Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 345: Discovery

Chapter 345: Discovery

Buggy has arrived at the hidden underground room location with his group. They don't open the door immediately because there might be some traps there. Brook also thought about that, so he waited until Buggy comes.

"This is a very nice finding. When Roger Pirates were here, we didn't find this place, so the inside must've been intact," says Buggy.

"Then, there might be treasures down there," says Alan excitedly.

"Maybe, but don't get your hopes up too much. It may just be a bunker filled with rotten food," says Buggy.

"If it's a bunker, then they could've stored some precious items inside. There's always a possibility," says Alan stubbornly

"Well, you're not wrong. Then let's open it to find it out. Everyone step back! I will open it," says Buggy.

The others step back quite far to avoid unwanted things. Then Buggy opens the door, but he doesn't open it normally. Buggy cuts the door using his power to avoid triggering the traps if there are any. His cutting power separated the space without severing the connection, after all, so it is safer.

However, the people of the past were very smart, and they've anticipated this kind of method. They've prepared a trap that would get activated when the trigger gets in contact with outside air. There is a big bomb that explodes when it gets triggered.


Too bad though, the bomb can't explode properly and only creates some smoke, it's a dud. Well, it has been hundreds of years since this trap was set. So the mechanisms have deteriorated over time and they can't work properly now.

"Lamp," says Buggy to his crewmates without any sign of worry even though he almost gets caught in a massive explosion.

The crew looks at each other and says, "Uh, we don't have it."

Buggy sighs before telling them to take some lamps in their ship. Some crew members run to take the lamps while the rest are looking at the dark underground room. They can't see anything other than the stairs leading down.

"Maybe the lights will lit automatically when someone enters it," says Yamato before trying to enter.

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But suddenly, Buggy grabs her back collar and pulls her away from the door. "Don't enter it yet. We don't know if there are still active traps. The previous one was a very lucky case because the trap has been broken. But there might be some that are still active."

Yamato giggles nervously while scratching the back of her head when she hears that. Alan also takes a step back because he almost followed Yamato. These teens are too rash and don't think too far ahead.

Sometime later, the ones who take some lamps return. They also bring other people with them, it's Ruff's group. Ruff's group also returned to the ship to store some samples of strange substances they found in the dry area.

Buggy doesn't mind them and just asks for a lamp that he requested. His crewmates give him a lamp and then he enters the underground room after litting the lamp. He tells his crewmates to enter after him so they'll know that it's safe.

They enter the room and walk down the stairs. Nothing happens when they walk down the stairs. No light gets litted, no traps triggered, nothing happens, it's just normal stairs in a dark room. But the stairs are quite long and the design is spiral.

It takes the Clowns 10 minutes to finally reach the bottom. But it's still not the room they expected. They encounter a door again, so the stairs are in their own room. Well, if the real underground room is in the same room as the stairs, then when the previous bomb explodes, the whole place will get destroyed.

Anyway, Buggy cuts open the door again, and now no trap gets activated. They enter the room and some light sources are lit automatically. The technology of the past is very awesome and it makes Ruff's eyes sparkle.

He wants to inspect the technology in this place immediately. But he holds himself because he still doesn't know the danger here. So he just follows as the group walks forward while looking around.

This room is a corridor, a very long corridor with some pictures engraved on the wall. There's a picture of people sculpting a big square stone, a picture of a man & a giant mermaid, a picture of a gigantic ship, pictures of devil fruits, pictures of war, etc. Some symbols & words are engraved too, but no one knows the meaning.

"This must be the events of the past, but I don't understand what they meant," says Yamato.

"Don't worry, none of us here understands any of these things. We are pirates, not historians," says Buggy.

Even Ruff doesn't understand the engravings on the wall. He is a scientist who is more interested in technology rather than history. Even though he can understand a few of the pictures, he doesn't know their full meaning, just like Buggy.

They keep walking and then find the path branches into 3. Of course, it confuses them because they don't know which path is correct. Taking random paths can endanger them, but they don't have any clue which path is correct.

"It will be good if all paths lead to different rooms. But we'll be doomed if this place is actually a maze," says Buggy.

"For now, why don't we retreat and call the others?" asks Brook.

"Well, I just need Enel to use his lighting to explore all the paths and make a map. But I guess the others will be jealous, so let's call everyone," says Buggy.

They come out and call the other groups and as Buggy thought, everyone comes. This is a new discovery, after all, so no one wants to miss this. Even Roger Pirates didn't find this place, so of course, they are very excited.

However, someone can't enter the underground facility. Magnus is far too big to even enter the door and the rooms inside are still too small for him. So he doesn't have any choice but to wait outside which of course, makes him disappointed.

"Don't worry big boy, we will record everything inside so you can see everything later. This is also our achievement, so we will share the loot with you," says Buggy.

"Sigh, okay, I will just sleep here while you play inside," says Magnus with a disappointed face.

Everyone consoles Magnus before they enter the underground facility. They arrive at the branched path after half an hour later and proceed to use Buggy's plan. Enel streams his lightning on the floor, walls, & ceiling of all the paths, making the room bright.

Sometime later, he finally finishes the mapping of this place and as Buggy thought, it's a labyrinth. Luckily, it's not too big and not too complicated for them. Enel makes the map in the air using his lightning because it is very hard to memorize the whole structure.

Jude draws the map on paper as Enel projects the paths with his lightning. Enel even finds some hidden rooms which makes him even more spirited. They finish in a rather short time and start to search for the correct path.

"Alright, let's go to the main goal first. We can check the hidden rooms in the other paths later and checks the ones along the way first," says Buggy.

Everyone agrees and they proceed to follow the correct path. Buggy & Cricket walks in the front to protect the others. Enel has triggered all the traps when he used his lightning to explore the labyrinth, but they still need to be careful.

They find the 1st hidden room after walking for a few minutes and enter it after Buggy cut the wall that blocked them. Most of them are excited because they thought that it is a treasure room. And they get disappointed when they find out that it's just a lab.

Ruff's team is the one that gets excited by this finding. They immediately inspect everything there and Buggy knows it will take a long time. So he orders them to just take everything and learn what they find later.


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

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I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 369 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 380 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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