Wedding Agreement With CEO


The night breeze began to greet. The sky is dark without any glitter that adorns. The moon also seems reluctant to reveal itself and prefers to hide behind dark clouds. The millions of stars that usually accompany the moon, seem to be deliberately dimming themselves and making the sky darker.

The current time is 23.30. However, Lucas was still sitting on the sidelines alone, with no one to accompany him. Remembering what Joana said this afternoon. Ah, whatever he knew today, it really bothered him that it was hard for him to close his eyes, just take a break to calm himself.

There is nothing wrong with Lucas, a human who does not have complete perfection and hopes to live happily with someone who is perfect for him. However, it seems as if the universe doesn't approve of it so that he often faces obstacles with his wife.

He stared at the ceiling while sleeping on his back with one hand he deliberately made as a pillow. In a flash, Joana's words rang in his ears again.

He thought he would find an answer after Joana delivered the contents of the letter, but instead he wondered even more when the contents of the letter told him not to look for Ellena.

Yes, lucky Joana had time to read the contents of the letter, long before Veronica snatched it from her. It seems presumptuous indeed, but the goal is only to anticipate when the letter is lost or Veronica suddenly finds and retrieves it. At least with what he did, he could still pass on the contents of the letter to Lucas. It turned out to be true. Something bad finally happened.

Lucas is grateful for having a servant who is very kind and cares about his wife's fate. Even though Joana had received threats from her mother, the woman still sided with her. Ah, Veronica really isn't the mother figure she's known all along.

I don't know why the middle-aged woman hates her daughter-in-law so much. Could it be that someone had already succeeded in inciting him to hate Ellena?

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Elle, where are you now? I missed you so much, honey. Come home," Lucas hissed as he stared blankly.

"I don't know what Mami has done to you, I obviously regret that I can't keep you here, accompanying me," Lucas added later. Instantly the corners of his eyes looked wet, holding back the sad feeling he had kept to himself for a long time.

It's not easy going through the days without a loved one by his side. He didn't know when he'd have the chance to hug Ellena while she was asleep, or even give her a kiss in the morning when she woke up. Ah, all of that is quite painful to imagine. However, in fact for a second he could not forget Ellena from his memory.

"Elle, I promise I won't forgive anyone who has tried to separate us. I'm sorry, honey... come back," Lucas whispered as he clenched his fist in anger.

"If one day I find you, I promise not to let you go and I won't even let anyone hurt you, Elle. I will take care and protect you," he added, unconsciously dripping clear liquid that had been filling the corners of his eyes.

Lucas suddenly gasped as the ringing of the phone broke the silence. He turned towards the nightstand, leaving the phone for a moment. Ah, I don't want anyone to. interrupt the current time. He stared back at the ceiling of his room until the ringing of the phone stopped by itself.

However, it doesn't stop there. The phone rang again, interrupting all thoughts. He forced his imagination away from his wife, reaching for the cell phone on the nightstand.

His eyes widened when he saw the words "Unknown Number" written on the screen of his cellphone. Without thinking, he immediately shifted the green icon on the cellphone screen, a sign that he was about to receive the call. Hoping the caller was the same person as the previous day's caller, who he believed to be Ellena.

"Hello!" said Lucas so enthusiastically.

Sure enough. There was no answer from the caller. There was only a slight commotion, like someone moving accidentally caught on the phone line until it reached Lucas' ears.

"Hello, who is this with?" Lucas asked curiously. He was sure the purpose of the caller was not because he wanted to terrorize him, but something else. However, he couldn't be sure either.

Lucas was silent for a moment. Only the faint sound of breathing could be heard. He strained his ears, so he could hear another voice on the other end.

"Ellen? Are you Ellena, my wife?" Lucas asked a little hoarsely. Maybe because of the effect of the tightness of remembering his wife to the point of shedding tears.

For the umpteenth time Lucas's question did not get a response at all. However, he somehow felt certain that it was Ellena.

Yes, he knows very well how his wife is. There hasn't been a single thing that he has forgotten about Ellena's figure, even he still remembers the woman's breath until this second. That's why he immediately thought that his guess was right when only the sound of the caller's breathing could be heard.

