Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 344: Lodestar Island

Chapter 344: Lodestar Island

Lodestar Island's weather surprises the Clown Pirates a lot. Even though they've seen many types of absurd things in Grandline, they will still get surprised by other absurd things. They all just can't understand how these absurd things can happen and why there will always be different types of absurdities.

This is also the case now when they see Lodestar Island's weather. They've just moved around the island, but they've seen its strangeness already. This island that is shaped like a star has different weather on each of its sides.

The 1st side is very hot that everything is dried. The 2nd side is very cold and everything is frozen. The 3rd side is very dark and rain keeps pouring there. The 4th side is a disastrous place with tornadoes and lightning strikes. While the 5th side is full of healthy plants and flowers.

The 1st to 5th sides are placed sequentially in a clockwise direction. So the 1st side is between the 5th & 2nd side and so on. That's why it's very strange to see plants grow healthy between a dried place and a place full of natural disasters.

The other combinations are as weird as that and it becomes weirder because the weather on each side seems to be separated by straight lines in the center area. It really makes them curious about what the center point where all those 5 types of weather meet look like.

Buggy is also looking at the island strangely because it seems different from his memory. Sure, his memory of this place is very hazy because it's the memory of the old Buggy's soul before the current him lived in this body.

However, he believes that the weather combination wasn't like this in the past. The types of weather are the same as back then, but the positions were different back then. He isn't sure about the detail, but he's sure the current weather positions are different than some years ago.

Well, even the snake-like currents that surrounded the island in the past have changed into a sea of flame. So the weather on the island can change too, even if it's just their positions, not the types of weather.

Anyway, the crew lands on the calmest side of the island, the side with a lot of trees and flowers. It's an obvious choice because the other sides' weather is bad. They don't want to make their lives more difficult by docking their ship on those sides.

The crew gets out of their ship, and every one of the crew members. This island is uninhabited and there is a sea of flame as a barrier that blocks the ones who try to enter. So they don't need to guard the ship because there won't be unwanted people who will enter their ship.

"Alright, as usual, we will go in groups to explore the island. There might be no humans here, but there are animals, and some of them are dangerous, so be careful. Always remember what I kept saying to you. Don't underestimate anything just because you've gotten much stronger," says Buggy.

The crew nods before they form their usual exploration groups. Then they start exploring the good place with a lot of plants first. Even this side is quite wide, so they already move separately with their groups.

As usual, Buggy is taking the teens & his secretary, Dela with him. These teenagers are troublemakers, after all, so they need someone who can make these 4 behave. Buggy is the best option for this because he can make them behave and protect them from anything as well.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

They explore the nice side and find many animals living there. The herbivores dominate this place because they have enough food here. Of course, there are carnivores & omnivores, but their numbers are quite low, especially the carnivores.

The animals in this place will scare normal people, but they're nothing for the Clowns. These animals are even considered weak because they are just normal wild animals. There's nothing scary in this place, at least on this side of the island.

Buggy knows that the scarier & stronger animals live in the regions with crazy weather. He can't remember the animals, but he remembers that they scared him & Shanks when they came here. Those weren't just animals, those were beasts, strong beasts.

While exploring the green area, Buggy's group finds something good. They find a Poneglyph, just a normal Poneglyph. It's a very interesting finding, but they can't read anything there, so they aren't too excited.

Besides, this poneglyph has been translated by Oden when Roger Pirates arrived here. But Buggy can't remember its full contents and only remembers that it's filled with history. It also explains the Road Poneglyph, so it's not that interesting to Buggy.

Still, Buggy takes some pictures of the Poneglyph to keep. These pictures might be useful one day, and even if they're not, he's still satisfied by collecting them. He prefers collecting pictures instead of collecting the Poneglyphs themselves like Big Mom who kept a Road Poneglyph.

"Lord, you should be able to cut anything right? Can you cut this Poneglyph?" asks Yamato with sparkling eyes.

The other teens' eyes also sparkle and they look at Buggy with anticipation.

"Well, I never tried it, but I'm sure I can," says Buggy calmly.

Buggy then approaches the Poneglyph calmly and swipes his flat right hand diagonally at the Poneglyph. Then a moment later, half of the poneglyph slides through a diagonal cut. Buggy has just cut a P9neglyph in half without any effort even though the World Government has failed to destroy them in 800 years.

That's why the teenagers are speechless and their jaws drop. They've seen Buggy cut the sea itself, yet they get surprised by this. Well, it's because the Poneglyph is known to be the world's hardest item.

But they also need to know that Buggy's power is the definition of Cut itself. There shouldn't be anything he can't cut or chop right now. Even if he can't cut the Poneglyph, he can cut the space itself to cut the Poneglyph, which is more difficult.

Buggy had never done this before, but he was sure this would happen. He understands his power more than anyone, after all. So he's not surprised at all and then he just merges the Poneglyph again to return it to its original form.

He's a little disappointed though because there's nothing inside the Poneglyph. He thought that there would be secret items inside the Poneglyphs. But there isn't any, so he is quite disappointed.

There might be items inside the other Poneglyphs, but he doesn't want to deliberately search them just to find them out. Even if there are ancient weapons there, it's just not worth his time. He rather explores a new island rather than just searching Poneglyphs.

After the kids wake up from their shock, the group continues to explore the island. They find some ruins along the way, but they can't understand anything from them. Too bad though, they can't find any treasure there even though the teens are very excited.

"You will be very lucky if you can find anything worth selling here," says Buggy.

"Have Roger Pirates taken everything?" asks Alan.

"What do you think? Will pirates like us let go of precious treasures that are scattered on an uninhabited island?" asks Buggy.

"Sigh, no," says Alan disappointedly.

"But well, who knows? Maybe there are some leftovers," says Buggy.

The teens get rather spirited by what Buggy says. Even if there are only scraps, treasures are treasures, and they love treasures no matter how little they are. So the teens start their treasure hunting again.

The crew that explores the green place separately then moves to different sides too. Then when Brook's group explores the dry area, they find a hidden door that was blocked by a big stone. They found it after being chased by a giant mole and the mole hits the underground room's wall, which made it faint and Brook's group found the hidden door.

They are looking at it and Brook says, "Someone please call our Lord."


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I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 368 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 379 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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