Chapter 109 109. OATH

Noah could only stare at the two figures whom he had failed to notice earlier.

Performing a bow, Noah tried his best to remain calm and keep his eyes off the slowly rotating flower, but he failed woefully in the latter part.

His eyes left the two humans, and focused on the rotating object. He had never seen anything like it in his three lives, and personally he found it beautiful.

Coupled with the fact that it radiated an Intense aura that Noah confirmed to be higher than tier 3.

'Is that the reward,' Noah couldn't help but get excited, though his excitement vanished when his eyes fell on the two patiently standing individuals.

Straightening his position since he had been in a bowing position for the last second. Noah fully Inspected the facial features of the individuals, not bothering to utilize the systems function since it would be useless.

The male between the duo looked to be in his early thirties. He had short dark-blue hair and fair skin that seemed to sparkle in the multicolored lights the flower released.

His eyes shone with an orange glint, as the man had his eyes on Noah, thoughts that Noah couldn't discern flowing in those eyes.

The young looking man was draped in long blue garment that matched his blue hair, red coloured inscriptions flickering on its fabric.

Moving on to the lady, Noah felt surprised to find that she looked to be middle-aged. She had long black hair which she let fall loosely, although it looked finely combed.

Her eyeballs sported emerald-green eyes that directly shone in the room, the light smile on her face making her look out of the world even though she looked middle-aged.

She was currently wearing a grey coloured garment, that covered her full figure even her arms and feet.

Noah managed to finish that Inspection in barely a second, though he had gotten used to that level of cognitive speed, it still remained Impressive.

"I trust you had a good nights rest," The woman said.

"I am lady Urel, captain of a branch of the royal army, and this is my partner Kreg, but you may address him as Sir Kreg," Lady Urel introduced, sir Kreg nodding slightly, his eyes still on Noah.

"I know you may have heard about the rewards that would be given for coming out among the top ten in bozolom," Lady Urel gestured at the spinning flower.

"But this can't actually allow you to achieve our level of power. It'll at most take you to the higher stage in tier 3 after you've absorbed it, which would take a bit over fifty years if you are slow in cultivating, or around two decades if you are fast," Lady Urel started. A wave of shock hitting Noah when he heard of the time needed to absorb the energy in the flower, but he didn't let any emotion get to his face.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Let's not even start about the body and soul core," Lady Urel waved her hand in dismissal.

"So Noah...Let's talk about something more productive for someone as valuable as you," She said her voice gaining a cold hint, as a table and three chairs appeared on the floor.

"Have a sit," She said, but before Noah could take a step, an external force wrapped around his body and pulled him towards the table. The force placing him gently on the chair.

Noah's blank expression flickered after that event. He had barely been able to react when he reached the chair.

Lady Urel and sir Kreg sat down, their eyes still on Noah.

Noah sat on the chair for a few seconds, but a frown couldn't help but appear on his face; his head turning to look at the spinning flower. Its tier 4 pressure affected his head, giving him a headache.

Lady Urel immediately noticed his lack of comfort, her voice ringing out while she waved her hand, causing the flower yo vanish.

"I apologize for the discomfort," She said, her eyes meeting Noah's gaze.

"Now...," This time it was sir Kreg talking, "Let's get to the main reason we are here," He said.

"I'm sure you've heard from Malachi and Abigail your current state towards the royal family. So i ask you, do you agree to join the royal army?. You'll be given a good spot," Kreg started his gaze still on Noah.

Noah reacted in no way to what sir Kreg said, but his mouth opened to reply him.

"Is it about me being indebted to the royal family because i killed a few tier 3 beasts and took one core?" Noah asked coldly.

He had come to this conclusion after many hours of thinking, and seeing that the only valuable things he had taken was the beast core, he concluded on the matter, but he also found it childish for them to use it as a reason to try and rope him into their army.

"If so, I'm apologize for killing the lion and rat out of self-defense, and you can have the lions core back," Noah suddenly said, a red orb appearing in the air. It's red radiance lighting up the whole room. Noah had moved straight to the point.

