Universal Power System

Chapter 202 Disqualified! (Part 1)

The Beetle King was gravely injured with a huge chunk of its right side completely crushed and obliterated from Energy Stream skill that was continuously adding up damage as it battled against the Lightning ray.

After it eventually won the power struggle, all that built-up damage struck the Beetle King at once, dealing massive amounts of damage.

The Beetle King had a tough exoskeleton that was only vulnerable to physical piercing attacks as a lot of force could be concentrated at a small point, thus greatly increasing the damage.

The brittle and hard exoskeleton of the Beetle King was very resistant to other forms of damage including the Energy Stream skill.

This was the same reason why Mako wasn't able to finish off that other Beetle King in the cave. Even though both of them were weaker back at the cave, the newly unlocked Energy Stream didn't possess penetrative properties and this allowed the Beetle King to withstand that damage and make its escape.

Since then Mako had grown stronger, but now he was facing the full-powered version of the beast he had nearly killed back in that cave.

The Beetle King's exoskeleton provided a few milliseconds of protection against the terrifying green blast which allowed it to move just enough out of the range of the attack that most of its vital organs were still intact.

Beasts were a lot more resilient than regular animals and humans. They could still survive for many minutes without a heart or brain with them losing the functionality to think or move of course, but they would still be alive. The only way to immediately kill a beast was to deal enough damage through its weakness that it dies or to rip out its crystal from its body, terminating its life immediately.

This was different from the beast going berserk and losing its crystal as the process is really different. After going berserk and exhausting all of the crystal's power, the crystal becomes cracked but still stays intact, never being able to produce energy again; thus, the beast still lives.

As soon as Mako collapsed from exhaustion, the Beetle King started to wriggle around as it struggled to stand back on its feet due to the amount of pain it was in and as well as the poor weight distribution as there wasn't enough weight on the right side of its body to counterbalance the weight on its left side.

With what strength the Beetle King still had, it started dragging itself toward Mako's exhausted and limp body.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Human beings were rich in nutrients for the beast which was why they were so irresistible to the beasts. Most beasts had evolution paths that involved them eating nutrient-rich foods such as humans while others could simply use the nutrients and energy of the human to heal their own bodies among many other uses.

Similar to how the Beetle King could eat its own underlings to regenerate, it could also eat humans to do the same thing with only one key difference. Human beings were a far more superior source of healing than the regular Terra Beetles and with the human, being Mako, the Beetle King could fully heal with just eating Mako alone.

As the Beetle King used only it's front left leg to drag its entire body forward, the patrolling officers sprung into action as they wouldn't let a grave mistake like earlier happen again.

They followed the same strategy as before with one going to finish off the Beetle King while the other going to make sure Mako was still alive.

However, they were interrupted once again, but this time not by Mako, but rather by someone who dropped out of the sky, seemingly out of nowhere.

Just as the first patrolling officer was about to reach the Beetle King while holding a Power weapon to kill it instantly, Erin dropped out from the sky, directly onto the brutally beaten and injured Beetle King.

She formed a spear of ice in her hands as she fell down toward it and upon reaching close to it, she rammed the spear straight into its head.


Using whatever strength it had left, the Beetle King let out a weak screech as the ice spear effortlessly penetrated its exoskeleton, and lodged itself deep into its brain.

The Beetle King quickly tried to attack Erin with its long limbs that started covering themselves in electricity to try and get Erin off its head.

However, the Beetle King's power had decreased significantly and it was quite slow for Erin who had her mutant gene activated.

She effortlessly dodged all the attacks and jumped over the lightning strikes with her still firmly gripping onto the spear which she began to twist to deal more pain and damage to the Beetle King.

The Beetle King continued to screech in agony. It tried to cover itself in electricity in order to electrocute Erin just like it had done with Mako when he was blasting its eye with red fire.


"You think this will stop me!!" Erin shouted as she jumped onto her own spear putting one foot on and the other foot behind the shaft of the spear.

This way one foot was pushing on the pole while the other foot was pulling it. Both forces canceled each other out and allowed Erin to hand off the shaft of the spear horizontally.

The electricity covered the Beetle King's entire body; however, it didn't affect the spear at all.

"HAHAHA! Pure ice doesn't conduct electricity!" Erin shouted with pleasure as she saw the Beetle King wasting energy to try and survive, but it was completely useless.

"I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU! YOU'RE FINISHED!" Erin shouted at the top of her lungs as her eyes glowed with greater intensity and she put both of her hands onto the spear.

She summoned all of her ice aura and energy from her mutant gene and concentrated it on the tip of the spear which was lodged deep into the Beetle King's brain.

Erin began supplying super-concentrated amounts of aura down the shaft of the spear and into the tip.

From the outside, nothing had changed as the Beetle King was still covering itself with electricity, but in the next moment, the electricity suddenly stopped flowing as from within the body of the Beetle King, dozens of ice spikes emerged with the original ice spear being the source, penetrating through the exoskeleton of the Beetle King and reaching great heights.

The Beetle King let out one final screech as it had finally sustained too much dagame and was instantly killed.

The body of the Beetle King was barely visible with the number of ice spikes that emerged from its body and covered the surrounding area.

Erin let out a maniacal laugh as she stood on top of the tallest ice spike which was the original ice spear.

She had done it. She had killed the Beetle King just like Bill had told her to do. Now she just had to make sure Mako was alright...

"Huh! Mako!" Erin screamed in shock as she turned around to see Mako's injured and unconscious body being examined by the two patrolling officers.

Erin quickly slid down the ice spikes and dashed towards Mako. If the patrolling officers were on the scene it only meant one thing... Mako was disqualified.

"NO NO NO NO!" Erin muttered as she dashed toward them.


However, just before reaching them, Erin felt a sudden pain in her heart, so severe that it made her collapse onto the ground and skid across the ground, nearing ever closer to the patrolling officers.

A sudden pain enveloped Erin's body as she was completely paralyzed by it, unable to move, cry, or even scream out.

Her muscles continued to spasm and it was becoming difficult for her to even breathe.

One of the patrolling officers took notice and quickly moved over to Erin, and check her condition.

As he examined Erin, he realized what was going on. He just held Erin's hand as went through the pain as there was actually nothing anybody could do for the pain Erin was experiencing as she was the one who caused it.

After a few minutes of extreme and intense pain, it finally started to reduce in intensity and slowly started to fade. It was at this time that Erin's eyes also changed back to normal and she slowly regained control over her body again.

The patrolling officer had braced Erin the entire while she was in pain, but the other patrolling officer was nowhere to be seen... and so was Mako!

Erin quickly jumped up from the ground, ignoring all of the pain that she had just experienced for several minutes, and started to look around for Mako, but there was no sign of him.

In frustration, Erin turned back to patrolling officer and grabbed his hand again, squeezing it very hard.

"Please I beg of you! What is going on?! What happened to me!?… and... and where is Mako!?" Erin asked with tears in her eyes.

The patrolling officer sighed as he said the five words that Erin was dreading to hear and was praying wouldn't be true.

"Mako Grey has been disqualified!" The patrolling officer announced.

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