Universal Power System

Chapter 201 Final Battle (Part 6)

The Beetle King was still recovering from the insane amount of pain that Mako had induced into its body through its crushed eye cavity, and it was expecting Mako to do the same given the amount of electricity he had just absorbed into his system.

unfortunately, one of the effects of Rage Mode is that decreases Mako's intelligence temporarily, not just his intelligence overall, but more specifically his logic and reasoning center of the brain.

Even though he had received a decent amount of damage from the Lightning attack, he immediately brushed it off as if it was nothing and prepared a counter-attack.

Any sane person would call Mako suicidal, but that was just how Rage Mode affected his thinking. He was like a wild beast that only knew how to ravage and destroy and wouldn't stop until all his targets were absolutely crushed and defeated.

Despite being in so much pain the Beetle King had to respond as it couldn't take much more of Mako's full-range fire attacks.

Since the fight had escalated to this point, the Beetle King had decided that it wasn't worth it to just fight physically and give the wild human in front of him the advantage.

Initially, the Beetle King had decided to rely more on physical moves and attacks as it had realized that Mako had a tolerance to Lightning attacks and this way his attacks wouldn't be effective and a waste of time and it was rather just better off, killing him with his own physical power.

However, it had realized that even though the Lightning wasn't extremely effective, it was still far superior. Mako could only tolerate a few seconds of a continuous attack before he would start receiving critical damage.

The Level 7 Lightning ability was no longer seen as a hindrance for it but rather Mako as now Mako had to worry about the Beetle King's strength as well as the Lightning moved which the Beetle King had a decent number of.

As Mako approached the Beetle King with his hands erupting into red flames, the Beetle King used an actual skill, the same skill that the other Beetle King had used on Bill.

The Beetle King covered itself in electricity and just like Mako, it released a pulse just as Mako's fist was about to connect with one of its limbs.

The pulse extended outwards exactly like the Electrical Discharge skill but with two key main differences.

The Electrical Discharge skill doesn't do any damage to the opponent while this pulse launched Mako back with force.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Secondly, the Electrical Discharge caused paralysis to the opponent while this pulse caused...

[User is Distorted]

[All motor functions of the user have been swapped]

[Duration: 15 seconds]

A couple of prompts arose in front of Mako, but he was too focused on landing back on his feet that he didn't pay attention to them which caused him to move his legs in the wrong direction and completely miss the landing.

Mako landed face first onto the ground with the momentum of the force that pushed him back making him skid across the ground dealing significantly more damage to his face.

When Mako finally stopped moving and dropped down he was receiving a lot of pain, but all of this was also not getting received by the brain as Rage Mode also shut down Mako's pain reception center so that pain wouldn't hold him back and that he could go all out.

He tried to get back up but for some reason, his hands were moving in the opposite direction digging further into the ground rather than lifting up and helping the body get back on its feet.

The Beetle King wouldn't let such a great opportunity go to waste as its mandibles started to glow yellow and cover itself in electricity. Once its attack was charged up, it aimed its mandibles right at Mako and pinched them shut to release a ray of lightning.

The ray of electricity was super destructive. As it approached Mako, it destroyed everything in its path by completely obliterating it into a million pieces.

The Beetle King had no idea how long its skill would last against Mako since he was also a lightning user, but it hoped it to be long enough for it to charge up its "Thunderbolt Beam" and completely destroy Mako even though he had resistance against lightning, the sheer destructive force of the skill was enough to break every single bone in his body and crush him into a fine paste.

However, even though Mako was unable to get his motor controls figured out in time he still had his regular IQ which was far better than Bill's and he realized even quicker that he could still use his abilities regularly.

using his hearing, he was able to deduce that the Beetle was charging up for a big attack, so Mako also began charging up by activating his energy manipulation ability to attract the nearby energy particles toward him.

It wasn't completely explainable but while his Rage State with his eyes still glowing red and his body still covered in that flame-like energy, the nearby energy particles actually converged toward his body at a much greater rate than normal.

