me that Ming Zhi Yi's connections in the police and the bureau have weakened greatly. Thus, he could not use his past connections to get out of this. And it just happened right after his organization was ruined. He could no longer use those resources like he did in the past." Old Xiong commented.

"He is cornered. That damn man is finally cornered." Old Lu said with a dark smile.

Mistress Tang still had a frown. "But it's not because of us. Someone is pulling something in the background. If I am not wrong, there might be a third party that laid a trap to Ming Zhi Yi discreetly while we were busy fighting with him." Mistress Tang's words were agreeable.

It could not be all coincidence.

The three of them were silent for a while.

Then Old Lu spoke,

"They made us the bait. To distract Ming Zhi Yi."

The old people turned ugly after hearing this. They, the legendary head that overcame many tribulations of the past, a person below one person and above one thousand, were reduced as bait without their knowledge.

For someone to do this to them with utmost secrecy and boldness, the other party was as dangerous as Ming Zhi Yi.

The appearance of a third party in the fight between them and Ming Zhi Yi was not good news. Especially at a time where the legendary families were still recovering from Ming Zhi Yi's attacks. If the new faction has the power to push Ming Zhi Yi around, then they have the capability to face them and oppress them.

It doesn't sound good.

Old Lu harrumphed. "The third party might be taking this chance to both shoot us down while we are busy fighting with Ming Zhi Yi. But the problem is we don't know who they are yet. We have to prepare in advance. Once they are done with Ming Zhi Yi, they will surely go after us."

"I don't think so." Guan Gu Ri finally spoke.


All heads turned to him.

Guan Gu Ri faced their inquiring eyes, "We can't conclude the third party is our enemy. Currently, they are keeping Ming Zhi Yi busy. Now, this is our chance to seize everything. We have to make sure that Ming Zhi Yi would have no chance to counterattack. We must solve the problem with Ming Zhi Yi first. One problem at a time."

The other heads nodded in agreement. They have to bring down Ming Zhi Yi first before they have to face the other party.

Guan Gu Ri looked at the expression at the heads then spoke again, "The real problem now is where is Ming Zhi Yi? The national police are looking everywhere for him. They finally have evidence against him this time to put him in prison and investigate him deeply, but now he was nowhere to be found. He did not retaliate against us, could it be that he gave up fighting us and just went into hiding?"

Usually, Ming Zhi Yi who always had a way out of things would make use of the power of his hidden organization or his connections in the government to get back on his feet quickly. But he can't use them right now as the situation tied his hands.

Ming Zhi Yi apparently lost this time.

However, the man who hated losing suddenly went quiet. He did not even retaliate after they attacked him ruthlessly. Was it because he could not? Or he chose not to?


"It can't be."


The three heads answered at the same time. They looked at each other.

They know clearly that with that man's tenacious attitude to go against them he would not just stop just because he lost this time. For sure he was planning something again.

Old Lu spoke. "Ming Zhi Yi, that man would not give up so easily. He must be scheming something against us."

Mistress Tang nodded, "But the question is, how he would retaliate this time? His organization underground lost against Sir Madjid and he would not be able to use connections in the bureau as well. His companies at the front are all dying one by one. It will be difficult to gain footing at this time. With a warrant after him, he could only hide and attack us from a place where he could not be seen. And that would be difficult. Does he have the patience to start all over again? Or Could it be that he had another means to turn the tables around?"

The atmosphere in the room turned grave.

With Ming Zhi Yi's tenacious and ruthless attitude, there was a chance that he would do the latter.

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