Chapter 110 110. HALLUCINATIONS

Noah's mind froze when he read the system's words. He immediately dropped the cup, albeit gently not the alert the two experts.

"Would you like some more?," Lady Urel asked with a smile.

Noah stared at the duo with uncertainty evident in his eyes. "No," He replied standing up.

"If that is all, I'll be leaving," He said.

"Thank you for the drink," he added leaving the table, but before he could leave the room, Lady Urels voice sounded.

"Goodbye, and please watch your steps," She said, Noah not being able to see the cruel smile on her face while he walked out of the chamber.

Nodding his head he watched the door open and walked outside.

On getting outside, Noah realized that Abigail was nowhere to be seen. But he didn't worry too much about that detail. He knew his way back to his assigned room.

Glancing at the panel from time to time, Noah was about to exit the hall leading to the chamber when another notification appeared in his eyes.

[Effects of substance determined]

[Ingested substance was a tier 4 plant that attacks the mind of whoever that drinks it and doesn't have a tier 4 mind]

[Examples are heightened emotions, hallucinations....]

Noah didn't manage to read the whole notification, since suddenly he couldn't move, not even his eye balls.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Cold sweat dripping down his back when his eyes fell on the hall in front of him.

Noah could swear that the hall had gotten darker. Intense fear like never before spread in his mind, his breathing immediately becoming ragged, his body losing its previous vitality and falling to the ground.

Noah's eyes remained wide open, but he couldn't move, the fear of death gripped his heart as memories he had almost forgotten flooded into his mind.

He re-lived the scenes of almost getting killed by the tier 2 lizard, but this time the lizard seemed stronger and larger than it really was.

Noah spent a few seconds on the ground, his body trying to release sparks to try and run, but no sparks found its way out. But suddenly he jumped up, strength filling his body.

Clenching his fists in surprise, Noah re-lived his advancement into tier 2, his body remembering the great feeling of strength it experienced.

But his moment of happiness was cut short, when he noticed a flicker in the shadows of the hall. His eyes immediately moved to find out what it was, but he saw nothing.

Taking a step forward still experiencing the feeling of strength he had, Noah began his march to his room, during that period of time he managed to get a hold of a part of his senses, his mind confirming that this was all a plan by the royals.

Before Noah could think any more rational thoughts, his mind was overtaken by an immense feeling of anger, the shadows of the halls twisting and turning into the wolves he remembered that killed him.

Dashing towards one of the totally black wolves that had red glowing eyes. Noah threw a punch at the shadows head, its head exploding instantly.

Suddenly he felt one of the wolves claw at his leg, but its claws didn't manage to pierce him.

Suddenly Noah grabbed it and hurled it towards the wall, a kick descending on its moving body.

The black body of the wolf suddenly dispersed as Noah's kick struck the wall, only a small dent managing to appear on it.

Now in his right senses, Noah realized that he had been the only one in the hall, and there was another dent on the wall where he had punched.

Before he could focus on the hallway, an intense pain spread through his mind, as Noah saw himself bleeding profusely, his body was in shambles and his clothes torn.

His body went limp on the ground as Noah re-lived a near death experience, but this time he couldn't die.

The scenes of his body getting ravaged by the explosion of the speed clone in the mansion flashed through Noah's eyes. This time he managed to understand how badly Injured he was.

Undescribable pain rushed through Noah's body, his eyes almost rolling back, when suddenly he regained his senses.

A sharp breath followed that event, Noah immediately getting up and marching towards his room, he didn't want to run due to his unstable state of mind, but he walked as fast as he could.

The walls of the hall seemed to stretch forever, Noah confirming that his mind was playing a trick on him, but nevertheless the continued his march.

Multiple minutes inevitably went by. Although he tried his best to stop it, Noah still experienced multiple heightened emotions and sensations, but he mostly experienced anger after some point.

His mind either showed him images of his brother or the black figure. He also experienced regret and guilt, mostly for the lives he had taken.

Noah cried mulitiple times on his way to his room. The process was nerve rending, and it broke him in multiple aspects of himself.

All the emotions he thought he had forgotten or pushed to the side came crashing into his head. And due to the fact that they were many, he blacked out sometimes.

Noah had to slam his head on the walls at times to reduce the frequency of his hallucinations, but that only worked a bit.

Clinging to the walls of the hall, Noah eventually spot someone, and it was the standing figure of Abigail.

Sighting his figure, she ran towards him, but Noah stretched his hand forward to stop her.

In the span of a few seconds her figure had twisted into both his brother and one of the six men he killed in the alley, his first night of arriving in Vonol.

Abigail immediately halted her steps, worry evident on her face.

Backing up on the walking Noah, she saw him slam his head on the wall, his body almost slumping to the ground but he held himself up.

Noah kept his arm outstretched during that period, for worry of her coming closer and he losing his mind.

He wasn't sure but he guessed that hurting a maid of the royal family was akin to hurting the royal family. So not wanting to die, he didn't let her come any closer.

Eventually he arrived at his door, Abigail's voice ringing out.

"Are you okay sir?," She asked with a worried tone.

Noah Inspected this scene with uncertainty. She worked for the royal family which meant she had to be in on the plan that he wasn't completely sure was about, but he still replied.

"I'm fine," He stated going for the door knob quickly. He could already feel his mind slipping. The perfume she wore made him feel angry.

"I just wanted to Inform you that sir James is inside. He came a few minutes ago wanting to speak to you so I let him," She explained.

Noah simply nod his head and opened the door.

Due to the fact that he had his back turned on Abigail, he failed to see the smug smile that formed on her pretty face.

Closing the door, with heavy breathing, Noah felt his anger rise as mulitiple images flashed in his eyes.

Turning to face his room, shock filled Noah's mind when he saw the black figure standing at the end of the room.

He tried to slam his head on something, but a scent entered his nose and it resembled what Abigail smelled like. But before Noah could complete his thought process he lost his senses to pure rage.

The room intently darkened, as Noah felt himself get warped into a different environment.

His rage-filled eye's recognizing the rooftop where he had met the black figure, regret, anger and an Intense feeling of worry pouring out of his mind.

Noah's bottled up worry about the time limit untill his potential death, flowed into his mind. His lack of a true companion that could actually help him, increasing the intensity of his loneliness and worry, and he blamed it all on the black figure that had ruined his peaceful life.

Noah's rage-filled eye's stared at the black figure. He wondered why it hadn't moved or talked, but he didn't care since he dashed forward.

His figure instantly crossed the small distance and arrived in front of the black figure.

Even in his rage-filled state, Noah's mind still remembered the immense strength the puppet had, and that his attack wouldn't be able to do anything to it.

But Nevertheless he still wanted to vent.

Noah formed a fist and threw it at the figures chest an instant later.

Shock and surprise finding its way Into his rage-filled mind, when his fist tore through the figures chest.

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