Mako had no issues and could release his Energy stream skill with no charge whatsoever as he had done subconsciously right after resonating his Fire and Lightning abilities, but that would be the weakest amount of damage that he could do.

By allowing himself to absorb the energy particles in his surroundings for a couple of seconds, he could greatly improve the strength of his stream.

Just the ray from the Beetle King was about to reach Mako, he was done charging up, and coincidentally at that exact moment, he received a prompt.

[User is no longer Distorted]

Mako roared out loud as he was given control over his body again and using all his strength, he blasted himself off the ground and onto his feet with the massive yellow ray of lightning right in front of him.

Mako quickly combined his hands and activated his skill to counter the yellow ray.

[Energy Stream has been activated]

Just as it looked like the yellow ray had enveloped Mako's figure completely and obliterated him as well just like everything before, the ray of yellow lightning stopped moving forward and remained exactly in Mako's position. It looked like how an unstoppable force faced an immovable object as the ray continued to exert force, but it could go forward past that point.

Suddenly, the yellow ray actually began to shrink and slowly started to move backward with the tip of the yellow ray actually being colored green.

A yet another intense roar was heard from within where the two colored energies were colliding with the green beam slowly taking more and more space and pushing the lightning ray back.

After a few moments, the green ray had pushed the yellow ray enough that now Mako's figure was visible again with the green ray actually being emitted from his hands.

He was slowly starting to gain more ground against the beam as this was one of the features of the Energy Stream skill and that was that it wouldn't stop absorbing energy particles even after the skill was cast as this would allow it to continue getting stronger and stronger every second.

However, this feature came at a great cost, and that being Energy. Even though Mako had a great Energy pool, far superior to many cadets on the island, it was still limited, and he had used quite a lot of it from the start of their fight more than an hour ago and was now running quite low.

The Energy Stream skill demanded more energy per second in return for more damage so even though he was gaining more ground against the Lightning ray every second, he was depleting his reserves even more.

On the other hand, the Beetle King wasn't looking too hot either as even though he had infinite usage of aura due to it getting power from its crystal, the Beetle King itself was still limited to how much he could draw out at a given moment and this was what separated the different beasts into tiers, their ability to draw out as much power from a crystal as they can.

Both Mako and the Beetle King were nearing their limits with no escape for either of them as the first person to give out would be defeated by the other.

This was the final showdown between Mako and the Beetle King with both of the pushing as hard as they can. Due to Mako being in Rage Mode, more particles were converging toward him at a faster rate which helped quite a lot but it was tough to push out a level 7 lightning ability skill.

Mako kept getting notifications telling him about how much energy he had left, but it was all getting blocked by his rage as right now all he could think of was to kill the Beetle King and finally claim victory.




In the end, the Beetle King couldn't hold out any longer and its skill got automatically canceled which gave the green beam no more resistance as it blasted forward at great speed, hitting the Beetle King directly.


The Beetle King screamed in agony and pain as it received a massive hit from the Energy Stream.

Mako deactivated the skill a second later and there he was still standing while a massive chunk of the Beetle King has been completely destroyed. It was laying on the ground with steam coming off its entire body and blue blood leaking like a dam that hadn't been opened in years.

It seemed as if Mako had won but in the next second, Mako's eyes began to dim as all the red glow was removed and several prompts appeared in front of his eyes as he fell to the ground.

[Forcefully Deactivating Rage Mode]

[The remaining Rage mode bar has been completely depleted and converted into energy in order to support the Energy Beam skill for additional 7 seconds.]

[User was unsuccessful in eliminating the singular target while Rage Mode was active.]

[Calculating penalty]

[The User is Exhausted]


The effects of Exhaustion were stronger than ever as even though Mako had a stronger body and a much greater energy pool he could still feel his vision fading, but before he could completely black out, he was able to read the last prompts in front of his eyes and one prompt really gave him chills.

[User was unsuccessful in eliminating the singular target while Rage Mode was active.]

'Does... Does that mean... IT IS STILL ALIVE!?' Mako thought as his vision completely faded and he was knocked unconscious due to exhaustion and energy depletion.

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