Wedding Agreement With CEO

Chapter 174 - SHUT UP!

"I woke up because I heard a cell phone ringing, a call from you. So, don't blame me if I wake up at this hour, because this is all your own doing, Lucas!" Adley replied denying his friend's words.

"I just sent a message, how could you wake up just because of a message notification from me, huh?" Lucas asked not believing it.

Yes, according to logic, someone who is fast asleep will not be disturbed just because the message notification sounds very short. If Adley gets disturbed because of Lucas's message notification, it means he's not sleeping well or maybe he really isn't asleep. Yes, such a possibility.

"Oh, shit! The truth is like that, Lucas. How could I lie," replied Adley disapprovingly. "What do you really need to call me in the middle of the night like this? What is the meaning of the message you sent me?" he asked curiously.

"Honey, who calls in the middle of the night like this?"

Before Lucas had time to answer Adley's question, suddenly a woman's voice was heard on the other side. Lucas rounded, as if he knew what his best friend was doing in the middle of the night like this.

"You!" Lucas looked away, furious with his best friend who still took the time to spend the night with the bitch, when he had to prepare for tomorrow's meeting.

"Shh, you shut up, Honey."

Adley was heard whispering to the woman. However, Lucas could still hear it even though it was very faint.

"You can't do it anymore, Adley. I know why you haven't slept tonight. It's disgusting every night sleeping with a bitch. You hypersexual!" Lucas cursed mercilessly.

"You don't curse me like that, Brother. Even if it's like this, I'm still your best friend. You should support me, not the other way around!" Adley protested still able to keep his cool.

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"Don't you love your bird because you have to often go in and out of different nests? He needs a permanent place to live, not just to stop by!" Lucas replied which actually managed to make Adley chuckle.

"You say that because you haven't experienced the beauty of various kinds of heaven on earth. You should just try it once. I think you really need it since Ellena left," Adley teased which suddenly made Lucas furious with a bright red face.

"Shut up!" Lucas said annoyed. "Don't ever instigate me to do those damn things! I'm not a stupid man who likes to plant seeds everywhere!" he said emphatically.

"Ha ha ha!"

Instead of answering, Adley actually laughed at such a response from his best friend.

"Quickly put an end to your madness and go to sleep. I don't want you to be late seeing Mr. Richard. Just watch out if you fail with that plan. I'll cut your wages 75%!" Lucas threatened which of course meant nothing to Adley. This was evident from the way Adley responded to Lucas with a laugh, as if he wasn't afraid of his best friend's threat.

Yes, apparently not this time Lucas threatened to cut Adley's salary. However, in fact never once did that happen, because Adley was always able to complete a task from him well.

"You always annoy me!" Lucas grunted again.

"Come on, Lucas ... don't disturb my fun tonight. I can't bear to see that woman. It seems she already misses touch," Adley said so casually that it made Lucas a little sick to think of the disgusting things his best friend would do with a woman that.

Ah, he shouldn't have whatsapped Adley. If that's the case, he's the one who regrets it. Yes, how not? Buka finds a solution to the problem he is currently facing, but his brain is poisoned by Adley's words.

"Shit!" Lucas cursed again. Feeling angry with his friend's insanity. Ah, just imagining him wanting to throw up, what if every night he had to do the same thing Adley did?

Not! That can't happen. However, he already has a wife who must be guarded against his feelings. He couldn't let that hungry cat instigate him to do something he shouldn't be doing with another woman.

Yes, it is undeniable that as a normal man, sometimes he also yearns for it to satisfy his desires. However, he really only wants to have sex with his wife, not with another woman who is very foreign to him.

In all his life Lucas had only had such an intimate relationship with Ellena. Ah, he misses his wife so much. The woman had really become a new addiction to him. However, unfortunately, this time he could not enjoy his wife's body.

In Adley's eyes, Lucas might seem like a tacky man for limiting intimate relationships with other women. However, for Lucas it was a necessity, where the feelings of his wife would be at stake. He really didn't want to hurt his wife just because of that.

"Quickly end your crazy activities and help me find a solution!" Lucas insisted.

"What solution?" Adley asked looking confused.

"I've already sent you a message. Please read it, don't just look at it!" Lucas said emphatically.

