Chapter 111 111. ACCUSATIONS

Noah's raged state felt at loss of what to do, but before he could force his arm out of figures chest, he heard a weak voice saying, "It's all fake," then a weak breath escaped its mouth.

He instantly regained his senses, his environment going back to normal immediately. Sweeping his gaze on the figure in front of him, Noah's heart skipped a beat when his eyes fell on James's face.

Noah instinctively took a step back, while his mind processed that scene.

He could see a pool of blood forming under the body of James the light of life having left his body.

During that period of denial Noah's mouth instinctively whispered James's name, and immediately the word ended in his mouth, the door behind him burst open, two tier 3 aura's spreading inside the room.

Noah immediately turned to look at what had happened, his eyes falling on two armoured men who had their swords pointed at him.

"Do not move." One of the men said while walking towards Noah, who wanted to say something, but felt his mind begin to slip.

All the dots Instantly connected in his mind. 'A set up,' he thought, right before his main consciousness was enveloped by uncontrollable rage his body dashing towards the tier 3's without his permission.



Noah lazily opened his eyes in a dimly lit room. His eyes tried to scan his environment when pain hit his senses like a freight train.

Noah immediately started to writh, his mind registering that he was currently hanged with his wrists.

During that period, Noah managed to feel the cold stone wall behind him, but no further sensations apart from pain spread in his mind.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

His mouth instinctively let out pained cries, Noah wondering why he had not healed.

He eventually managed to calm down a little, enough for him to Inspect his body, and his state caused him a heart to skip a beat.

Noah's eyes fell on a long slash mark that stretched from his chest all the way to his hip. Dried blood staining its edges and surface. It seemed his body had tried to heal him, but was stopped mid way. He wondered why he was in such condition; trying to recall what happened, but all he experienced were splitting headaches, and black visions.

Before he could continue his bodily Inspection, the sound of footsteps entered his ears. Snapping his head towards the metal bars at the entrance of the room, Noah confirmed that he was in a prison cell

Two figures entered his line of sight, the metal bars shifting to one side to allow the figures enter.

"I see you are awake," The voice of a man Noah knew not, spread out in the cell.

Noah only half cared about the figures, his mind still buzzing from the deep wound on his chest, while he Inspected the cell he had been chained in.

The whole place looked like the medieval dungeons he saw in movies on Earth, only filled with blood and the repulsive stench of a corpse.

Noah's scanned the stone walls, his eyes managing to pick up tiny blue inscriptions that he traced to the chains that hung him.

Noticing that the chains also had blue Inscriptions, Noah without a shred of respect asked a question.

"What are these for?," He spoke, not glancing at the young looking man.

The man glanced at the direction of Noah's eyes, a look of understanding flashing on his face.

"They are mana dampeners, used to siphon the Mana from whoever they are attached too, to keep the captive in place," The man explained.

"So basically it keeps me mana-less, to stop me from casting spells," Noah commented with a weak chuckle.

"Exactly," The man replied.

"So that means you'll let me bleed to my death. Are you really that worried about me escaping, because i am sure this is a special treatment," Noah laughed without removing his eyes from the glowing shackles.

A short laugh escaped the mouth of the young looking man, his mouth opening to talk.

"Oh no. Do not think so highly of yourself Noah. You are strong, yes. Strong enough to give tier 3's a bit of problem, but this is a normal treatment for anyone who's committed a crime," The man explained.

Noah's head turned to face the man his voice ringing out, "Crimes. You mean a set up," Noah said calmly

"I know not of what you speak of. All i came to ask you is why you did it, and where did you hide sir James's flower," The man said, two chairs appearing behind him, he and his silent partner who was also a man, sitting.

Noah kept his gaze on the two seated men, his expression having turned cold immediately they entered.

"Before I answer any questions, I want to know your names," Noah said.

"Very well. I am Count Pedro, i have been charged to question you about your crime," The young man said.

"I am Feligo. Special adviser and personal bodyguard to count Pedro," The silent man said.

Noah limited himself to stare at the duo coldly, Count Pedro's voice ringing out.

"Now....back to our main business. Are you going to deny the fact that you killed sir James, with your own hand," He said with his eyes narrowed.

"I do not, but it wasn't my intention to do so. But I understand that you won't believe me no matter what I say," Noah replied with a dark expression.

"Hmmm. What do you mean by murdering sir James not being your intention. Did you only plan to steal his reward?," Count Pedro asked.

A deep frown appeared on Noah's face after the man's words, he could immediately confirm that this was another crime they wanted to rope him into.

"I did no such thing," Noah countered glancing at his bloody fingers. Finding that the ring was nowhere to be found, Noah grit his teeth in annoyance. 'They had it planned all along,' He thought

Count Pedro shook his head in a mix of disdain and pity his mouth opening.

"You managed to stay and hide the ring before the guards got to the scene, and now you deny it!," The man said his tier 3 aura flaring up, almost suffocating Noah in the process.

Noah coughed multiple times, blood also escaping his mouth, it took him a few seconds to regain his composure.

"I apologize for that," Count Pedro said after Noah had stopped coughing.

"I refuse to answer anymore questions. I want a legal advocate or someone to defend me in court," Noah shouted.

"It seems you've misunderstood, sir Noah," Sir Pedro explained with an eyebrow raised, "Your case has already been decided by the royals. You do not have access to any such thing," he said coldly.

"Is that even allowed by the law," Noah said, his mind still based on how Earth was ruled.

"I do not understand what you speak of, but our nation's law has always been this way," Sir Pedro replied.

"I did a little digging about your roots and found nothing, which was why i agreed to come here. But it seems you are just a scum that should be killed off," Sir Pedro sneered.

"I find it funny that you could say that with such a straight face. Lying I mean," Noah said staring at the young man dead in his eyes, silence reigning among them.

"If you truly value your life, I advise you cooperate with the man that enters here next, he isn't as lenient as i am," Sir Pedro eventually said standing up.

"Why didn't they kill me right there?," Noah asked before the man left.

"It seems the royal family sees value in you, which is why you were only restrained. This hasn't been disclosed to the public, so you still have time to do as you are told," Sir Pedro explained with his back turned.

Anger burned in Noah's mind at those words, checking his mp points, Noah found that he only had 1 point which flickered every second.

"I'll find you," Noah eventually said. "I'll find you and destroy everything you value," Noah announced with bloodlust pouring out of his eyes.

A chuckle escaped sir Pedro's mouth at that point, his voice ringing out. "Survive him first," He smiled, he and his body guard walking out, while a bulky, barely clothed man walked in.

"All you have to do is break him. The royals will take care of the rest," Sir Pedro whispered to the individual, before vanishing into the orange lighted hall.

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