What The Luck!?

Chapter 134 - 134. Showing Off Style

"Oh, so you want to show off your lack of strength that bad?" Asher figured that if they weren't going to actually spar he might as well taunt the member of the body sculpting club.

"Like you would know! We can lift way more than you." The rebuttal was weak and Asher couldn't help to press on.

"I would have thought you and your members would have gone to a different camp. Here you have to do real body training. Not the flimsy vanity muscles you have. If you wanted to look pretty just use makeup or photoshop." This hit the boy's ego hard.

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"What would you know? You're was too scrawny looking to even put up a proper fight." The rebuttal was again weak, but it was enough to get Garnet's attention back from the others.

"Fine if you two are going to bicker like an old married couple then, fight!" Garnet announced the beginning and the two finally started in to their fighting stances. Her attention finally forced back on them like Asher's opponent wanted.

Asher had been doing the taunting in hopes that his opponent would just rush at him, but that didn't happen even though he taunted more. His opponent stopped themself before they had gotten too close. The thought of Jarred in the air scared him and he changed strategy. Asher was now watching the boy approach slowly, but there was still obvious mental damage.

Asher decided to test the waters and move forward. He approached and suddenly dropped his level. This was enough to get under his opponents' guard and launch a quick punch. The jab came at his opponent's face but was quickly blocked. It showed Asher that he might be able to get the drop on someone but he needed to push his speed even faster.

His opponent let lose a punch himself. This one was a solid right hook that managed to catch Asher on his arm. The problem for his opponent was that Asher was pushed with significant momentum in to a spin. His off balance appearance gave the impression that he was going to fall making his opponent push towards him.

As Asher started to fall he raised his leg and turned on his heel, this was the start of his wheel kick. His opponent had no chance to slow themselves and was headed right for Asher's incoming kick. All the boy was able to do was clench his jaw and hope that the force was not going to knock him out.

Asher's kick made contact and the boy didn't guard at all, there had been no time. The blow was enough to push him away and stumble, but lucky for him he did not fall. "How lucky. I thought you would be down for the count after that. Feel like trying to hit me again?" Asher taunted the boy, even more, he didn't feel anything major wrong with him after his opponents hit. The fact that his style had him move with the hit caused a lot of the damage to be avoided.

Asher pushed forward taking advantage of his opponent's stunned state. He stepped forward with a great deal of strength and felt his foot slightly slip, instead of cursing he smiled. He believed that this would not be his end, but a major hit.

Asher's foot that slipped caused him to rotate forward. His hand that instinctually came out to balance his body gained a huge amount of momentum. His opponent had no choice but to raise their arms to block. Asher's hit made contact and completely broke his opponent's guard. This left them wide open to his follow up attack.

Asher kept up his momentum and didn't give any room for his opponent to retaliate. His jabs and kicks were coming from every angle he was able to get at. His opponent didn't even have a chance to fall until Asher placed his foot down solidly and started the foot work bounce he had seen in one of the elite home gym system's videos.

The boy who had been so arrogant and angered by Asher fell forward heaving. He had been completely cornered and defeated, he couldn't even admit his loss. "Asher wins" Garnet yelled out then turned to Art, Laura, and Jane. "That is what I coined his rag doll style. That first hit he took caused him to start to fall, but he used the momentum to change the tire of the battle and increase his power. I'm sure you three also saw him slip a little, he tends to do that often but always falls in to a move. Like a ragdoll falling and whipping froward."

Jane and Art were looking at Asher like they had just been introduced to a new person, Asher had somehow built up a style all his own in the last few days. The two had seen the pieces but with the guidance of camp he had put the puzzle together

"Asher, is your arm alright?" Jane had snapped out of her amazed daze and rushed to see how he was doing.

"Should just be a bruise, but my spin took away most of the force. After a quick trip for some bruise reducing cream and a shower in the luxury cabin, it will be gone like it didn't happen." Asher tried to avoid the looks of defeat and annoyance from the defeated body sculpting club, something told him that he would be seeing them in another match.

"You four should head to the nurses' cabin that Asher and Laura have access to. You have my permission to bring your friends." Garnet left them at that and started on another match, she knew full well that there would not be someone with ten wins today. Asher would just end up tiring himself out before real training.

"Oh, no. You don't think Lapis will be there?" Asher looked at Laura who had the same worry. If the two of them met here they were sure to be bandaged mummies within minutes. Even worse they might fall victim to the chicken robot again.

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