"Okay," Adley replied.

The call ended. Lucas turned off the phone without permission. Oh, that's really annoying. Because Adley suddenly remembered the incident when he first had a husband and wife relationship with Ellena.

Adley had really polluted Lucas' brain. How can he channel the desire that he has been holding back for a long time, while his wife is not at home. Oh shit! He couldn't possibly take a cold shower in the middle of the night like this, in order to neutralize the desire that had been bubbling up asking to be released.

"Shit!" Lucas cursed angrily. "Just watch out, I'll get back at you, Adley!" He added getting frustrated.

Lucas tried so hard to forget all the conversations he had with his best friend, until without realizing it he was finally able to sleep in bed alone.


The next morning, Ellena seemed busy re-checking the files she had prepared for her boss's meeting with a client from Jakarta which would take place today. Even though she had repeatedly checked the files, she still had to make sure that there were no errors. If that happened, maybe Richard would be furious with her.

"Patricia, have you prepared all the files?"

The baritone voice immediately stopped Ellena's activities. She looked up. I don't know how long Richard had been standing in front of her desk.

"I'm re-checking the file, Sir. Maybe in five minutes it will be done," Ellena replied as she moved her hand again, flipping through the sheets of documents on the table one by one.

Seeing that action, Richard seemed to sigh. "How many times have you double-checked the file, Patricia? I don't think you have to go through it over and over again." He reminded her.

"Leave it alone. I just don't want any files to be left behind or you brought the wrong files." Ellena replied with her gaze focused on the documents.

Richard didn't respond. He landed his body on the swivel chair that was in front of Ellena. Wait for the secretary to finish his work.

Richard watched every movement of the busy woman in front of him. A smile suddenly appeared on his face. Ah, it's God's masterpiece that is very beautiful to look at. He even felt reluctant to take his eyes off the face of the beautiful woman he currently admired so much.

"Hurry up and finish your work, we will leave in 30 minutes," said Richard quietly. However, it did not escape Ellena's attention towards him.

"We?" Ellena looked slightly stunned at Richard. "Didn't I already say that I would not be able to attend today's meeting with you, sir?" She added surprised.

Yes, how not? Even though since yesterday she had asked permission not to attend today's meeting. However, why did Richard suddenly say that? Could it be that the man forgot Ellena's request yesterday?

"Yes, you're right, but I didn't give you permission. Agree or not, you must still attend the meeting with me today!" Richard firmly showed that he did not accept rejection, whatever the reason.


"This is an order, Patricia! Wasn't my punishment enough yesterday? Do you want me to transfer your position again to being a wife for me?" Richard's chorus cut off Ellena's words.

Ah, again that man managed to make Ellena die of lice. How could Ellena usually refuse, if the punishment was that terrible. Yes, for her it was more sinister than the death penalty of a prisoner.

Of course she found it more sinister. How could she take it for granted, marrying another man when she was still another man's wife.

"You're always pushing me!" annoyed Ellena regardless of whether Richard was her boss or not.

The corner of Richard's lips lifted, grinning triumphantly. How could Ellena refuse, if she was the ruler in that office.

Once again, Ellena had to swallow the disappointment of failing to avoid Richard again. Yes, maybe she is wrong because she intends to neglect her duties, even though she knows that one of the duties of a secretary is to accompany her boss wherever she goes.

She really didn't mean it like that. It was just that she wanted to stay away and didn't want to be seen with Richard too often. After all, being a secretary was not what he wanted.

"You should be proud to be with me all the time, Patricia. Out there, how many women would want to be in your position right now, to be close to me." Richard said confidently.

However, Ellena only responded with an annoyed chuckle. Reluctantly, she agreed to the boss's request.

Now Ellena and Richard were in a five-star restaurant, waiting for their client to arrive from out of town.

They waited almost a quarter of an hour. However, the person they were waiting for had yet to appear.

Ellena looked restless. This is evident from the way he keeps moving, changing her sitting position. Unlike Richard, who had not stopped observing her all this time. Realizing this, Ellena looked even more embarrassed.

"Why are you looking at me like that, Sir?" asked Ellena, looking at Richard in surprise.

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