"And I refuse your offer to join the royal army. I know it's a good place but It doesn't entice me," Noah added, his mind on the tip of his powerful spells.

Both Kreg and Urel stared at the Mana core blankly, Noah not being able to understand the thoughts in their glowing eyes.

"I see. So thats how it is," Kreg eventually said, his mouth opening to talk.

"Since that is over with, let's move to the conditions of receiving the rewards," He said while the red core vanished from the wave of his hand.

Noah remained shocked by the quick change of topic, which kept him on edge. He wondered if there were other tricks they had for him.

"As I'm sure you already understand. Tier 4's are very valuable cultivators thats hold Incredible power, which when in the wrong hands can lead to calamities, and unnecessary destruction in our peaceful nation," Kreg started.

"So the condition is that your are going to swear an oath to not hurt the royal family in any way. Don't worry It'll only last for two centuries," Kreg said.

A frown inevitably appeared on Noah's face when he thought to how long that time was. "And what if I break the oath?," Noah asked.

"You'll lose your Mana core," Lady Urel simply stated, Noah's eye's falling on her smiling face.

"Yes," Sir Kreg backed his partner up, Noah nodding his head.

Although he didn't like the oath mainly due to it's time span. He had no choice, it was the condition to receive the rewards.

"Good," Kreg commented, a red sheet of paper appearing on the table.

"Read it's contents to be sure we aren't scamming you," Lady Urel said. "Infuse your Mana into the paper to activate the oath," She added.

Noah read through the papers contents, seeing that it was according to how sir Kreg had said it, he did as he was told.

Placing a finger on the glowing sheet, Noah poured his Mana into it. Immediately he did that, a panel popped up.

[Tier 4 temporary oath detected, do you want to sign it]

[Conditions state that user must not harm the royal family in any way for a span of 200 years. If broken user will lose their Mana core]

[Do you want to complete it]


Noah read through the panels contents, his mind remembering something.

"But I currently don't have a Mana core," Noah asked with pure curiosity.

"The oath will attach itself to your Mana pool and pathways for now, then when you form one it'll bind itself to your core," Sir Kreg explained.

"But what if i break the oath before then?," Noah asked another important question.

"You'll find that all the pathways that absorb Mana naturally in your body will explode, causing your death in the process," Lady Urel butt in.

Noah nod his head at their words, his mind going on to pick yes.

Immediately he did so, the red sheet glowed brighter, then it's fabric broke and turned into red glowing particles that flew towards his abdomen, their passage not causing too much pain, only a slight tingle.

[You have formed tier 4 temporary Oath]

[Duration until termination: 199 years 364 days 24:59 hours]

Noah read this note with a slightly heavy heart.

'I wonder if I can break it before that period of time,' Noah thought.

Then he recalled Augustus's words about oaths, remembering that he said only someone more powerful than the oath maker can break it.

"Is there anymore?," Noah asked with a dark expression.

"No," Sir Kreg said, Lady Urel waving her hand a ring appearing and floating towards Noah.

"You'll have to make two more trips here, and you'll need this to collect the remaining resources," Lady Urel gestured at the floating ring.

"Keep it with you at all times," She added.

Noah grabbed the ring and wore it. Checking it contents he saw that the space ring contained the flower.

Excitement couldn't help but surface in Noah's mind, but before he could do or say anything, Lady Urel spoke.

"Come have a drink with us," She said as a bottle and three cups appeared on the table.

She grabbed the bottle and poured its contents into the cups, one of them floating towards Noah, who hesitated to drink it.

Watching Lady Urel and Sir Kreg drink theirs didn't help the matter, but he put his trust in the systems annoying function.

Gulping the contents of the cup in one go, Noah felt a cool sensation flow down his throat. He instantly wanted more, but before he could ask, the systems panel stopped him in his tracks.

[You have ingested a tier 4 substance with unknown effects]

[Scanning substance to determine it's effects...]

[Scanning will take two minutes]

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