Chapter 112 112. BRUTAL

Noah gazed coldly at the young looking man. His mind already preparing him for what was to come. Nevertheless he still found it hard to believe that he would find himself In such a seemingly hopeless situation.

The bulky man dressed In a long green apron and an ash shirt, walked into the cell. A table appearing on one side of the room, afterwhich different types of metal tools appeared on the table, each tool looking dangerous.

The man silently arranged those tools un rows, Noah's mood having reached extremely dark levels he never thought he could achieve. It looked like he was about to be tortured.

"What is your name young man," The individual said, his blank gaze now on Noah.

"I am Noah," Noah replied while also locking gaze at the man.

"Aren't you supposed to know my name," Noah asked subconsciously trying to stall a bit.

"Ah, I normally should. I usually receive Information about my clients a week before our meeting, but I was only Informed about you a few hours ago, your name wasn't included in my contract. Only that the royal family finds you valuable." The man replied calmly.

"I am Vincent by the way," Vincent said, making a wooden chair appear underneath Noah's hanged figure.

Noah nod his head at the man's words, while he felt his body get lowered onto the chair.

Vincent walking over and strapping Noah's neck arms and legs to the chair, and also strapped his fingers and toes separately.

Noah watched this scene with utter coldness. Vincents vice like grip didn't give him a chance to move anyhow, and his chest still buzzed from the deep wound in it, the lack of mana powering his body constantly also made him feel incredibly weak.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

With those issues unsolved Noah didn't dare to try and fight the tier 3 expert.

Vincent suddenly brought out a small bottle and poured its contents on Noah, who gritted his teeth due to the burning sensation that spread in his body.

Though, he also found that his chest wound closed rapidly, but not completely.

"That's new," Vincent exclamained at Noah's still not-completely healed chest.

"That was a middle tier potion for peak stage tier 2's. Usually that is more than enough to heal individuals of your level, but this doesn't seem so for you. No wonder you were able to give tier 3's a bit of trouble," Vincent explained with a nod, pouring another bottles content on Noah.

This time his chest's wound closed completely, a bit of energy returning to his body.

"Truly Interesting," Vincent remarked, sitting on the chair that he brought for himself.

"Let's have a short talk sir Noah," Vincent said, with a serious expression.

"I'm sure you understand what is about to happen to you, and how gruesome and painful it would be," Vincent started, Noah nodding his head in response.

"But all of it can be avoided by simply agreeing to the royals offer and swearing an oath of service," Vincent nodded. "I believe you to be a smart young man, who only made a bad decision and got caught. So make your choice now," he added with a stern expression.

Noah heaved a weak sigh at the man's words.

Immediately he found himself in the prison cell, his anger had been turned on the royals.

They had gone as far as drugging him to put him in a messy situation, and they expected him to actually accept their offer.

"Pathetic," Noah whispered with a dark smile, Vincent narrowing his eyes.

"Can you repeat that?," The man asked. His serious expression vanished and turned to anger.

"I disagree," Noah spoke, glaring at the man, who nod his head and stood up sharply, a punch suddenly landing on Noah's stomach.

The air in Noah's lungs escaped his insides, while blood flowed out of his mouth, causing him to cough multiple times.

"I've already tried my best for today. That is as patient as I can get."

"You may not know; so let me inform you. I've been paid enough to stay with you for a few years. Before that time expires, I promised to deliver a broken you into the royal family," Vincent explained, picking up what looked like garden scissors, but a bit bigger.

Then he began walking towards Noah, who's heart instinctively began to race.

Vincent arrived in front of Noah and crouched in front of his fingers. He was about to act when he remembered something.

He stood and brought out a thick looking cloth. His eyes landed on Noah's body, then his fist struck Noah's abdomen again, causing him to open his mouth wide open.

In that split Instant, Vincent inserted the cloth into Noah mouth before he closed it. "We can't let all your screams get out now, can we?," Vincent said with a cruel smile.

Noah could only swallow his breath painfully and prepared his mind for Vincent's next move.

Vincent crouched again, his eyes staring directly into Noah's, who switched gaze's between his left fingers and Vincent's face, his breathing rapid.

Then suddenly, Vincent grabbed Noah's middle finger the scissors going on to sever it.

Noah had tried his best to prepare himself for the brutal pain he would experience, but that didn't seem to work much, since a wild scream escaped his mouth, the cloth choking most of it, but his voice still remained loud.

A slap struck Noah's face but that barely phased him. The Intense pian of his severed finger caused tears to cloud his eye balls. Just one finger!. He had experienced more painful wounds than that.

A wild laugh escaped Vincents mouth, his voice ringing out to the screaming Noah. "Do you think that was just a healing potion. It heals yes. But also heightens the sensitivity of the pain receptors in the human body. You didn't feel much pain earlier because it takes one minute for it to completely kick in, and lasts for two hours," He explained still laughing.

He then grabbed one of Noah's toes his large scissors cutting it.

Noah's almost choked on the cloth in his mouth, his mind buzzed intensely, all of a sudden he wanted the whole thing to stop, but he didn't have the chance to say or do anything since he felt his left thumb get cut off.

The sound of Vincent's laugh faded in Noah's ears, as he lost consciousness. Almost.

Right before his eyes rolled backwards, a liquid splashed on his body, his pain vanishing instantly, his fingers and toe regenerating, while he regained his senses.

Noah took a sharp breath in. He felt like head been revived from a near death state.

"We have just begun and you are already passing out," Vincent clicked his tongue, while walking towards the table of tools and picking a hammer.

Noah continually glared at Vincent, his eyes filled with more blood lust than he had ever felt.

"We are going to deal with that," Vincent shook his head at Noah's glare.

"I've seen better glarers who didn't last a week. Let's see how long you'll last," Vincent said smashing Noah's hands with the hammer in one quick movement.

His hammer also went for Noah shoulder's, disgusting crunching sounds and gushes of blood escaping Noah's body, his loud screams filling the halls of the cell, while Vincent laughed hysterically, the light of madness filling his eyes, whilst he poured healing potions on Noah's body and continued the brutal beating.

This was how Noah began a gruelling experience that would change the course of his life, forever.

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