"I know. You must be Ellena. Don't deny it, because my instincts are never wrong," Lucas said casually with confidence and confidence.

The result is still the same, no answer from the other side. However, Lucas became even more convinced that the mysterious caller was indeed Ellena.

"Elle, answer me. Please tell me where are you now? I'll pick you up right now. I really miss you, Elle. I can't live without you," Lucas whispered in a slightly heavy tone.

"I already know who made you leave me. You don't need to be afraid, honey. I won't let anyone hurt you again. I promise, honey. Come home, I'm waiting for you," Lucas said a little pitifully. I don't know what else to say to get the caller to respond.

"Elle, don't be silent! I'm talking to you. Are you deliberately torturing me like this to take all your revenge on me? Pleasa, honey... I'm sorry. I promise, from now on I won't ignore you anymore. I will always be there for you. , look after and protect you every day. I beg you, Elle." Lucas spoke at length, hoping that the person he trusted Ellena would melt and answer his question.

However, it's the same. Everything Lucas said changed nothing. The caller was still ringing, which made Lucas even more frustrated with all of this.

"Why don't you understand my feelings, Elle? Every day, even every second I'm always waiting for you here. Do you have the heart to see me every day just thinking about you? You, you, and you!" Lucas said emphatically.

"I'm going crazy if this continues, Elle! Can you answer my question just once. At least you tell me how you're doing?" he added while changing the position of the body from lying down to sitting back.

It turned out that Lucas was not strong enough to face his problems with his wife. Living the days without the person he loves, is the same as slowly killing him.

"Elle, why are you silent? Are you trying to drive me crazy on purpose? Or do you want to hear me die first, then you want to go home?" Lucas asked emphatically.

Who knows. In fact, his words managed to make the caller cry. Although his voice sounded a little muffled. However, Lucas could still clearly hear the sobs.

"Elle, I was right. You are my wife. Honey, talk. Don't cry. I didn't mean to make you cry like that. I just want you to come back to our house, honey. I love you so much, Ellena," Lucas whispered.

Only this time he looked that frail. After being proven, it turns out that no one can really hurt him, other than Ellena who suddenly disappeared from his life. Yes, as fragile and painful as he was feeling right now.

"Dear ...."

Lucas did not continue his speech when the phone suddenly cut off. He quickly looked at the phone screen, just to make sure. Turns out the phone was no longer connected.

"Oh, shit!" Lucas cursed and gripped the device tightly. Instantly his hand rose, about to slam the flat object with force. However, he was forced to undo it when he recalled several portraits of Ellena stored on his cellphone. Until finally he just threw it on the bed.

Fairy property is not a problem for him. He also never limits himself and his wife, when he wants to use whatever money he has. To him, nothing is more important than

"Arrgh!" Lucas groaned in frustration as he ruffled his hair. Can't understand why Ellena could avoid him to that extent.

From the bottom of his heart he wanted to be angry with Ellena for having managed to drive him almost crazy thinking about this matter. However, he also didn't want to be selfish.

Until this moment Lucas still believes in his own heart, rather than listening to whatever other people say about his wife's ugliness, including what his mother said.

Instantly he was stunned when he had an idea that would either help him or not? Lucas looked back at the cellphone lying helplessly on the bed. He stared at the phone for a moment, before he decided to reach for it.

Lucas rubbed the screen of his phone, a sign of unlocking the screen. I don't know what he was going to do with the phone, what was clear was that his fingers were dancing on the phone screen. Looks like he's typing something in there. Maybe want to message someone.

After a few minutes, when Lucas was still holding the cellphone, suddenly the flat object in his hand rang again. He immediately checked and it was Adley who called him.

"What's the matter, Lucas? Why are you texting so late?" asked Adley from the other side.

"You're awake?" Lucas asked in response. "You should be sleeping tonight, because tomorrow you will go to a meeting out of town," he protested later.

"I woke up because I heard a cell phone ringing, a call from you.. So, don't blame me if I wake up at this hour, because this is all your own doing, Lucas!" Adley replied denying his friend's words.

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